
Thanks for that video. Wife loved it. Though she was a bit sad face to hear that it's a PS3 exclusive. Is their a price for the game? Will it come with the camera too? Might be one those games that makes us jump for a PS3, but not till it's less than $300.

Tommy McClain
I can kinda see the appeal, and it is a great tech showcase, but I think I'd get bored real quick and I'd be surprised if other people didn't (but then I haven't tried other pet games, so maybe this is a good implementation?). Specifically I look at things like the draw-a-toy demo that look cool, but every time the plane is summoned, the player grabs the controller and it spirals up into the air. That is' it! Once the novelty factor has worn off, what do the toys etc. offer by way of entertainment?

Aside from that, I presume the lighting will clash, messing up composition. Is there any calibration option to match the rendered graphics with the camera source? You could certainly get the white-balance. You could also create a hack ambient lighting texture by grabbing the background scene
I'd assume it's like other pet games (Nintendogs ...) and rewards the player for treating their pet well simply by showing them a happier pet. It's based more on your caretaking instincts than it is on traditional game characteristics (which to me are learning and executing within new rulesets, mostly).
I agree they should go further with the sketch recognition. I assume the player can control the plane and vehicle he drew ? If so, there should be some sort of mini-games for us to toy with. It would be a tremendous waste of opportunities if the developers stop at simple animation.

EyePet would be a good place for Sony to do the sketch-based home media search I mentioned repeatedly. Have the pet do the search and if it's wrong, blame it on the critter. :p

They can even show the intermediate analysis so the players could see the photos/videos classification from the critter's (i.e., the algorithm's) perspective.

The other area is the network of EyePet owners, like sharing of user drawing (ha ha, I know, I know). Perhaps, they can do a custom pets in Home (like what Phil Harrison mentioned before). Have the pets be scriptable by the user in Home would be cool.
You can see the lighting composition breaks down. The car remains illuminated in the thick shadow. It's quite convincing in the light otherwise.
My local Gamestop says the game has been delayed to April 6. Is this a Gamestop computer blunder or a news news ? ^_^

Did a quick search, I haven't found or heard of any delay yet.
There are already "unpacking" videos... I have high doubts, that they will delay the game by half a year, when it is basically finished (and was basically finished at E3 already).
Its possible they want to add PSMC functionality heavily and launch it with the device. Doubt it though.

Maybe just a mistake when it was announced that EyePet supports the PSMC at launch, that the game would therefore be a PSMC launch game - understandable (from a not-totally clued in retail manager point of view), since it uses the PS Eye camera that's also central to the PSMC.

Does this mean that we have a launch date for the PSMC though? 6 April 2010? :p
Yap, it's delayed for US. Gamestop computer was right.


"The North American territory has decided to take additional time to focus on the EyePet product and can confirm it will not be available this holiday," an Sony rep said in a statement. "EyePet is an innovative and exciting new IP to the PS3 platform and SCEA marketing will spend additional time to continue educating customers and retail channels, setting the table for a successful product launch."

Wow, I got the news earlier than everyone else. ^_^
Probably incorporating the new controller.

It falls in the same period as Free Realm PS3 release too.
Probably incorporating the new controller.

It falls in the same period as Free Realm PS3 release too.

If they only delay it for the US but not for EU, then it's entirely possible that they did a market analysis of current PS Eye penetration, and found that in the US the PS Eye hasn't been sold sufficiently to carry the product properly. Instead they probably think they'll sell more when the PSMC releases and brings the PS Eye to a wider audience, and have some synergy with the PSMC release.

On the other hand in the EU there are probably enough PS Eyes sold, with the original EyeToy also being quite popular in Europe.

EDIT: EU release reconfirmed for 23rd of this month, and Eurogamer has review copy already.


My kid already loved the video of it, so will be interesting to see if he can manage to interact with it.