Far Cry 4

Does the game run pretty fluidly on the consoles?
On ps4 it's a pretty constant 30fps with the odd very slight slowdown when the game is obviously streaming something in the background. All of which is quite amazing given the level of detail in every frame. I have not seen such pretty trees in a game, ever. I think.
Yeah it looks similar to Crysis 3 on PC, I'd say. It is very pretty. It also runs very smoothly on NV hardware.
Yeah, a bit confusing. Someone with the game has to send you a key, and then you get a 2 hour budget for playing co-op with someone else who has the full game.
So does the game take a while to get into a rhythm? I played it for the first time tonight, for a few hours. It already is starting to feel kind samey - the locations don't feel especially varied. Does the game mix up the mechanics as you progress? Etc.

Pretty much right away I was able to buy one of the better weapons from FC3 and get the good bow (actually, buying and upgrading the bow was the first thing I did after the prologue)
So I watched some FC4 videos...and even in this videos, I have the feeling that everything is a bit to dark (watching on my apple thunderbolt display)...so this might be really a choice from the devs for this particular game. Weird, that I have the same issues with Driveclub.

Other than that...I am really impressed by the graphics of this game. It really astounds me how dense everything feels...and the IQ is near flawless to me. I hope that their HRAA method is being used in more games from now on...it seems to be quite an efficient solution combined with 1080p.
I have keys left!

If you do, I'd like a quick co-op game - I also downloaded the "demo" thinking that I'd be able to play. I'm travelling Thursday / Friday though, but could have a game on the weekend or next week if you're free and have available keys?
Yeah I'm taken with my bff/ex/now lesbian who's visiting from Italy (LONG STORY) so I won't be playing until next week anyway. I'll send it next time I'm on. Do I have you on my psn friends list?
Ubi missed a trick with this game. Should have called it "F4r Cry"... or "4 Cry" :D

I know I'm probably late with the dry gag, but I couldn't resist.
Yeah I'm taken with my bff/ex/now lesbian who's visiting from Italy (LONG STORY) so I won't be playing until next week anyway. I'll send it next time I'm on. Do I have you on my psn friends list?
Yeah, I think so; I'm Jeebsters.

Edit: thanks!
Wait how does it work, will you have to play with me if I give you a key? Cause it would be simpler of you could play multiplayer with anyone. Not sure whether they restrict playing with the person who gives you the key.
I have absolutely no idea! I downloaded it and it stated something about getting a key. I'd presume it would have to be with the person providing it, but i don't know.
Do think you can play with anyone that has the full game but not entirely sure.
So does the game take a while to get into a rhythm? I played it for the first time tonight, for a few hours. It already is starting to feel kind samey - the locations don't feel especially varied. Does the game mix up the mechanics as you progress? Etc.

I've not progressed much into the campaign although I've sunk maybe 10 hours into the game with around four of those hours being OCD chest collecting and general exploration. There's been no re-gearing of fundamental game mechanics for me thus far although your play style can become more varied as you get better and better weapons. Certainly more and more types of side mission begin to open up which is good, unless you view them as just a distraction.

For me the appeal is that the basic mechanics - exploring, hunting, evading and varied ways of tackling opponents - is just so good. I can easily see myself spend a lot of time clearing out all of the areas in the south, east least. By then I may have had my fill and press on with the core story.

Pretty much right away I was able to buy one of the better weapons from FC3 and get the good bow (actually, buying and upgrading the bow was the first thing I did after the prologue)
Same. The recurve bow is crazy overpowered even with the standard sight. And if your eye for distance is good, there are there are some trophies for very long distance clean bow kills. I get a lot of satisfaction for stealth killing - using lures (rock throws) to separate enemies, or throw bait and have critters run riot while I pick off people in the confusion.
Yeah but when you get to the second main area the bow no longer gives you those very convenient one-hit kills so it becomes a lot harder to sneak and kill everyone without them noticing. Add to that the sudden spike in difficulty where you take massive damage from one single shot and every enemy seemingly transforming into an x-ray-vision equipped mutant, it gets tough. And also throwing meat for the odd tiger to help you out becomes useless as they gun the poor beast down before it can take down the enemies.

It feels quite unbalanced but maybe I'm just a crybaby.