female be with thy female partner, and reproduce"!!!

Except it took 200 tries to get one embryo that survived to pup-hood.

God bless science. It'll do wonders someday.
Yes it will, we just may end up ending all life on Earth because some idiot decided it would be fun to create a super virus.

Maybe Bush might piss off the wrong terrorists and they will use the super virus against America. ;)

I'm sure in the end Bush will be blamed for everything.

God bless science. It'll do wonders someday.
heh heh. i know a bisexual chick biologist (PhD). you just knew it was going to happen. well that pretty much blows 'god' out of the water doesn't it? you go girl!

no more picking out curtains for guys! woohoo!
well the chicks just made 'his' bestest creation, 'man', obsolete right? :D doesn't that knock him off the top of the hill? of course, we haven't gotten 'his' input on the matter yet, but then, we haven't heard much from 'him' at all to my recollection, on anything. why should this be different? :LOL:

maybe, at least we can get some answers from 'him' now. who he likes, doesn't like, etc. it's getting pretty 'hairy' down here in the arena.
Cartoon Corpse said:
well the chicks just made 'his' bestest creation, 'man', obsolete right? :D doesn't that knock him off the top of the hill? of course, we haven't gotten 'his' input on the matter yet, but then, we haven't heard much from 'him' at all to my recollection, on anything. why should this be different? :LOL:

maybe, at least we can get some answers from 'him' now. who he likes, doesn't like, etc. it's getting pretty 'hairy' down here in the arena.

Well he did write that bible thing. Its pretty clear. :p Not to sound like a bible thumper but if you wanna hear what he has to say just "seek and you shall find" (cliche'd)

As far as cloning mice from 2 female parents its well...The time should be put to working on disease, caners etc. Then again this may lead to newer research.

It really isnt much differant than having a surrogate mother or going to a sperm bank. Still amazing what can done however.
hmm. well im pretty convinced a bunch of dudes wrote the bible thing. not a god. and frankly, either way, im looking for something more in a 'god', much better, much easier, or nothing at all. i didn't ask for this monstrosity that murderer calls 'love'.

at this point 'paradise', to me, would be oblivion, no more getting shoved around by gods (cataclysms, germs, diseases, predators, defects), governments (wars, laws, opinions), religions (more rules, threats, wars, pretense), chicks (obvious).

i theoretically should be able to opt out, im guessing, unless im just a stone god toy/prisoner type of object, in which case 'love' has nothing to do with it.
Cartoon Corpse said:
hmm. well im pretty convinced a bunch of dudes wrote the bible thing. not a god. and frankly, either way, im looking for something more in a 'god', much better, much easier, or nothing at all. i didn't ask for this monstrosity that murderer calls 'love'.

at this point 'paradise', to me, would be oblivion, no more getting shoved around by gods (cataclysms, germs, diseases, predators, defects), governments (wars, laws, opinions), religions (more rules, threats, wars, pretense), chicks (obvious).

i theoretically should be able to opt out, im guessing, unless im just a stone god toy/prisoner type of object, in which case 'love' has nothing to do with it.

Well the bible was written by men but inspired by God. Im no bible thumper but i do believe in God and i figure a couple things:

If there was no god we wouldnt exist. How did i come to this? well, a few reasons. What are the chances of a universe being made, the big bang happening at *just* the right time, the universe expanding at *just* the right speed, the planets aligning themselves at *just* the right spot, the earth cooling at *just* the right time, the planet having *just* the right amount of gases/water and the earth being *just* close enough to the sun to support life. Infact the chances of having this conversation are astronomical. So astronomical its probably a number i cant even comprehend.

Then you have other things thrown in, in short order laws of the universe are constructed that allow us to exist. Space itself allows it. Its one giant house of cards, and to improbable to predict. But apparently the chance of everything is 100%, then again thats more philosophical.
Wixard said:
If there was no god we wouldnt exist. How did i come to this? well, a few reasons. What are the chances of a universe being made, the big bang happening at *just* the right time, the universe expanding at *just* the right speed, the planets aligning themselves at *just* the right spot, the earth cooling at *just* the right time, the planet having *just* the right amount of gases/water and the earth being *just* close enough to the sun to support life. Infact the chances of having this conversation are astronomical. So astronomical its probably a number i cant even comprehend.

Or possibly it's a probability of 1. If it wasn't then we wouldn't actually be here to have this discussion. We can't tell.

Or it could be that there was/are/will be (delete as appropiate) a great many number of failed or different (still able to produce life, just not us) universes so just like a royal straight flush in a straight 5 card deal is very unlikely, deal 5 cards a few billion times and you'll get one or 2 of them pop up. They're independant events though so won't have any knowledge of all the failures that went before or are to come.
hmm im a student of infinity. this planet and life is not a remarkable coincidence at all! out of trillions of stars each in hundreds of billions of galaxies. in infinity we're here cause it happened. if it didn't we wouldn't know it. i bet a whole lot of strange things are 'out there' in those other galaxies...

it may have been remarkable id there about 50 earths in our same orbit around the sun, but spaced out...and fun too.

anyway infinitely speaking what occurred here is not astonishing at all.

course im not denying a 'god' i simply do not know (frankly don't care i don't think). i certainly don't want to spend eternity with the folks who 'know' they're going to heaven. had enough of that.

if there was a god and he loved us and he was omni-allthat, he could have done a much better job, with little extra effort. in fact if he was infinitely powerful, he could have created the earth and stars in an instant, not 6 days. and we wouldn't need any rest. wonder what he did on that day?
Cartoon Corpse said:
well the chicks just made 'his' bestest creation, 'man', obsolete right? :D
What version of the Bible were you reading? As my wife likes to say, "In the beginning God created man. Then God, she said 'I can do better than that!' and created woman." :)

oh one other point. i find it astonishing (biblicly) that he created all those galaxies and stars in 1 day...then spent the rest of the week on 1 stupid rock. packing it with horrors and retards.

vtc: yeah i put the 'he' stuff in quotes. figured some chicks might still complain even though i just said they pwned god! chicks sheesh. :LOL:

Sage: lol. i wonder what his fantasy was then!?
actually, if you read the bible closely then you'll see that in numerous places it states a day in Gods kingdom is not the same as a day on earth. This makes it not unreasonable to believe in both the bible and evolution- God created the world as we know it through evolution over billions of EARTH years, which were only days to god. You could even go so far as to say that we are still in the 7th day and he's still resting, that's why we don't hear from him very much.
are you saying the ratio of 1 day to 6 days is differen too? regradless of the possibility 1 day = 1 billion years to him and he didn't bother to mention that. still my point was 6 times longer to make this freak show as opposed to trillions of stars in hundreds of billions of galaxies (just for us to look at?), no to mention what contains all that (infinity...the universe IMO).
Cartoon Corpse said:
are you saying the ratio of 1 day to 6 days is differen too? regradless of the possibility 1 day = 1 billion years to him and he didn't bother to mention that. still my point was 6 times longer to make this freak show as opposed to trillions of stars in hundreds of billions of galaxies (just for us to look at?), no to mention what contains all that (infinity...the universe IMO).

Motives of why God decided to make billions of everything isnt something worth trying to comprehend. Then you start to get into the whys and hows, which we'll never know.

By our own reasoning its possible to calculate "what ifs". Its impossible to determine how old the universe truely is (although there are theories) Its enerally accepted to be started at the big bang. Was it a refresh? Cant say. But what we can say is that long ago, out of thin air a catalyst started a bang. Its impossible to determine what that catalyst was. But since it did happen. There has to be God. Our laws (at least presently know) Dont allow for the creation of matter out of space. So at some point those laws were either not in place or broken. (or we dont understand them enough to a reasonable point. "

So lets say theres a big bang, then we get to steven hawkings turtle. "the earth sits on a turtle."..... "well what holds up the turtle?"

Same as "the universe began with a big bang"........"what started the big bang?"........"the big bang" Its looping logic.

Basic laws are obvious. Gravity, motion etc. What isnt obvious is what kind of structure causes those laws to be, how that structure began, and how it continues to exist. and for some reason it just went on strike one day and allowed the universe to come into being.
i understand your question. but why don't you think i haven't considered at all, that i haven't pu this in MY equation? you speak with authority about things you don't know. then you start hating and killing people. that is your 'love'. your response has nothing convincing in it. why do the sheeple kill so much?
Cartoon Corpse said:
i understand your question. but why don't you think i haven't considered at all, that i haven't pu this in MY equation? you speak with authority about things you don't know. then you start hating and killing people. that is your 'love'. your response has nothing convincing in it. why do the sheeple kill so much?

This kinda throws me off. Im not speaking with "authority" Im speaking with certainty.

I dont hate anyone. Although theres quite a few people i dont like.

If im understanding you right, you're saying religion causes hate and violence. Yes that argument is very valid. But far more violence has been caused from money and lust for power than anything else. Bar none.

If someone properly follow any major religion (islam, christianity, judiasm etc.) then they would be quite a nice honest person.

Its when people twist the idea to their own end that we have problems.