Endless Space

Got a bit of a learning curve to it, that's for sure. My first playthrough on n00b mode lasted for a few hours, but my society imploded from being unhappy that I expanded so fast. Many of my systems went on strike so that I couldn't produce anything, and then came the pirates. I couldn't produce anything to fight them with, and the AI were all "suspicious" of me or worse, so I eventually gave up.

Second playthrough on n00b mode I stayed within only a few stars to keep folks happy and dug through my knowledge tree, but I couldn't churn through enough research to keep pace with the AI. I eventually got far enough behind that I gave up.

Third time is the charm I guess, but only because I hopped online to get some help. Went for broke on food, researched the tree more evenly (but spent a bit more time on the western / left edge to get things like Colonial rights and Infinite Supermarkets pushed through to make the colonies happy), grew the empire quickly and weathered most of the approval bumps. That game probably lasted 12 hours; I eventually won by killing everyone else.

Findings thus far:
Battles are uninspired; I only played through maybe TWO battles in "manual" mode. Right before battle, the little 'bar graph' that weighs the two sides is meaningless. Border skirmishes when you don't "own" a system yet can be irritating, especially if you aren't trying to get into a war. Pirate battles are pretty stout even on n00b mode, but they do prompt you to get moving on your shipbuilding.

On n00b mode, the random events seem to be generally more helpful, but even then they're still irritating. I'd probably just turn them off.

Heroes can be important to battle fleets, but their use in systems appears (so far?) to be limited -- most of the 'high level' power ups are specific to battle rather than economy.

Just like any game of this type, your society can be a pain in the ass to keep happy. There's always a trick to it, I just haven't entirely figured it out yet on this one. Food is a big component, but that's assuredly not all... Everyone in space apparently hates expansion, or so I'm told. Is there any space faring race that LIKES expansion?

Well, anyway, I'll get my $10 out of it for sure. I do enjoy playing, but it has some weak spots.
The left side of the tech tree is the most important imo, for all the techs that keep your peeps happy. Eventually you can get "expansion disapproval" down to a negligible effect. I agree that it is a silly thing in the first place.

Random events are more of a PITA than anything else imo.

A good hero can have a tremendous effect on the output of a system with the right skillset. Especially for developing systems; I have a hero that adds 70 food plus another 50% of the total food output to the system he is in per turn :oops:. That could be the difference in growing a system in 20 turn vs 1.

Every time I colonize a new system I send him there to build it up really fast. If I buy out some of the crucial improvements I can have a mighty productive system from scratch in ~7 turns, vs maybe 40.

Or if I station him in a well established system, that system will be producing dreadnoughts in almost 1 turn (he provides massive industry bonuses as well).

It seems to me that a hero is the single most useful tool at the player's disposal, and good hero management is crucial on higher difficulty levels.
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Yeah, I think I had the 'wrong' hero for system work. I loaded up a save and tried another hero, this time with better results. I also lost that game due to one of the other races building a wonder, but I had no clue they had done such a thing. I eventually found the "wonder completion bar" as a mouse-over menu item up at the top, but there was never any indication unless I went specifically looking. They were also pretty close to winning an economic victory it appears.

Still have some learning to do...
Hmm.. I started raping the only other powerful nation early enough so they had to focus everything on building ships that would be almost immediately destroyed by one of my 7 fleets. Since I don't lose many ships, I can still pursue other avenues of victory while I rampage the galaxy.

FWIW I only do autobattle when it is clear I will win in an overwhelming way. I like to see the ships go pew pew.