The demo man takes a piece of paper and a marker pen and separately sketches the component parts of a simple aeroplane - the wings, the body and the propeller. He writes "ELLIE" on the body. He then uses the magic card to select a material to make the plane out of. There are obvious options like wood, plastic, cardboard, newspaper and plastic, but you can also choose from fantasy materials like fruit.
He holds the paper up to the camera and three exclamation marks appear on-screen to signify the pet recognises the drawing. The pet produces his own sketchbook, sticks a pen in his mouth and starts drawing - specifically, replicating the shapes on the real-life piece of paper. The virtual shapes float upwards, turn 3D and come together to create the plane. It's not quite perfect - the propeller is a little off and "ELLIE" looks more like "FI IF" - but it's instantly recognisable as the plane our human friend just drew. The pet jumps in the cockpit and starts zooming around, controlled by the DualShock. The background changes to blue skies and fluffy clouds appear along with brightly coloured balloons, which the pet starts popping.