Fragment shaders on the geforce fx


I have noticed that certain drivers from nvidia have provided huge increases in certain benchmarks on their fx generation of cards. This got me wondering if these increases are from general optimizations to their compiler tech or if they have been hand coding specific shader that get used as replacements for specific shaders when they detect them. One way I can think of to figure this out would be if a developer of one of these affect apps would rebuild their app internally and just see what happens if they change a few instructions in in their shaders (hey worm[Futuremark] are you listening?). The reason I'm curious is I want to know if when I develop my game if I need to contact nvidia's devrel to add a few specific shaders to their driver or if I can just expect it to run at full speed.

And if a developer goes through the trouble of modding thier shaders might as well try this on a 9700 to see if it affects them.