
No, the link before that one mentions that you'll be able to get it both with and without the camera. So don't worry about that. ;)
It is meaningless to stuff the market with unused peripherals. Sony doesn't necessarily earn more with the bundled camera. They want/need people to experience PSEye games, as opposed to letting extra webcam rot in dumps and cabinets. Offering 2 versions is the only right solution (unless they bundle PS Eye and a decent app with every PS3).
Hmmm, just thought of something else. Does anyone know if it'll come with more than 1 of those magic cards?

I know my nieces and nephews are REALLY good at losing stuff and tearing/cutting stuff when you aren't watching. :p

More EyePet from Kotaku. They showed their drawing up close in the video.

Link has another video that shows the X-ray feature in more detail.

Hmmm, just thought of something else. Does anyone know if it'll come with more than 1 of those magic cards?

I know my nieces and nephews are REALLY good at losing stuff and tearing/cutting stuff when you aren't watching. :p

If I were Sony, I'd be selling cards with different pets on 'em. I'd LOVE to bring my white cat back if they can make a convincing virtual one.
Hmmm, just thought of something else. Does anyone know if it'll come with more than 1 of those magic cards?

I know my nieces and nephews are REALLY good at losing stuff and tearing/cutting stuff when you aren't watching. :p
You could scan them into your computer and print off replacements whenever you need them.
If they go that route, they might as well get PS3 to print directly to Bluetooth and USB printers also. ^_^

If they want, they could experiment with the critter's ability to send/output virtual objects into the "real world" (e.g., printing, sending XMB attachments, upload to website).
Can't you already use wireless printers with the PS3?

I seem to recall a printer option in the system settings.
It does support a few printers. I don't know if any of them are wireless though. And interesting, I hadn't realised print support had been expanded beyond Epson:

PS3 FAQ said:
Epson Printers
The following Epson printers are compatible with PLAYSTATION 3 system software update version 1.8 and higher.

If you require further assistance with these Epson printers, please refer to Epson Customer Support.

Canon Printers
With the latest PLAYSTATION 3 system software update, the PLAYSTATION 3 system can be used with a limited number of Canon printer models. Please visit the Canon website for further information.

HP Printers
With PLAYSTATION 3 System Software update 2.50, a selection of HP printers can be used to print directly from the PLAYSTATION 3 system. Please use the following link for further information.

How to Print

If you would like to know how to configure the PLAYSTATION 3 system to use a USB printer, please view the information on how to print images.
One interesting thought I have is how Sony could use this to be one of the first games to feature head tracking.

From the limited demos I have seen (ok maybe it was just the Wii video with the targets) it looked simple enough to implement without much more power being needed from the console. The game already requires the use of the camera so those who buy the game are already going to have the ability to use that feature if some inexpesive glasses are included.

They give this sense of augmented reality but if they took it a step farther using some simple head tracking I think it could make the "pet" seem more real. Bundle in some inexpesive glasses for single person use and have an option before the game starts if they would like to use head tracking or if a group of people are going to be playing/watching.

I mean when the pet interacts with objects, be it toys like the ball or even treats your feeding him your head and eyes are already going to move to follow those objects. Having head tracking used during that time could would make everything on the screen kind of "pop" wouldn't it?
You can do head tracking without 'glasses' as the face provides enough datapoints to track. Unless you mean a 3D display?
Glasses could be cumblesome in this game. I am not sure about head tracking because this is likely a group/family game. Adjusting to one person's perspective may not be friendly. I guess they could do it for THE kid.

Facial (identity), expression (e.g., smile) and profile (glasses/no glasses, estimated age) recognition may be worthwhile. EyePet also supports gestures for interacting with the menu and pet. I think the crown jewel is still the sketch recognition. Hopefully they dwell deeper into this awesome technology.

Voice recognition in this case is a wild card. Since the subject is an animal, if the voice tech didn't work (Too fast, heavy accent), people are less likely to blame on the software. Still frustrating though.

Can't you already use wireless printers with the PS3?

I seem to recall a printer option in the system settings.

Yes, that's why I mentioned PS3 printing. Looking at Arwin's post, it seems that printer support may be limited. I haven't tried it myself personally.
I am still of the opinion that head tracking is something that won't be widely implemented by any system, and isn't very user friendly. I'd have to try it, but my "guesstimations" lead me to believe it's just not a pleasant experience.
Unpleasant? Why do you think that? It's very natural and something people expect to happen, hence people moving to change view when playing games without head tracking. Should be very good.
Probably need a different kind of game. Sony applied it to a Q&A mini-game demo (Nod to indicate "Yes", shake head to indicate "No"). Not very impactful IMHO.

But head tracking could be interesting with 3D TV. The "Magic Mirror" augmented reality app from Toshiba could track head movement at 100fps.
Unpleasant? Why do you think that? It's very natural and something people expect to happen, hence people moving to change view when playing games without head tracking. Should be very good.

People do it because it's natural to do in real life. When you are staring at a fixed display that cannot move, turning your head to "look around" is a jarring experience. It creates more problems than it solves. This really isn't the thread for this though, lol, I'm sorry for the derail, I just wanted to throw in my two cents!

That said, I wanted to get this for my GF, but I showed it to her and she had little interest, lol. She's never interested in games though.
EyePet should be more attractive to kids.

The other head tracking use would be for robots and motorized PS Eye.
Yeah, I was just about to say - girlfriends aren't kids, they often like different things. My wife likes Home more than most things, the walking around looking however you like, the clothes, the men following you around, etc. ;)
Actually, if the PS3 can use head/face tracking to detect my son's position and tell him to sit further away from the TV, it'd be a good start.

EDIT: Or may be to detect that the player has looked away, and demand more attention; or perhaps pause the game.