E3: The Xbox corner


Figure this'd make it easier to discuss games w/o 4-5 seperate topics (SEE Halo 2 video heh).

Of what I've seen..

Halo 2
- No words needed. Should impress even the hardest core slashdot freak.

- Very interesting concept, incredible graphics too (CG cutscenes..? Debatable). Looks like it has the prerequisite convoluted Japanese story too :) Anyhow, definitely a contender.

Conker: Live and Uncut
- Never played the original, but this is a remake of the original w/Xbox graphics & XBL support as a 'squad based shooter'? Wtf? Either way, the trailer had a squirrel's head getting blown off, chunks et. all :)

Doom 3
- I have a sneaking suspicion that MS showed PC footage (I don't think the XB build would be that far along).. but I'd still wager money that it'll be graphically identical. Biggest point? XBL support :D

- What were they thinking.. I can count the polygons heh. Blech. Currently at 16 players, MS wants 32. MS better provide servers then :p I guess the advantage here is absolutely zilch nada no cheating.

Grabbed by Ghoulies
- Well, Rare sure is a creative bunch ;) I guess this is aiming at a younger demographic.. but the cel shading is VERY impressive looking, nice animation too. As for the gameplay..? Ugh.

Steel Batallion: Line of Contact
- :D

Star Wars: Republic Commando
- Well, they've only shown a pre-rendered cutscene of it heh. But it has storm troopers! And an XBL logo! Wee!

Ninja Gaiden
- So now it's XBL enabled eh? Interesting..

In short: a very nice lineup by MS.. but seriously, it'll be HARD for other studios to top Halo 2 (which isn't helping MS's '1 game console' reputation). Lets see what tomorrow brings for Nintendo & Sony.
I have to say I'm quite interested in Steel Battalion LOC. 5 on 5 online sounds very very enjoyable (I love the single player game). I'd like to see some co-op missions too, like 10 of you split up into smaller groups all making your way through a huge map to whatever the objective happens to be...like blowing the hell out of everything. :D
I just watched the Counter Strike trailer at xbox.com, and I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw that. I did not expect it to come over to Xbox.

You never played Conker's Bad Fur Day on N64? :oops: Well.. the game starts off and Conker has a major hang-over :LOL: The multiplayer on that game was more than interesting ;) All I can say is I'm glad they're bringing that game to Xbox :D
Ms has this E3 firmly in their hands. Not only are we starting to see the promise powers of Xbox, but we are getting games that delivers too, hyped games, brand new games, famous games. All of them are really amazing to wait for.

Apart from H2, Ninja Gaiden, Fable, BC, CS and Tekki Live are pushing Xbox lineup to greater heights!!! :oops: :oops:

NG sounds and look really cool!!!

IGN on NG:
The animation in Ninja Gaiden looks outstanding

You can carry a huge number of weapons in Ryu inventory and assign whichever ones you want to the primary and secondary slots.

The camera system could be one of the best to date in any videogame.

Trying to trick the camera into doing something stupid by doubling back the way you came won't work either.

The system reads the situation and instantly tries to position the camera in a functional place that makes the game look cool.

The combat is fast and frantic.

Thank god for a great 3D camera in a fast action game! DMC bah bah bleh! :p
I've said this at most forums I'm a part of. (mainly Xbox forums)

I hope to God that NG will be as FUN as DMC.

All the flashy tech in the world matters nothing if the game feels derivative.
For X-BOX titles, my eyes are on the new DOA titles (although I don't play online, I will still buy them). Other than that, I don't really care. Halo 2 looks interesting, though.
Well, if you like DMC/Rygar type of games, you should look out for Ninja Gaiden.

If you like Zelda games, you should read more about Fable. Go GS, they have the E3 trailer for free, just need to provide them an email.

If you like Mario/platformers, Psychonauts might deliver what SMS didnt!

Try Halo2, please do.

Everyone just need to read up more on Xbox games, give them a chance even if they dont have famous names of FF or RE or MGS. Gameplay is what matters. Many of them sound great. :oops:
chaphack said:
Well, if you like DMC/Rygar type of games, you should look out for Ninja Gaiden.

If you like Zelda games, you should read more about Fable. Go GS, they have the E3 trailer for free, just need to provide them an email.

If you like Mario/platformers, Psychonauts might deliver what SMS didnt!

Try Halo2, please do.

Everyone just need to read up more on Xbox games, give them a chance even if they dont have famous names of FF or RE or MGS. Gameplay is what matters. Many of them sound great. :oops:

Read a lot about them before, Fable is simply not in the same league as Zelda in art and style. And so do Psychonauts and SMS.

I think I will try Ninja Gaiden from Tecmo. But I don't expect anything like DMC from Tecmo, all I want is the DOA games from her.

Certainly will buy Halo2 like I have bought Halo.
heh! i am not a fan of PC devs art, but i find Fable and Pscyho looking very nice. anyway, just give them a try when they are out. Gameplay elements sound very cool and new. Watch the E3 trailers. :oops:
***The camera system could be one of the best to date in any videogame.

Trying to trick the camera into doing something stupid by doubling back the way you came won't work either.

The system reads the situation and instantly tries to position the camera in a functional place that makes the game look cool. ***

er..... the above statements have "i-don't-know-how-to-be-a-journalist" written all over the place...
saying that the Camera COULD be the best ever seen does not tell me anything about the game. i could say that my next game COULD have the best graphics ever, but that just doesnt mean anything.
and the *system read the situation* thing, trying to make it look like something that's never been done before is just lame...
the best camera seen this generation would probably be Jak&Daxter, and therefore Jak2 unless they change something... we'll see...

does anyone know how to get a PAL xbox to output Progressive scan? and is there a VGA cable for xbox?
london-boy said:
does anyone know how to get a PAL xbox to output Progressive scan? and is there a VGA cable for xbox?
I haven't come across any yet, I'll be sure to let you know if I do.

This is making me glad I bought an Xbox. It's too bad Halo 2 is due sometime in 2004. Anyone wanna donate me any money so I can get PS2 & GC? :LOL: and I'm joking of course ;)
Ok - after getting some enjoyment out of the 2Mb/s internet connection at school, I decided to download some Halo 2 videos aswell as Doom 3 stuff to see what the fuzz is all about.

While Doom 3 belongs into a different thread, I'll just comment on the Halo 2 video:

For some clarifaction, the HALO 2 video is the trailer Bungee presented featuring in-game stuff etc. It is 40 MB in size. Now, while the intro and the sequences look impressive (especially the reflections on master chief), I was left pretty disappointed with the in-game related stuff. The framerate is very subpar and the graphics of especially the wide open surroundings leave me questioned if I watched the right trailer after hearing so much about it. The effects, such as explosions and gun firings look nice though, but nothing that I haven't seen before in other shooters. Maybe it's the in-game levels that are impressive, but the outdoor ones sure don't do it for me. Maybe someone can be friendly enough to point me out what I'm missing or post some links of the really impressive videos? Thanks...
Phil said:
The framerate is very subpar and the graphics of especially the wide open surroundings leave me questioned if I watched the right trailer after hearing so much about it. The effects, such as explosions and gun firings look nice though, but nothing that I haven't seen before in other shooters.

I do also think in the same way with you. While we know that the quality of the trailer is really crappy, I can still spot the difference between cutscene and an in-game scene. they both look amazing, but the difference is even still distinguishable, the cutscenes look better (if not much...) than that of in-game. And apparently, all of shots that been out there were captured from the cutscene sequence.
embargiel said:
Phil said:
The framerate is very subpar and the graphics of especially the wide open surroundings leave me questioned if I watched the right trailer after hearing so much about it. The effects, such as explosions and gun firings look nice though, but nothing that I haven't seen before in other shooters.

I do also think in the same way with you. While we know that the quality of the trailer is really crappy, I can still spot the difference between cutscene and an in-game scene. they both look amazing, but the difference is even still distinguishable, the cutscenes look better (if not much...) than that of in-game. And apparently, all of shots that been out there were captured from the cutscene sequence.

And whats the difference between Cutscene and InGame? The cutscenes are ingame :p ;)
they look damn close enough for me. ;)
i hope those taking a jab at H2 cutscenes/ingame, are not those who drooled all over SH3 cutscenes. :LOL: :oops:
In the first game, the only difference in cutscenes was that the Master Chief was visible. All the models, lighting, etc were exactly the same. I'm pretty sure that it's the same in Halo2.

As for what was really impressive in the video, for me, it was simply the sheer scope of the environments, and how much was going on at once. Well, that and the ghost-jacking :D (and the music, and the expanded marine chatter, and the context-sensitive communications (cortana and the marines pointing out the locations of enemies), and the fact that marines can drive now, and grunts can ride ghosts, and just, well, everything, really)