enter 'Hollywood' - ATI's Graphics Processor for Revolution

see colon said:
i remember an interview where julian ( i think, been a long time) was asked what the weakest part of the gc hardware was and he said geometry processing.
That's funny, considering they probably got more polys per second out of the hardware than any other dev during the entirety of its life. And that was with a launch title. :LOL: I guess there's no pleasing them.
Tysan said:
Why do people think that 'Hollywood' will be less powerful or advanced than Xbox2 ATI GPU?

* Work for Revolution GPU started way before MS joined Ati.
* Revolution will be released way after Xbox2

IMO 'Hollywood' GPU will be at the very least as powerful and advanced as Xbox2 GPU, having more time to design it and releasing next year point to that scenario.

Maybe graphic power wil not mean anything next gen, but Im sure a lot of people is going to be surprised with 'Hollywood'

Oh and Im really satisfied that Revolution being backwards compatible, as a nice bonus we now know that aside from the inovative controls, standard control will be there for sure.

Awesome news without doubt...

Microsoft knows graphics technology. Chances are Microsoft went to ATI asked what they had and then asked for specific features. Videocard companies do work closer with Microsoft because Microsoft is the developer of DirectX.

You also have to consider Microsoft is willing to lose alot of money on their console. Nintendo is all about creating cheap hardware.
Microsoft knows graphics technology. Chances are Microsoft went to ATI asked what they had and then asked for specific features. Videocard companies do work closer with Microsoft because Microsoft is the developer of DirectX.

You also have to consider Microsoft is willing to lose alot of money on their console. Nintendo is all about creating cheap hardware.
Nintendo knows hardware . They have been creating games for as long as microsoft has been making operating systems . It be silly to think otherwise and you can bet nintendo asked their in house devs (Some very famous ones btw ) what they wanted in the next gen systems and what they wanted to acomplish and went to ati adn said this is what we had , this is what we need , we want you to get as close as possible or exceed this for as cheap as possible .
Megadrive1988 said:
indeed, there is no doubt work on Revolution (and probaby Hollywood specifically) began well before work started on Xenon. Revolution was probably in development even as the original Xbox was still being designed. (2000-2001).

How could that be, by that time even GC hadn't launched. That seems too far fetched.
Deepak said:
Megadrive1988 said:
indeed, there is no doubt work on Revolution (and probaby Hollywood specifically) began well before work started on Xenon. Revolution was probably in development even as the original Xbox was still being designed. (2000-2001).

How could that be, by that time even GC hadn't launched. That seems too far fetched.

Perhaps he meant work on the PS3? :p

If 'Hollywood' GPU is fabbed in NEC, it may be able to have more eDRAM than the Xenon's GPU.
ecliptic said:
You also have to consider Microsoft is willing to lose alot of money on their console.
Are they? They lost a hell of a lot on XB1, and everything we've seen so far on the hardware licensing details indicates they don't want a repeat of that.
Fodder said:
ecliptic said:
You also have to consider Microsoft is willing to lose alot of money on their console.
Are they? They lost a hell of a lot on XB1, and everything we've seen so far on the hardware licensing details indicates they don't want a repeat of that.
Let me just correct one thing

All we have seen is that they don't want to loose that much over a sustained time period .

THey want what sony did . Have a system that started out expensive but to scale down in cost quickly . It also seems like they have that .

The main factor in the xbox bloated price was nvidias graphics chip and the fact that they were making them and then selling them to ms . Which means the price of that part never scaled down .

It seems like this time they can go where they want for the cpu fabbing , where they want for the gpu fabbing thus reaping the benfits of better yields and lower micron process .
Re: enter 'Hollywood' - ATI's Graphics Processor for Revolut

Megadrive1988 said:
*R420 | R480 (in current Radeon cards)
*the upcoming R520 aka Fudo (SM 3.0 tricked out R300 core)
*the totally new Xenon | Xbox Next VPU (R500 or R5XX) which is based on a new architecture, the never-seen R400.
*the R600 for PCs, which should have SM 4.0 support, is based on Xenon |Xbox Next R500 | R5XX architecture, but will be even more advanced given the timeframe it is coming out in, probably after the new Xbox, and it will cost more.

This isn't all correct. BOTH of the next-generation parts from ATI and Nvidia are SM 3.0 based designs; not completely new. Nvidia atleast should have this new generation out in PC cards this year. It is known for a FACT that the graphics chip in PS3 is based on this next generation design from Nvidia, with unknown modifications. If Xenon launches this year, it will almost assuredly use the next-generation design from ATI, which again is a SM 3.0 part, with unknown modifications. Who knows what "Hollywood" will be, but it is also likely be built off the next-generation SM 3.0 part from ATI. The next-NEXT-generation SM 4.0 part is inexorably tied to the development of WGF 2.0/DirectX 10/Longhorn, and considering how long "Hollywood" has been in development and the need to get out dev-kits ASAP, it seems unlikely any of that technology will make it into Revolution.
V3 said:
I hoped with BC doesn't mean that Broadway is a faster clock, multi core version of Gekko and Hollywood is not a 16-32 pipes version of Flipper. :?:

Me too. I'm hoping BC is implemented with a single low power GCN chip that can also be used in GCP. GCP could use this new chip with Elpida's SSR memory. :devilish:
Everybody comes to Hollywood
They wanna make it in the neighbourhood
They like the smell of it in Hollywood
How could it hurt you when it looks so good?
Shine your light now
This time it's got to be good
You get it right now
Cause you're in Hollywood
jvd said:
Launch x mass 2006 usa with mario 128 , a new lugi mansion , a new resident evil , get a final fantsy game a full line up of sports a few out there games like animal crossing 2 with ds link up through wifi and a pikiman 3 .

haha... I wonder how long that dirt "fight" will last if they're going to fight PlayStation well-known franchises with Mario, Luigi, Toad, Princess and Co. :LOL:

Seriously, people thinking Nintendo will succeed in anything by fighting the PlayStation brand-name with a kiddy history are delusional beyond belief.

PS: Thinking Final Fantasy will be launching on anything other than where its core userbase is (the PlayStation platform) is an insult to Square and their ability to make viable decisions. Capcom and the Resident Evil 4 fiasco is a great example - just wait til the most likely sloppy port faires better a year later on PS2.
Phil said:
haha... I wonder how long that dirt "fight" will last if they're going to fight PlayStation well-known franchises with Mario, Luigi, Toad, Princess and Co. :LOL:

Seriously, people thinking Nintendo will succeed in anything by fighting the PlayStation brand-name with a kiddy history are delusional beyond belief.

PS: Thinking Final Fantasy will be launching on anything other than where its core userbase is (the PlayStation platform) is an insult to Square and their ability to make viable decisions. Capcom and the Resident Evil 4 fiasco is a great example - just wait til the most likely sloppy port faires better a year later on PS2.

Not to play Devil's advocate, but Square have switched before and i'm sure they could do it again, if they feel they can make money with someone else. They're already multiplatform afterall. Not saying it WILL happen, but i'm not even saying it WON'T 100%. :D
Phil said:
PS: Thinking Final Fantasy will be launching on anything other than where its core userbase is (the PlayStation platform) is an insult to Square and their ability to make viable decisions.

<sarcasm on>
You mean like the time Square moved from the largest gaming platform where its core userbase was to a new-comer console with no userbase that fitted there vision of gaming more...

God moving to Playstation 1 was such a bad decision, I wish you were running Square back them to stop them making such a horrible mistake... <sarcasm off>
^^ I thought someone would bring that up... but when they did switch, PlayStation was on an uprise, had technological advantages (cd-rom) and with that less royalty fees and more freedom. There was a bloddy good reason to switch from the SNES onto the PlayStation brand. As history showed us: PlayStation ended up the dominant console - NOT the Nintendo one.

Name me ONE reason why a sain company that has made millions on the PlayStation brand for 2 generation in a row to switch onto any other console next generation, that

- is a far distant 3rd or 2nd in the console race
- holds around 25% or even less of the market
- doesn't have the userbase that ensured the series brilliant success over the last 2 generations
- isn't expected to be the next market leader
- the console doesn't hold the image that suits the software you want to sell
- probably won't even have sufficient space and maybe higher royalities on the medium unless they use HD-DVD or Blu-Ray as its default

Seriously, the PlayStation brand is the dominant factor this generation. Unless big stuff-ups happen, this won't change over night. There's absolutely no reason to believe any company has any reason to exclusively move any of its franchises.
Well now that i think about it, BlueRay will make them very happy. :devilish:
But really, Sony was a new entry, totally unproven and they only had promises. Square bought into it, and they got what they deserved (lots of success).
If MS or Nintendo can prove to Square that they will be a major player, Square will release games on their platforms.
Like Namco went multiplatform, like Sega went multiplatform. To be honest we've seen much more shocking things in the past than FF going multiplatform in the future.