Far Cry 4

Can someone tell me the difference between FC3 and FC2? I found FC2 boring after a day or two because I didn't find the game all that engaging. But I have heard nothing but good things about FC3 and people are seriously hyped about FC4. I want to give the game another chance but worried its more of the same.

Is there something that makes FC3 more than just your typical sequel of a sequel. If so, what has changed for the better?
Can someone tell me the difference between FC3 and FC2? I found FC2 boring after a day or two because I didn't find the game all that engaging. But I have heard nothing but good things about FC3 and people are seriously hyped about FC4. I want to give the game another chance but worried its more of the same.

Is there something that makes FC3 more than just your typical sequel of a sequel. If so, what has changed for the better?
Well I didn't play FC2 so I might not be the best person to explain this, but for what it's worth FC3 was up there in the top 3 games I played in the last generation. It was one of those rare gems that gets everything just right, but most importantly it was a f'kin load of fun.
That's all!
Apart from it being a open world first person shooter, Far Cry 3 has nothing in common with FC2. The mercenary angle is gone, the malaria is gone, the responding checkpoints are gone, the ever-jamming guns are gone, the rescue buddies are gone.

Wildlife is now a much bigger part of the basic gameplay in Far Cry 3, wildlife is unpredictable for the most part but you can lure human enemies and wildlife enemies into each other. You'll also find you have to hunt wildlife and complete some hunting challenges in order to upgrade your equipment.

Far Cry 3 is better in every respect. The locale is more varied the enemies are more interested, the gunplay is better. I loved Far Cry (the original) and have completed it many times, I've completed Far Cry 3 twice but gave up on Far Cry 2 on the second map. The gun jams, malaria, uninteresting story and re-spawning checkpoints just wore me down.
Can someone tell me the difference between FC3 and FC2? I found FC2 boring after a day or two because I didn't find the game all that engaging. But I have heard nothing but good things about FC3 and people are seriously hyped about FC4. I want to give the game another chance but worried its more of the same.

Is there something that makes FC3 more than just your typical sequel of a sequel. If so, what has changed for the better?

I didn't play FC2 but what I found the most fun in FC3 is the whole open world aspect with its emphasis of unpredictability in many, many moments when you just explore the world and do different stuff outside the story missions.
Can someone tell me the difference between FC3 and FC2? I found FC2 boring after a day or two because I didn't find the game all that engaging. But I have heard nothing but good things about FC3 and people are seriously hyped about FC4. I want to give the game another chance but worried its more of the same.

Far Cry 2 was about gritty realism (I can't think of another game that has achieved the same atmosphere and humanism since) while Far Cry 3 focuses more on the sandbox mechanics (which it excels at).

If the things you disliked about Far Cry 2 were the respawning checkpoints and Malaria type mechanics, then you may like FC3 /FC4 as they try to focus more on fun than setting. The story in Far Cry 3 however is awful and you are forced to play story missions to open some of the map. Not sure about FC4 but it looks like more of the same. Also, it is VERY Ubisoft so if you have played Watch Dogs or AC you will find some game mechanics eerily familliar. Far Cry 3 also greatly reduced the impact of fire so if you liked that in FC2, it is nowhere near as useful or fun in FC3 (not sure about 4).

Personally, I feel FC2 was a classic game with geat writing and unique mechanics let down some by tech limits of the time. FC3 is a great game let down by horrible writing (to the point of being offensive). Not sure where FC4 will sit but it appears to be almost identical to FC3 (based on streams) so it will depend on how obnoxious and invasive the story is this time around as to where it fits in with the other games in the series.

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Looks like PlayGo is going to rear its ugly head tomorrow - thought everything was installed and ready to go? Ha, jokes on you!

The actual size of the pre-load is about 3.8GB so that's a lot more game that's gotta download before you can fully play it.

Personally, I feel FC2 was a classic game with geat writing and unique mechanics let down some by tech limits of the time.
I don't think piss vision and labyrinthine Africa are really tech limits...... ;) It also had that problem with voice acting being soulless and turbo speed. Apparently the actors couldn't wait to be done reading those lines.

You're right that it's clear they wanted to make a game that went into the humanitarian situation in Africa. I don't think it worked out very well however. Part of the problem is the difficulty in making a mass market game that explores these issues, particularly a shooter with a high-action brand name. That doesn't explain the cheesy labyrinth+guardstation design of the game world though.
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Well what to say. The IQ is something beautiful. Only ISS gave me this almost super sampled look. The first time you are given control of the character after the initial cutscenes, I actually went WTF out loud cause I couldn't believe that IQ carried over to the playable part. And then Ajay said it too, like half a second later! For a moment I thought some kind of voice control was at play but it was just a hilarious coincidence.
I stayed up until 2am last night playing, and this is going to be a long day!!! And yes, this is FC3 but bigger and I'm fine with that!
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Mine's out for delivery. Grrrr. Still.. GTA V :)

I'm in Michael's mansion, sat on his sofa in first person mode, watching some cartoon about space marines and watching the sun through the curtains gradually crawl across the floor.
So having seen this look really rough at eurogamer my minimal interest was completely gone....however...last night I caught a streamer and thought I'd have a watch - wow, the game looks awsome. I had read it was locked 30 @ 1080p and my it's a looker.

What I loved was it seemed there was just random stuff going on, battles between people you come across on and seem to be able to take sides...I saw this guy mokalov a rhino and the area in question burnt out, trees losing their leaves. He also found some reckage in a lake and stumbled on a couple cooking up some poor soul for dinner (I guess!)?

I only watched 10 mins before Walking Dead and 10 mins after but it looks like great fun...will look out for a copy at some point for sure (if GTA hadn't just come out I'd get it in a heart-beat).
Very happy to see that the unpredictability from FC3 is still here!

Once you have finished the Act 1 you are free to go anywhere (apparently) and invite/be invited by anyone (friends, randoms) in co-op. It works very well, and I did several stuff (free hostages, activate a radio tower etc.) in co-op.

You can easily send different messages to you partner, he can join you in vehicles, even in the gyrocopter (BTW that gyro is awesome!), and can reanimate/be reanimated in co-op mode, which is really useful.

If you completely die failing to be reanimated by you partner, you enter in a third person view of your partner and can even move the camera around him before being automatically reanimated in the game after some time.

The co-op mode is literally what you'd expect from "co-op open world gameplay".
Just finished the prologue and boy oh boy does it look awesome, this game possibly has the best and most dense foliage to date and well complimented with nice lighting, high res textures everywhere, flawless LOD, shadows and nextgen fur shaders. The scale really does stretch out as far as eyes can see yet still packed with detail. The kind of feeling I get from it is almost like first time playing Killzone SF and Infamous SS, sharp, clean and nextgen as hell. I wish there's a photomode patched later on coz man this game needs it:).
it's amazing - esp. considering it's multi-platform...and also the first attempt this gen, imagine what we could be getting down the line!! :)
Yeah definitely bodes well for future titles, this is also what I call an ideal balance of design ambition and presentation, I hope future Ubi titles are as refined as FC4 is.
I've downloaded the game (preloaded) and just played the prologue. But now the game says that it cannot proceed because some content is missing...a screen is shown stating 33%

The file size of FC4 is already at 27gigs...does anyone knows what is going on??
I've downloaded the game (preloaded) and just played the prologue. But now the game says that it cannot proceed because some content is missing...a screen is shown stating 33%

The file size of FC4 is already at 27gigs...does anyone knows what is going on??

Did you check under the actual Game install, sounds like another 5GB download, and then you need the rest (some 27-28GB) to go on.
Did you check under the actual Game install, sounds like another 5GB download, and then you need the rest (some 27-28GB) to go on.
Thanks! I did check the actual game install...27gig was already alocated, but the actual data which was downloaded was much smaller...stupid way of doing preloading imo!

The download speed is suuuuuuper slow...I hate PSN.
I played about 30 minutes yesterday, just to see the graphics, and was very impressed. From the HUD it looks like their are throwing knives which I really came to like when playing Metro Last Light and 2033.