Editor of choice?

Visual Studio 2005 for .NET / C# (a massive improvement on 2003 for ASP .NET) and UltraEdit for everything else.
VS6 for old C Win32 .dlls and a VB6 project that I maintain, but mostly just VS2005. Under Linux recently it's been MonoDevelop.
On Linux, it really depends on what you're doing. "Default editor" implies you're going to use it for shell scripts as much as anything else, so using Emacs for that kind of job is total overkill nine times out of ten. Couple this with "Emacs takes a few seconds to start up," and my preferred default tiny editor for Linux is nano. Of course, when I have to do actual configuration editing, back to Emacs I go.

vi is for suckers :D

But for Java, I use Eclipse (never really used it for any other language). Haven't used VS2005, although it's sitting right next to me.
And I thought we were talking about editors/IDEs used to author application software (which, yes, you can argue a shell script is) :D

If we're also talking about text editing and scripting languages, I use DW8 for PHP development, Araneae as a permanent replacement for Notepad on Windows and nano on Linux.
VS2003 for C++(Express edition of 2005 isn't as good), Eclipse for Java and #Develop for C#.

My favourite editor is definitely Dave Baumann.