E3: Nintendo Conference


That whacky Matt fellow is stirring things up over at the IGN boards. He started a topic about 'Why he's excited about E3' and proceeded to post several things:

Pikmin 2, which rocks. Metroid Prime 2, which will own. The awesome Resident Evil 4. The amazing Paper Mario 2. Zelda, which shall dominate. Not to mention about half a dozen other major works from third-parties like Namco and Electronic Arts. And don't get me started on DS and all of the games; that just makes me happy.

But most of all the surprise, which will rocketh hard and please every Nintendo fan out there.

Now, of course, you must speculate. Let this thread flame on like none other, let the replies continue until the posts no longer make any sense. I have faith in you all.


No mergers. Not hardware. Not "teh Megaton" either. But very cool stuff all the same. I am the GameCube editor so obviously it's GCN-related. I can't say more. Which is why you must carry this thread going forward. Let it bloom into an ungodly mess of incoherent ramblings and fanatical ravings.


Yes! Yes, my children. You are doing very well. Very well. But the speculation has largely stuck to the realm of online support for GameCube, which we all know isn't going to happen. So please throw that one directly out the window and proceed.


Guys, I'm not saying this is related or anything, but...




That last bit from me was a little joke. I assure you it's not Asteroids related.

[Cue dramatic music and zoom camera for a close-up shot]

Or... is it?


This is a funny thread. No doubt about that. We definitely need to keep this one going as long as possible. It'll be fun to reflect upon after E3 is over and you know what I'm talking about. This could be a rare case where the skeptics actually find themselves pleased. Then again, maybe not. We'll just have to wait and see. But I can tell you that I'm pretty psyched.


Retrospectively I thought of the Sega thread but he seems to debunk that notion. Wonder what has him excited. ::stares at Sonic:: :) j/k
All 100% hype..and that's something Nintendo is great at (if they'd ever talk). One thing for sure it's got to be better than last year's E3 for Ninty. That was a piss poor showing. My hope for this year is that Link (although we know he'll still be cell shaded) will be totally redrawn as an older more rough Link. Just no that puppy Link from WW. As great as WW was the puppy Link just killed me.
Nintendo needs to have a good E3 or it's really all over for the GameCube.

Thankfully, it looks like they'll be showing a lot of neat stuff for the GCN at E3, in addition to the unveiling of the DS.
I am quite looking forward to them showing Nintendo DS. All in all, I think it will be a very interesting E3. I wonder which will have the bigger impact on gamers: PSP or DS. Either way, there will be lots of information. :D
Blade said:
Nintendo needs to have a good E3 or it's really all over for the GameCube.
What are you talking about? To me the future looks very bright.
Maybe it's a new Kid Icarus game, IGN.com has been all crazy about a remake since the GCN launch...
zurich said:
The problem with E3 is that to every console fanatic, 'their system' always does best.

I found that kinda funny when you'd go to forums and they'll be claiming victory for their favorite console.

BTW, I'd say the problem is not with E3, it's with the people's reaction to E3.

People need to understand that their side isn't always the winner.
All 100% hype..and that's something Nintendo is great at (if they'd ever talk).

Of course its not all 100% hyped. Matt is hardly one to just post what Nintendo tell him to. Clearly he's seen/played the games he mentioned and also knows of a big suprise that he thinks everyone will like.
i heard already about the new zelda game for Gameboy DS. where you can switch views between 2d and 3d (1st screen is 2d , second 3d )
oh and about a new Mario and Luigi game.
I don´t mean to sound like a troll, but as I grow older I begin to realize that this has always been the case with Nintendo. You have a bunch of Nintendo fans hyping their games to the stratosphere, and when you finally get the news, you find out it wasn´t anything close to what was expected.

MS is a mixed bag. Sometimes they hype, sometimes they don´t, but they usually have something good to talk about that wasn´t hyped that much.

Sony, on the other hand, is rarely known to get their show hyped to the stratosphere, and most of the times it has the best games of the show.
PC-Engine said:
Well SONY does hype their own games like GT series at previous E3s.

Well, I didn´t mean they didn´t hype, but what I meant is that most of the times they don´t have announcements that are hyped as much as Nintendo´s, and IMO they actually deliver a lot more than them.
There are two different kinds of hype: pre-announcement and post-announcement. The difference between the two is that there is at least some substance to the latter, as you are hyping an actual product, regardless of whether or not your upcoming console actually can render Phantom Menace special effects in real time. The pre-announcements is the worst, most useless kind of hype there is, and considering how lowly all hype is valued in general that's saying something. Basically your are hyping an announcement, which itself is nothing but a tsunami of hype that has yet to crest. "Shocking revelation! Stay tuned for announcement that will blow you away! Hold on to your socks, because "IT" is coming! The world will never be the same! Hotter then sun! Tremble in fear mortals, for the very essence of your souls will be ripped to shreds and scattered through the galaxy with OUR SUPER SECRET MEGASHOKER ANNOUNCMENT OF SUSPENSE AND MYSTERY! BOOYAH!" Pfffffffffffffffffff :rolleyes:
Geeforcer said:
Basically your are hyping an announcement, which itself is nothing but a tsunami of hype that has yet to crest. "Shocking revelation! Stay tuned for announcement that will blow you away! Hold on to your socks, because "IT" is coming! The world will never be the same! Hotter then sun! Tremble in fear mortals, for the very essence of your souls will be ripped to shreds and scattered through the galaxy with OUR SUPER SECRET MEGASHOKER ANNOUNCMENT OF SUSPENSE AND MYSTERY! BOOYAH!"

Huh, did someone mention Infinium Labs?