Editor of choice?

I use VC6, VC2003 and VC2005 depending on whether I'm at home or at work and depending on my current mood.
Ever since Visual Studio 2005 was released I haven't used anything else. And with the Express Editions it's no longer unreasonable to forget about all the rest.

I'm curious what people consider the "default" editor for Linux though. And I'm talking about graphical versions that take care of everything, not console crap that requires you to be l33t to get "Hello World" compiled. :p
Nick said:
I'm curious what people consider the "default" editor for Linux though. And I'm talking about graphical versions that take care of everything, not console crap that requires you to be l33t to get "Hello World" compiled. :p

I just use xemacs (with the key bindings set to "brief").
For Ruby, OCAML, Python, Lua and most other things I use SciTE under both Windows and X. I am somewhat versed in both vim and emacs, but I still only use them in special cases.

For C++ and C# I use the respective Microsoft products. (Which have improved a lot since the 03 version IMHO)
VS05 spoils me to the point that, at times, I find that I need a light slapping.

The only real beef I have with previous editions is that "intellisense" will sometimes fail to function consistently, fail to prompt me with struct members or function arguments, usually at the very peak of an extremely rare episode of laziness or stupor.
VC2003 and 2005 for C/C++, VC#2005 for C#, Eclipse for Java, PythonWin for Python, Crimson Editor for the rest. But none of them makes me entirely happy.
I use VS with visual assist and CUA keys almost exclusively now.

For a long time (10+ years) I used Codewright with brief keymappings. The reason I swapped was that it used to irritate me swapping between the debugger (VS03) key mappings and the editor key mappings. Since the debugger had crap (crippled) brief key mapping support I swapped to it with it's native key mappings.

It also made it easier to edit code at other peoples desks at work.
Nick said:
I'm curious what people consider the "default" editor for Linux though. And I'm talking about graphical versions that take care of everything, not console crap that requires you to be l33t to get "Hello World" compiled. :p

To be honest, I've yet to come across an IDE under Linux with an editor which matches emacs for the most basic of operations (specifically auto-indentation). I tried Eclipse, I tried Anjuta or whatever it's called ... they both have many nice features which emacs doesn't but really, they can't indent for toffee! Add on top of that that Eclipse is too slow (Java! ugh!) and Anjuta crashes every 20 minutes and it's back to the 'macs I go.

Are there other, more competent IDEs for Linux? I'd love to know. Eclipse seems to be where it's at with the big players.
ERP said:
It also made it easier to edit code at other peoples desks at work.
Yeah, i used to find that hard to do. I would just tell them to email me, what they wanted me to look at. Couldnt stand other peoples settings.

I have Visual Studio 6 Professional, Visual Studio 2003 Enterprise Architect and Visual Studio 2005 Professional installed at the moment. I did have '05 Team Suite installed under Vista, but never bothered installing it under XP.

The only bad thing about having a MSDN/VSTS subscription is that you need lots and lots and lots of spare HDD space :LOL:

So, if it weren't obvious enough, I use the MS editors ;)

I'm only a C++ graphics/game programmer, so I reckon I use less than 10% of the features that Visual Studio offers. I only recently found out you could reverse-engineer projects using a simple one-click menu a month or so ago!

A year or so back when I was working for IBM I made heavy use of Eclipse for Java development. I was forced to use abominations like JCreator at uni, and Eclipse completely eclipsed JCreator in all possible ways. Although, admittedly I've not tried the more recent versions of either, so that opinion might be a little stale.

I use Borland Developer Studio 2006 for C, C++, C# and Delphi, and UltraEdit for everything else and things like column mode, fill, sorting and such.
JHoxley said:
A year or so back when I was working for IBM I made heavy use of Eclipse for Java development. I was forced to use abominations like JCreator at uni, and Eclipse completely eclipsed JCreator in all possible ways. Although, admittedly I've not tried the more recent versions of either, so that opinion might be a little stale.

I wouldn't qualify JCreator as an abomination since I've been force to use worse, like BlueJ... ouch.
Mordenkainen said:
I wouldn't qualify JCreator as an abomination since I've been force to use worse, like BlueJ... ouch.
Yeah, doesn't surprise me if worse exists - but I can only really comment based on the ones I've used. Of those, JCreator wasn't exactly my favourite ;)

A friend of mine was required to use NetBeans for his recent Java project. I could check the MSN logs, but I'm pretty confident theres at least 5 complaints for every bit of praise...:oops:

on editors

The down-side of losing integration with visual studio, if you're doing windows development, requires that your alternate editor be a LOT more powerful than the built-in editor - its not worth using a non-integrated editor for being just a little bit nicer or familiar.

I use emacs.