female be with thy female partner, and reproduce"!!!

Wixard said:
If someone properly follow any major religion (islam, christianity, judiasm etc.) then they would be quite a nice honest person.
you forgot to include the word "properly" although I'm actually not so sure about judaism... I have yet to come accross jewish teachings that state "treat non-jews as fairly as jews" but, of course, that could very well be because I havn't studied the religions teachings very much, only it's history.
Wixard said:
But since it did happen. There has to be God.

why? Thats like saying if x = 5a and a = 3 then y = 7

also we don't have laws, we just have models which are based on experiments and we cannot recreate the conditions of the big bang or even anything close yet.

There are several theories for creating something out of nothing and in fact current particle models do allow, say, a positron, electron and a photon to appear out of nowhere on the grounds that they reannihilate each other quickly enough to be within the uncertainty principle.

We also don't know that the bigband had to have appeared from nowhere, it may have just be a incredibly dense lump of matter that spontaneously went pop.
If someone properly follow any major religion (islam, christianity, judiasm etc.) then they would be quite a nice honest person.

Crusades anyone?

Thing is, just because we don't know how it occurred doesn't mean god exist. I'd rather honest theories rather than some gigantic 'x-factor' which god supposedly represents.

Although trying to get back to the subject, doesn't the feeling of not being required for the continuation of the human race make any of the blokes feel just a little bit weird?
Wixard said:
Cartoon Corpse said:
i understand your question. but why don't you think i haven't considered at all, that i haven't pu this in MY equation? you speak with authority about things you don't know. then you start hating and killing people. that is your 'love'. your response has nothing convincing in it. why do the sheeple kill so much?

This kinda throws me off. Im not speaking with "authority" Im speaking with certainty.

I dont hate anyone. Although theres quite a few people i dont like.

If im understanding you right, you're saying religion causes hate and violence. Yes that argument is very valid. But far more violence has been caused from money and lust for power than anything else. Bar none.

If someone properly follow any major religion (islam, christianity, judiasm etc.) then they would be quite a nice honest person.

Its when people twist the idea to their own end that we have problems.

sorry about that. having some internet problems (and a couple scotches that night)...got kinda ticked at an apparent explorer hijacking...probably said things due to being in a rant mood. coulda worded things much differently. apologies.

heathen: yeah i take all that into accounts as well. crusaded, witch trials, spanish inquisition, etc.
Cartoon Corpse said:
Wixard said:
Cartoon Corpse said:
i understand your question. but why don't you think i haven't considered at all, that i haven't pu this in MY equation? you speak with authority about things you don't know. then you start hating and killing people. that is your 'love'. your response has nothing convincing in it. why do the sheeple kill so much?

This kinda throws me off. Im not speaking with "authority" Im speaking with certainty.

I dont hate anyone. Although theres quite a few people i dont like.

If im understanding you right, you're saying religion causes hate and violence. Yes that argument is very valid. But far more violence has been caused from money and lust for power than anything else. Bar none.

If someone properly follow any major religion (islam, christianity, judiasm etc.) then they would be quite a nice honest person.

Its when people twist the idea to their own end that we have problems.

sorry about that. having some internet problems (and a couple scotches that night)...got kinda ticked at an apparent explorer hijacking...probably said things due to being in a rant mood. coulda worded things much differently. apologies.

heathen: yeah i take all that into accounts as well. crusaded, witch trials, spanish inquisition, etc.

Sorry to take so long to reply, been busy working.

I forget where we were and i dont feel like reading. Ill just say im right end of story! :LOL: (or not, take your pick)
On the subject of forcing two egg nuclei together, it's no surprise it took them so many attempts, and that there's no guarantee that the resulting offspring won't have some massive problems later on.

Research has shown that there are a lot of very subtle mechanisms set up to guide the very first cell divisions in an embryo, and slamming a second nucleus into the first it not one to spare the molecular paint job.

Eggs have complex guide paths and chemical cues for aligning genetic material, and the male nuclei, for all the relative simplicity of the sperm, have complementary mechanisms for following those paths. Two femal nuclei would probably in most cases behave as if they were expecting a male gamete's payload to wend its way to them, and would only act on a female nucleus if severely stressed.

I think it would be more likely that science would figure a way to make gestation redundant before making paternity irrelivant. If they can make the womb-omatic, then both the mother and the father wind up having similar amounts of effort in child-making.
Wixard said:
the earth cooling at *just* the right time, the planet having *just* the right amount of gases/water and the earth being *just* close enough to the sun to support life

Well I do believe it is fairly certain now that there was once life on Mars, maybe still is. I do believe that Venus, Earth, and Mars all sit in the habitable life zone. Only Venus has this pesky little global warming problem at the moment, and Mars needs a little global warming.

Then we come to the topic of Europa, Enceladus, and now Titan that are all hypothesized to have good chances of supporting life as well.

So that gives us how many chances, that we know of, does that give us in just this solar system alone? How about all the other solar systems being discovered on a regular basis, how many chances are there going to be in those systems as well?

I dunno like a few people pointed out, while life may really be a long shot as far as the odds go, there is certainly no shortage of chances for it.

Wixard said:
....So lets say theres a big bang, then we get to steven hawkings turtle. "the earth sits on a turtle."..... "well what holds up the turtle?"

Same as "the universe began with a big bang"........"what started the big bang?"........"the big bang" Its looping logic.

Unfortunately that whole religion/god thing is not any better. The Big Bang theory and the other scientific theories at least base themselves on tangible observations. Not some random book(s) that claim something with no basis. Not saying any of them are necesarily right, some just look a whole lot more believable than others.

Long story short...

Same as "God made the universe"........"what made God?"........" Its looping logic.
Killer-Kris said:
Wixard said:
the earth cooling at *just* the right time, the planet having *just* the right amount of gases/water and the earth being *just* close enough to the sun to support life

Well I do believe it is fairly certain now that there was once life on Mars, maybe still is. I do believe that Venus, Earth, and Mars all sit in the habitable life zone. Only Venus has this pesky little global warming problem at the moment, and Mars needs a little global warming.

Then we come to the topic of Europa, Enceladus, and now Titan that are all hypothesized to have good chances of supporting life as well.

So that gives us how many chances, that we know of, does that give us in just this solar system alone? How about all the other solar systems being discovered on a regular basis, how many chances are there going to be in those systems as well?

I dunno like a few people pointed out, while life may really be a long shot as far as the odds go, there is certainly no shortage of chances for it.

Wixard said:
....So lets say theres a big bang, then we get to steven hawkings turtle. "the earth sits on a turtle."..... "well what holds up the turtle?"

Same as "the universe began with a big bang"........"what started the big bang?"........"the big bang" Its looping logic.

Unfortunately that whole religion/god thing is not any better. The Big Bang theory and the other scientific theories at least base themselves on tangible observations. Not some random book(s) that claim something with no basis. Not saying any of them are necesarily right, some just look a whole lot more believable than others.

Long story short...

Same as "God made the universe"........"what made God?"........" Its looping logic.

Well thats the whole point. No matter what theory/belief you have, the chain of events started at a point. It had to. God is what someone called the "X" Factor.

My point wasnt to show how improbable it is for life, i do believe life, in whatever form is floating/crawling around the universe. My point was to show how improbable it was for the universe to be here, and for us to be debating God. Why would any sentient being not want to believe in an afterlife? What purpose is there to it? That gives me evidence of "faith" (a requirement of christianity, specifically, but also a requirement of other religions)

Assuming all religion is something only cavemen have, and more "advanced" people feel its beneath them is a mistake.

At this point its the only "theory" that has evidence, and the only one that can completely explain everything. If we cant possibly comprehend a surpreme being, i dont think its possible at all to reduce the idea to "improbable" status.

Now that doesnt mean islam/christianity/etc is more correct over another. But i do think God exists. Whether hes what major religions say is a differant story.
"My point was to show how improbable it was for the universe to be here, and for us to be debating God."

It is ridiculous, in the cosmic sense, that the existence of God is debated. The fact of the matter is that all people know that God exists.
Cartoon Corpse said:
well the chicks just made 'his' bestest creation, 'man', obsolete right?...

i doubt Tomohiro Kono is a chick :p .

If a woman has the capacity to and equipment to replicate their pointless procedure then she will have to resort to other method to reproduce.

I fail to see any importance in these findings. Didn't the sheep "clones" use a method of parthenogenesis of eggs "fertilized" by existing genetic material a sheep? No one is running about chanting cloning has rendered parents obsolete.

From what i have read i wouldn't be suprised if this couldn't be replicate on other forms of life so easily.

It won't be to long woman's cherished position of incubator is removed. :D
Cartoon Corpse said:
hmm. well im pretty convinced a bunch of dudes wrote the bible thing. not a god. and frankly, either way, im looking for something more in a 'god', much better, much easier, or nothing at all. i didn't ask for this monstrosity that murderer calls 'love'.

Well, a bunch of dudes also developed what we call society.

Female spiritualism is mainly sexual and fertility mythos.

at this point 'paradise', to me, would be oblivion, no more getting shoved around by gods (cataclysms, germs, diseases, predators, defects), governments (wars, laws, opinions), religions (more rules, threats, wars, pretense), chicks (obvious).

We share similiar ideas about religion.

Honestly i find women as much a frustration as judaism/christianity ever was for me. Both are far to emotionally out of control :D
Does anyone find it funny how these threads get hijacked?

Maybe B3D should have a 9/11 style hearing on thread hijackers and how the mods didn't see it coming. :LOL:
Wixard said:
Well thats the whole point. No matter what theory/belief you have, the chain of events started at a point. It had to. God is what someone called the "X" Factor.

Time, like Space, is part of Creation. 'Beginning' and 'End' have no meaning outside our universe!
regener8 said:
"My point was to show how improbable it was for the universe to be here, and for us to be debating God."

It is ridiculous, in the cosmic sense, that the existence of God is debated. The fact of the matter is that all people know that God exists.
Hmmm... I never have seen God in person. I mean, I see him on the Priceline commercials and The Practice all the time, but still, that can be faked.
regener8 said:
"My point was to show how improbable it was for the universe to be here, and for us to be debating God."

It is ridiculous, in the cosmic sense, that the existence of God is debated. The fact of the matter is that all people know that God exists.

:oops: HUH??

Sorry maybe i should rephrase that... HUH? :oops: