E3: The Xbox corner

thundermonkey said:
The cutscenes are done in realtime on the system but they are not ingame.

Big difference.

By that logic, no cutscene is 'in game', as you dont play a cutscene. Thus, the point buddy was making is moot and illogical! (unless he wanted some crazy Shenmue QTE :p)

Are you saying that the cutscenes for the Halo 2 trailer are being rendered in realtime? Wow. I thought the cutscenes were were prerendered.
bbot: straight from bungie:
3) Yes, that is someone playing a build running in real time on the Xbox, there is no "pre-rendered video" or any similar thing, regardless what the guy on the forum on the other website told you. The graphics do actually look like that. And you haven't heard the sound in the way it is meant to be heard yet. As we said: bring a fresh pair of underpants.
(emphasis mine)
thundermonkey said:
As was said the cutscenes where being pulled off by the Xbox hardware, there's just no way in hell they would be playable.

I know, and as I said, cutscenes != interactive (QTE excepted). So why does this matter? :p

I'm trying real hard to understand the raison d'etre of your posts (ESL?). Are you trying to say that the level of detail seen in the cutscenes won't make their way into the actual gameplay? Like, that Bungies has a DVD full of cutscene art assets, and another DVD full of gameplay art assets?

<- confused.
I'm saying that with the cutscenes the Xbox has full access to every little smidgen of "power". Doesn't have to worry aout pesky A.I. or code, so it can look very much better.

It will never look as good ingame because of that.

Now if you'll excuse me.

*walks off in a ballerina tutu, singing swanny river*
thundermonkey said:
I'm saying that with the cutscenes the Xbox has full access to every little smidgen of "power". Doesn't have to worry aout pesky A.I. or code, so it can look very much better.

It will never look as good ingame because of that.

Well I think you're wrong, since if, for example, in a cutscene a warthog was driving and powerslided a corner, it'd still be bounded to the laws of the physics engine and stuff.. but you can have your opinion and tutu too - its a free world! ;)

edit: I should also add that AI, Physics are CPU problems.. the GPU does the majority of the graphics work in the Xbox, so (cut)scene complexity/performance should be independant of your mentioned factors.
Halo 1, at least, still did everything it normally did during cutscenes (although very occasionally they get rid of dead bodies, etc), which can have some rather interesting results (it might suspend AI, i dunno, but if you watch the AotCR video, it's pretty clear that it's still doing physics, etc...). So i don't think you can really say that there's significant amounts of "extra power" available for cutscenes...
That's right. you can't play a cutscene, but there's not one smidgen of different between the graphics you see there and in the game. I was only at the show for two hours, and got to see the game demo yesterday.

Man, it was awesome. I also heard one of the bungies guys say the game was coming out in March 2004 as I was leaving the theater.
It has been repeatedly stated that everything in Halo2 is done in real 3D graphics, no prerender frenders! Even the ghost jacking can be done as you wish like GTA, you can even shoot off the riders!!! Go read IGN latest update on Halo2, GOTY 2004!!! :oops: :oops: :oops:

Is it that hard to believe that Xbox has THE POWER? Is IT i ask of thee? :LOL:
GOTY 2004!!!

Halo2 will be amazing I know it will, and I plan to buy it.. But to call it GOTY based on a trailer, I don't know how anyone can do such a thing. If GOTY was solely based on graphics you might get that, but lets see how the game plays too.
Yeah, that's right! The cutscenes are to be rendered by the capability of Xbox hardware. But the trailer is able to just that the quality of the cutscenes were different than those of in-game scenes. I know, the trailer was crappy, but even in that crappy trailer, I can tell whether some scenes are cutscene or in-game scenes. The difference is obvious, though both are still great looking.
I'm not sure I follow you really. Once again, there is no difference between the graopgics scene in teh cutscene and the game graphics. It's all performed real time in the engine and both areas use the same physics engine and AI. The only real difference in the scripting, which is created just for the cut sequences. The game uses similar scripting on the soliders you walk past when you hear them talking and doing different things.

The graphics in the cutscenes aren't bumped up at all, it uses the ingame models, lighting, textures, and special effects. You do understand what a cutscene is, correct?
Yeah, both are performed real time, within Xbox hardware, it's not like a prerendered scene or FMV or something similar whatsoever. But like someone has stated before, in cutscene you can careless about AI, Physics and whatever, so it can look much better. But nonetheless, those are both rendered real time.
not specifically talking about Halo 2, but *potentialy* cut-scenes do have the edge of being more impressive simply because the developer can actually choose what is going on and what not. In example: The platform may be capable of rendering 100 soldiers in real time, yet it would undoubtedly fail if all those soldiers would fire their gun creating explosions and other performance intensive effects. By it being a scripted cut-scene though, the developer can limit the action to just displaying those 100 soldiers without all of them firing at once. In a real game scenario though, everything is basically uncontrolled which would make it clearly unplayable if all of them were to fire. To avoid this, you'll never have the amount of things going on in the in-game part.
un controlled? Not always. Perhaps it's more "difficult" to control during a gameplay scenerio. Anyway, I don't know why anyone in this thread if fcousing on this. Bungie has stated on numerous occasions that they are using less regular cutscenes in halo 2 compared to the first game, and that the majority of the cutscenes are going to happen during gameplay (ala half life 2). There were tons of in game cutscenes in the video released.

Why people are focusing on this is beyond me, It almost sounds like they are trying to make an excuse for it looking so good imo.
Qroach said:
Why people are focusing on this is beyond me, It almost sounds like they are trying to make an excuse for it looking so good imo.

No, this is not an excuse for it being so good looking like that. I just stated my opinion based on what I saw on that trailer, that the cutscenes did look better (at least on that trailer). Were I able to spot the difference in such a crappy & blurry trailer (the quality of the trailer not the game), wouldn't that mean the difference was obvious?
Yes that would be obvious, that is if those differences were really there. In this case they aren't... These differences you keep talking about, what do you think they are exactly? I'm curious to understand what you're reasoning on this one.

I'm only telling you from what I've seen after going to the Bungie presentation yesterday morning. The quality of the cutscenes is "not" better than the gameplay graphics. They are both of the same quality.

Imo that can't be seen by looking at a blurry video of the game. You have to see what it looks like up close or have a video released by Bungie to come to a conclusion like that.
embargiel said:
Qroach said:
Why people are focusing on this is beyond me, It almost sounds like they are trying to make an excuse for it looking so good imo.

No, this is not an excuse for it being so good looking like that. I just stated my opinion based on what I saw on that trailer, that the cutscenes did look better (at least on that trailer). Were I able to spot the difference in such a crappy & blurry trailer (the quality of the trailer not the game), wouldn't that mean the difference was obvious?

Can you be more specific?

The cutscenes use the same models with the same textures, the same lighting and the same physics as the game itself. Of course the shots in the cutscenes are such that these models look their best, but that is hardly surprising.

So the difference is purely in your mind, subjective (ie. your blatant anti-XBox sentiment).


Perhaps they are focusing on this because the difference between cut-scenes and in-game is quite noticable. In fact, didn't the MGS2 cutscenes or the GT3 replays look better due to some added effects? Who is anyone but the developers to say that no added effects are being used to make the cutscenes stand out even more?

un controlled? Not always. Perhaps it's more "difficult" to control during a gameplay scenerio.

Uncontrolled up to the degree that the game evolves around the player. A cutscene is scripted, that means, everything is controlled and everything will happen they way it was planned. There are no unexpected scenarios. In a in-game scenario, you have to limit the amount of events that may occur or else slowdowns will occur in masses. A dev might limit the amount of events by either scripting soldiers and/or simply reducing the amount of characters you'll see on screen (or their activity).