Far Cry 4

Has anyone tried using the co-op keys that come with the PS4 version? Apparently the second player can DL a version to play co-op for two hours.
The game lacks polish in spots.

Aside from some odd physics here and there it seems like the internal systems are having trouble keeping up sometimes. I have seen multiple "statue" NPCs where their animation has not loaded as well as cases where the NPC seems to be lagging. For example, well after a completed "karma" event I had an NPC suddenly wake up, turn away from me and thank a tree for helping them. I also encountered some NPCs chilling around a fire and ignoring me suddenly back away startled, presumably reacting to some event that happened previously (I think I had shot a badger nearby a bit before).

The canned NPC behaviour of repetively shooting guns in the air with infinite ammo is awful. It often makes it impossible to know whether you are being attacked or where the event / activity you are trying to get to is because there is gunfire everywhere, constantly. The old issue of "square for swap weapon / square to loot" is still present in Far Cry 4 and there seems to be issues with the proximity detection for action prompts (objects not consistently triggering the prompt or it flashing in and out of focus). In an early mission there is a window you need to jump through into a burning building for which the jump action would not trigger properly for me despite repeated attemtps (took several minutes and many tries before it finally let me do it).

Damage is hard to guage - a single arrow shot from a distance will take down a wild boar but one from up close does little to nothing. Sometimes enemies are bullet sponges and sometimes not (same enemy type, same weapon). So far, the vertical landscape makes it harder to do cross country exploration compared to Far Cry 3 due to the number of unscalable rock faces. Early in the game I encountered an unfun mechanic where my wallet was full but so was my loot bag which meant I could not sell anything because I could not hold any more cash.

Those things said, there is a lot of game here. Hopefully Ubisoft patches it up to smooth out the rough edges.
Not sure how to tag members, I thought we could on the new forum. But for all it's worth, @Billy Idol , I think I found the issue that might just apply to us with the Panny plasmas, but the game has the option for brightness and it invites us to move the slider until the elephant image is barely visible. Well that's totally rubbish because I moved the slider all the way down until I could barely se the image and the game was way too dark. Leaving it at the default, middle placed value, then everything looked much more believable and less dull.
No idea why that is.
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Overall after 15 hours of gamplay (including 3 hours of co-op) I find the game very stable considering how much stuff is happening in the world. I encountered zero gameplay damaging bugs, only a few harmless oddities.

Those rocks...I really want to touch them!


Are they using material based rendering? I dont find the materials as convincing as in some other games but it does look good nevertheless
I think they do. And if they don't, it's all pretty convincing.

Fur runs into weird issues due to the anti-aliasing, it's as if you have a giant fan strapped to your head any time you get close to a furry animal.

Managed to have an enemy get directly underneath me while I was crouching on top of a box in a corner inside a building. I did not see the enemy come in, I just suddenly started getting shot with no one in sight. It wasn't until I started flailing around trying to figure out where I was being shot from that I realized I was semi trapped on top of them (could not aim down enough to hit them either).

Switching to classic controls for the copter and vehicles makes things a lot more comfortable.
Not sure how to tag members, I thought we could on the new forum. But for all it's worth, Billy Idol, I think I found the issue that might just apply to us with the Panny plasmas, but the game has the option for brightness and it invites us to move the slider until the elephant image is barely visible. Well that's totally rubbish because I moved the slider all the way down until I could barely se the image and the game was way too dark. Leaving it at the default, middle placed value, then everything looked much more believable and less dull.
No idea why that is.
Just put an @ symbol in front of the name, the software will automatically give suggestions as you're typing as well @London-boy
Thanks London-boy! I'll try it out today. I also played around with the gama curve setting of my Pana plasma: 2.2 seems to be the default value, which is like a PC screen iirc. Is there a better value to choose? What is the typical TV gama curve?
Yes, the default vehicle controls are awful. I'm finaly out of the start area, boy this game is big. It's a bit daunting. Oh ya, love riding the elephants!
Parallax Occlusion Mapping? Those rocks do appear in "3D" when you move.


Some artifacts are hard to find. They only paint on the map their general location. Here I still didn't find the hidden statue.

Yup - looks to be POM.
Perfectly straight lines at the geometry edges give it away (plus aliasing when the angle gets very steep @ edge of some bricks).
Not sure how to tag members, I thought we could on the new forum. But for all it's worth, @Billy Idol , I think I found the issue that might just apply to us with the Panny plasmas, but the game has the option for brightness and it invites us to move the slider until the elephant image is barely visible. Well that's totally rubbish because I moved the slider all the way down until I could barely se the image and the game was way too dark. Leaving it at the default, middle placed value, then everything looked much more believable and less dull.
No idea why that is.

I had gamma issues with FC4 (X1) on my
Samsung plasma as well. The elephant slider is useless.
It's a very good implementation of PoM, Noticeably less texture stretching after the extruding point, probably due to the stones being very close to each other and quite varied size/shapes.
I had gamma issues with FC4 (X1) on my
Samsung plasma as well. The elephant slider is useless.
Thanks for confirming. It seems that the default, middle value is the best way to go, and we should not follow the 'slide down till you can hardly see the elephant' notice.
I gotta say this game makes me think of Skyrim. Which I find mind bendingly curious. I like its setting and story more than Far Cry 3 so far too. The AI is entertainingly insane too but that's not new.

My old 2GB 6950 runs it really well on High preset at 1080p. Beyond that and the memory usage will get too high and hitching gets extreme. One suggestion to improve the common frame rate stutter issue is to set Max Buffered Frames to 1 (instead of 0) in the config XML in MyDocs. FarCry3 had this right in the game menus...

Apparently this is still based on the Dunia engine from FarCry2?? Some small improvements I guess lol. Crytek watch out.
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Just started playing this properly (aside from about 10 mins on launch day) and I'm really enjoying it. Typical Far Cry, though, tons of mechanics which unlock before tutorial missions explain them so if you're an explorer like me you find things that are "broken" like the grapple points before you get the grapple itself. And I fast travelled a lot only to be later told "fast travel is now unlocked"(!).

Already unlocked all four weapon holsters and upgraded a few items of kit so I'm good to hit to story :)
Played for 30 minutes (on my pc) or so the otherday, game crashed to desktop and I promptly uninstalled it. Guess I'll wait for a few more patches before attempting to play it again.