Aye, the main reason I dropped this game off my list is that despite having a great character developement system, a decent combat system, and what appears to be a somewhat decent harvesting and crafting system, at the end of the day the game is completely and totally ruined by the absolutely horrible console inspired UI.
The UI was obviously designed in an attempt to make it as easy to use as possible on console, however, for an MMO, using that same UI meant that the game (on PC) was extremely crippled compared to any of the good MMO's (F2P or paid) on the market. Lack of customization options, inability to have simultaneous windows open, inability to customize chat windows, etc. all lead to a very frustrating and tedious experience.
For example creating macro's for the game for job switching is absolutely essential unless you want to spend half an hour swapping gear and skills everytime you switch jobs. However, when creating a macro you can't have your inventory or skills screen open. Meaning you must write down everything on a piece of paper ahead of time and make sure you got the spelling correct. Or constantly go back to main menu, go to inventory or skills (to look up name of item or skill), go back to main menu, go to macro menu, go to macro, edit macro, input new change, go back to main menu, go to inventory or skills, etc... I'm getting frustrated just typing that out.

That gets tedious when you have to update said macro's everytime you upgrade gear, or gain a level and get new skills. Especially when you are encouraged to have and will have multiple jobs (classes) by the EXP system that is in place (fatigue). You can't even have multiple macro windows open in order to just copy certain things from another macro. Or if you just want to make sure that certain shared skills are on the same hotkey button across multiple jobs.
On consoles it's a necessary evil perhaps as everything must be accomplished via the console controller. On PC however, it's enough to kill any possible enjoyment of the game. And that's just one example of where the UI (not the gameplay) makes the game incredibly tedious.
As I tell my other MMO buddies. Great game, or at least great potential, ruined by a horrible UI.