How would the state of the character affect he state of anything else in the scene? Completely ridiculous. A developer should know better.DemoCoder said:There is no LOD shift elsewhere in that Max Payne shot. Only the quad is significantly different. Should I say BFD like you said to the issue of differing frames? You seem perfectly willing to dismiss the different pipeline state and geometry as BFD, but when every there LOD level is basically identical except for a single anamalous quad, we're supposed to see it as evidence of cheating.FUDie said:Sure it's a bug. Yet the same LOD bug is shown in all screenshots. Maybe there's some weird bug with the drivers causing that one quad to be not transparent, but that doesn't explain the LOD shift elsewhere.
And if you can't see a problem in the Max Payne shot, then that's even more damning for NVIDIA as that implies the LOD shift only applies to 3D Mark 2003. Oops.
But anyway, maybe you should adjust your gamma. I can see a small LOD shift in the walls on Max Payne.