Soul Calibur 4 (yes, SC FOUR~IV) for Xenon and Revolution?

Teasy said:
Well Kolgar we'll see how right you and Namco were when SCIII releases on PS2. If it sells closer to what SCII sold on PS2 alone (1.35 million worldwide) instead of what the game sold on all three platforms (4 million worldwide) then your theory didn't work out..

Makes sense at first, until you consider that without a dramatic graphical or gameplay upgrade - the game IS still on current-gen hardware, after all - SCIII likely won't be met with as much anticipation and enthusiasm as was SCII.

And I'll certainly agree that other factors, such as the dearth of "real" fighting games on GC, contributed to the impressive sales numbers on that platform. Likewise, the glut of good fighters on PS2 may have dampened sales on that platform. But given that SCII sales numbers were comparable across all three platforms - despite the immense size advantage of the PS2 install base - I still think a significant number of PS2 owners purchased other versions of the game (I know I did).

I could be wrong, and perhaps we'll never know. So I'll just say thank you for the discussion and leave it at that. :)
Total sales for SCII were three times that of PS2's own sales for the game though. So if all those same people have PS2's then the fact that its only available on that system should more then make up for any lowered interest in the game compared to SCII. Which is why I'll agree with you if the game sells around 2.6 million or more on PS2.

BTW I can't wait to see what all this incredible content is that meant Namco couldn't make the game multi-platform. I still think it comes down to an exclusivity contract personally.
Teasy said:
BTW I can't wait to see what all this incredible content is that meant Namco couldn't make the game multi-platform. I still think it comes down to an exclusivity contract personally.

The main addition is the create your own character feature. Don't know the detail yet, it will probably something like dress up your character with different assortment of items like something in VF4. But maybe you can create or edit moves and stuff like Fighter Maker. Or somewhere in between, where you can choose weapons and fighting moves from some sort of library.

What ever it is, I think they ran out of idea. They should just create a new fighting game franchise IMO.
Why create a new fighting game franchise when they already have two very strong, succesful franchises?

Tekken is a no weapons fighting game, Soul Calibur is a melée fighting game, that'll pretty well cover all types of fighting they want to add.
They can add new characters and fighting styles to both games.

There's already been much variations in Tekkens for example; TAG introduced the "tag" function, Tekken 4 had no more those circular arenas and it had uneven surfaces and interactive environments, etc...
True, these aren't innovations that had not been done elsewhere, but it shows there is room in the exsisting franchises to add and change that you don't necessarily need a bran new franchise.

If they created a new franchise they'd just call it a different name, with brand new, unknown characters, a little different fight engine and controls... but I don't think there'd be enough to justify yet another figting franchise.
rabidrabbit said:
Why create a new fighting game franchise when they already have two very strong, succesful franchises?

Every franchise has its own life cycle. It will end eventually. Its not just about innovation. Its just the way most franchises are.
rabidrabbit said:
Tekken is a no weapons fighting game, Soul Calibur is a melée fighting game, that'll pretty well cover all types of fighting they want to add.

Well, for one i'd like to see an almost-photoreal Celeb Deathmach with Mariah Carey fighting while holding her puppies in Central Park fighting against Whitney Houston surrounded by fog (err... smoke)...