In summary. 10/10.
Invest in Albion, its inhabitants and its history; embrace the power you’re afforded to shape yourself and the world around you and Fable II is an astonishing achievement. It’s not an easily definable, singular vision but an impressive, unparalleled attempt at empowering the player in ways no other game has before. While individual elements might struggle to shine on close scrutiny, it’s their harmonious integration that makes Fable II such a captivating, unforgettable experience. Yes, it breaks little new ground by traditional RPG standards but no game has come close to offering the kind of surprising, compelling, emotional immersion that permeates Fable II. It’s a game that rewards experimentation and exploration, not dogged single-minded persistence, in subtly brilliant ways. And while it’s true that my fat, greedy whore-killing hero has probably had his time in Albion, the world’s constant flux means the game still has other stories to tell – and I’m looking forward to hearing them all.
And now I have the CE in my hot little hands. Now just another 5 hours of work before I can get home to play it.
Wow at Eurogamer. I'm of the camp that loves Eurogamer reviews, along with Edge's reviews, as the most important in the industry.
Not banned. We just don't want every other game thread turning into a review debate (and we just know what would happen here with a certain other game from the Other platform right about now without this policy ), so a thread was created for discussing reviews and how much people hate/agree with them.Wow at Eurogamer. I'm of the camp that loves Eurogamer reviews, along with Edge's reviews, as the most important in the industry. The 10 and 9 scores really make my jaw hit the ground here. The nature of reviews has been debated (and banned?) ...
I've spend 3 hours just messing around and scratching the surface and already I can tell you this will be better than Oblivion and Mass Effect (my favorite game from last year). The way the world is around you and reacts because of you, is amazing. People know you and you even get to know them. I need to get some sleep that way I can keep a clear head tomorrow when picking which gypsy to nail and making sure I bag up!
Did you play Fable 1? How does it hold up?
As to the villagers knowing you, Fable 1 had this 'title' system. So if at some point you chase chickens enough, you'd get the 'chicken chaser' title and villagers will see you and go 'Oh look, it's the chicken chaser!', for instance. Anything like that, or more granular?
Um, in fable 1 i recall having to buy those titles, it didn't really have anything to do with you chasing chicken?