fallen angels : Xenon , Nin Revolution..


Yeah any professional publication that calls Nintendo's next console the "Revolution" deserves to be fake, or put out of business. N5 was fine, "Revolution" is just feeding the fanboys frothing at the mouth.

Yet you have no problem with people calling PS2's CPU the Emotion Engine, I wonder why. Personally I still prefer N5 but considering Nintendo themselves code named the system Revolution why shouldn't anyone feel free to use the name?

Strange though, GameCube doesn't have any FPS like RTCW or UT...

Not sure what you mean by "FPS like RCTW or UT" but GC certainly has plenty of FPS's:

TimeSplitters 2
James Bond 007: NightFire
Red Faction II
Medal of Honor: Frontline
Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast
James Bond 007: Agent Under Fire
Medal of Honor: Rising Sun
Judge Dredd: Dredd Versus Death
Turok: Evolution
Serious Sam: Next Encounter
Die Hard: Vendetta

Some really good ones coming soon to GC as well:

Call of Duty: Finest Hour
TimeSplitters Future Perfect
Second Sight
Is "Revolution" a name that Nintendo gave to their work-in-progress next gen console? If it's not, and it's a name the journalists gave it, then those journalists are stupid.
Teasy said:

Strange though, GameCube doesn't have any FPS like RTCW or UT...

Not sure what you mean by "FPS like RCTW or UT" but GC certainly has plenty of FPS's:

TimeSplitters 2
James Bond 007: NightFire
Red Faction II
Medal of Honor: Frontline
Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast
James Bond 007: Agent Under Fire
Medal of Honor: Rising Sun
Judge Dredd: Dredd Versus Death
Turok: Evolution
Serious Sam: Next Encounter
Die Hard: Vendetta

Some really good ones coming soon to GC as well:

Call of Duty: Finest Hour
TimeSplitters Future Perfect
Second Sight

I am aware of those FPS, I have some of the games in your list in my possession. ;)
My point was however that we haven't seen any FPS games from ID software, nor FPS games from Digital Illusions, nor games from Grey Matter Studios, nor FPS games from 3drealms, nor FPS games from Epic on GameCube. This makes it hard to believe the next Nintendo console, and not the next Sony console, would get this game (if it were to exist).
Blah, I don't like the Timesplitters games at all. I really don't see what people think is good about that series.

Iwata mentioned Revolution as a code name for the next system at E3.


Things change from generation to generation. The page is obviously fake anyway though so...


I actually feel the same about Halo. I liked TS2 for a few reasons, one of the main ones being that you got a good reaction from enemies when shooting them.
Evil_Cloud said:
My point was however that we haven't seen any FPS games from ID software, nor FPS games from Digital Illusions, nor games from Grey Matter Studios, nor FPS games from 3drealms, nor FPS games from Epic on GameCube. This makes it hard to believe the next Nintendo console, and not the next Sony console, would get this game (if it were to exist).

Those teams do not work on the ps2 either.

I actually feel the same about Halo. I liked TS2 for a few reasons, one of the main ones being that you got a good reaction from enemies when shooting them.

I tend to rate first person shooters on how good the combat is. Halo had really good A.I. and combat, and the timesplitters series hasn't. The shoot him in the foot or groin, and watch him react is too gimmicky for me. I don't know if you can get a better reaction from an enemy when you shoot him with a rocket, other than he's disintigrated or goes flying through the air and ragdolls when the body hits the ground, but that's just me.
Yet you have no problem with people calling PS2's CPU the Emotion Engine,

Well the *CPU* is called the Core EE so calling it Emotion Engine would be somewhat appropriate... Besides, what else are you going to call it?

I don't think enemy reactions in FPS's are a gimmick. After all, shoot someone in real life with a normal gun and you can bet they won't stand there unaffected, firing back at you, until they suddenly get hit enough and drop dead. They will react to each shot. I just feels its unrealistic if you shoot an enemy and they can freely shoot straight back at you until they get hit enough to die, there's a terrible arcadeyness to that sort of thing IMO. Although it has to be said that I certainly don't mind that sort of thing for a multiplayer FPS game like BF1942 were there are 40 people running around frantically shooting at each other :) But for a single player mission based FPS I expect decent reactions from my enemies.

BTW yeah rocket launchers don't need this type of thing because they kill first time with most enemies in any game. What I can't stand is an enemy not reacting to a shot, and again to another, and again to another, then suddenly bang they've died.


Well the *CPU* is called the Core EE so calling it Emotion Engine would be somewhat appropriate... Besides, what else are you going to call it?

I didn't say people shouldn't call PS2's CPU the Emotion Engine. What I was saying was if Zurich has no problem with people using code names like Emotion Engine then he should have no problem with a code name like Revolution either
well for one thing it's a game and it's about gameplay instead of how real or gimmicky it can be. Like I said, I liked Halo for the combat and AI, which was fantastic. The timesplitter games are far too gimmicky for my tastes just an example (oh, there's an explodable crate or barrel right next to the guys I'm shooting at, I wonder what happens if I...) bleh, that and the silly foot hoping when you shoot thier feet is what I call gimmicky. If you shoot a guy in the groin, he probably shouldn't shoot back at all, he'll be in far too much pain.

Anyway, it's like i said, combat and AI rule supreme in first person shooters. I never really saw anything I liked in those areas in the timesplitters games. Besides, unless your using a sniper rifle, the chance you'd be able to shoot someone in the arm or foot are pretty much zilch. Especially if they are moving around.
The reaction you get from an enemy when you shoot them is part of combat though. For instance it pisses me off no end if I get the first shot in on an enemy and they can turn unaffected and rain bullets at me. It makes the combat seem so arcadey. If I get the first shot in I should have the advantage, the enemy should be stunned and off balance for a moment. There's nothing gimmicky about adding detail and realism to a game IMO. AI also comes under the catagory of realism and yes I think its also very important and that's one area which TS2 was lacking. I don't know, perhaps the level at which most current games have been able to portray enemy reactions is a tad basic. Perhaps because of that it can be seen as gimmicky, but to me its anything but, especially when its done well.

I'm not sure, but I think Goldeneye's enemy reactions were actually quite a bit better then TS2's (might be wrong as I haven't played both for a while). SoF was a game I loved, great enemy reactions, not just how they reacted but how there bobies reacted as well. Shotgun to the shoulder and there arm would come off. Same to the elbow and half there arm would come off :) Same for legs, head ect and even there guts would spill if you shot them in the stomach :devilish:
The reaction you get from an enemy when you shoot them is part of combat though. For instance it pisses me off no end if I get the first shot in on an enemy and they can turn unaffected and rain bullets at me. It makes the combat so arcadey and basic.

well for one thing, you can't really sneak up on the majority of AI enemies in Halo aa they react far too quickly. Second, you're fighting aliens that are far tougher than humans in Halo, so it makes sense that one shot won't kill them and they can take quite a lot of punishment.

I don't know, perhaps the level at which most current games have been able to portray enemy reactions is a tad basic. Perhaps because of that it can be seen as gimmicky, but to me its anything but, especially when its done well.

Well gameplay reigns over realism anyday in my book. The enemies in timesplitters don't react in a realistic fashion other than teh way they get shot. They don't try and pin you down or circle around behind you, they don't do a whole lot I can recall.
Teasy said:
I didn't say people shouldn't call PS2's CPU the Emotion Engine. What I was saying was if Zurich has no problem with people using code names like Emotion Engine then he should have no problem with a code name
like Revolution either

But that's the chip's name... Or are we all gonna call it Rx000+VU1+VU0+other crap...

Revolution is tacky. Emotion Engine is tacky too...
Evil_Cloud said:
My point was however that we haven't seen any FPS games from ID software, nor FPS games from Digital Illusions, nor games from Grey Matter Studios, nor FPS games from 3drealms, nor FPS games from Epic on GameCube.

Actually nobody have seen a FPS from 3DRealms since... long, long time ago. ;)

Duke Nukem 4ever jokes are so 1998, anyway. :LOL:
london-boy said:
Teasy said:
I didn't say people shouldn't call PS2's CPU the Emotion Engine. What I was saying was if Zurich has no problem with people using code names like Emotion Engine then he should have no problem with a code name
like Revolution either

But that's the chip's name... Or are we all gonna call it Rx000+VU1+VU0+other crap...

Revolution is tacky. Emotion Engine is tacky too...

Well atleast calling the EE the, well, EE, had some semblance of style. Besides, that is the chips actual name, not a codename. Giving a console a codename of 'Revolution' is just a tacky marketing gimick.

Well I think realism in a FPS has a large effect on gameplay. As you said AI is important for gameplay and that surely comes under the catagory of realism (you could even say enemy reactions are part of AI). BTW I didn't say enemies should be killed by one shot, only that one shot should effect then, it should knock them off balance and stun them a bit. After all if your shooting someone, and each shot isn't even enough to stun them or effect them at all how on earth will it eventually kill them?

Obviously this kind of realism isn't as important to you as it is to me ATM. But I think you'll change you mind on it as it develops in the future and becomes much less basic and scripted.


But that's the chip's name... Or are we all gonna call it Rx000+VU1+VU0+other crap...

Revolution is tacky. Emotion Engine is tacky too...

Which is exactly my point. I'm not sure why some people aren't getting this ATM. As I said in the comment you quoted, I'm not saying anyone shouldn't use the name Emotion Engine. I'm merely saying that if someone has no problem using that name for a CPU they should also have no problem calling a future console by its current name either (Revolution).

Well atleast calling the EE the, well, EE, had some semblance of style. Besides, that is the chips actual name, not a codename. Giving a console a codename of 'Revolution' is just a tacky marketing gimick.

So Emotion Engine isn't a marketing gimmick at all is it not? Emotion Engine is just a very fanciful and far fetched marketing name. Revolution may end up as as very fanciful and far fetched marketing name as well. But the fact is they are both officially given names. Wether they're code names or an "actual name" makes absolutely no difference at all. Basically there is no possible reason you can give that makes one of these names ok to use and the other not ok to us.