E3 2k4: the Thread* (Misc gaming related)

That Mushashi game is Cell Shaded (from the-magicbox.com). And also Splinter Cell - 3 is to be released this winter....IMO Ubi Soft should not milk this title this much....otherwise it will become one of those titles. Next Time Crisis is also to be released this year.
hupfinsgack said:
london-boy said:
That fur just looks wrong. What is this running on?

It looks exactly like the fur of Fox in Starfox Adventures. They seem to have just ported the code to the XBox shaders.

I had the impression Starfox fur looked way better than this. Or at least it never looked "wrong". And the Xbox could do much better than that! Not only the fur, or course, the whole thing is a bit icky...
imo the fur doesn't look too bad, but there is some weird waveyness on the fur. Don't know if it's intentiona (to make t look more shaggy), or just a limitation of the fur texture.
london-boy said:
I had the impression Starfox fur looked way better than this. Or at least it never looked "wrong". And the Xbox could do much better than that! Not only the fur, or course, the whole thing is a bit icky...

Trust me, it nearly looks identical. I am too lazy to back it up by Starfox screenshots.
And yes, in my opinion the fur effect could look a lot better on Xbox.
I forgot how Star Fox looks on Cube (and I don't have the game), but from my pale impression Star Fox looks more natural than this one.
Teasy said:
FFXII pics

It looks Terrific!!

It looks absolutely aweful IMO.

Not awful, it looks ok, but the single-textured look is already eye-soring today... A bit like point-sampled textures were eye-soring in the PS1 days.... Thank god next gen will take care of that.
I have to say, I don't like the art style nor the colors in FFXII. Samurai Legend Musashi deffiently has it it beat on those two points.
FF XII is definitely stylized.. looks pretty much like Vagrant Story if it was done on PS2 ;)

Personally, I think the look is "interesting". I'll have to see it in motion.
maskrider said:
I forgot how Star Fox looks on Cube (and I don't have the game), but from my pale impression Star Fox looks more natural than this one.

This is the first I have found:

hupfinsgack said:
maskrider said:
I forgot how Star Fox looks on Cube (and I don't have the game), but from my pale impression Star Fox looks more natural than this one.

This is the first I have found:

Oh, well. My memory is wrong then. They both don't look natural and they both have the effect overdone.
zurich said:
FF XII is definitely stylized.. looks pretty much like Vagrant Story if it was done on PS2 ;)

Personally, I think the look is "interesting". I'll have to see it in motion.

I might agree a little with you on that one.
*Sindre drools at the memory of the fabulous Vagrant Story back in the days* Oh, how I wish they make a sequal, maybe for PS3 :oops:
hupfinsgack said:
Trust me, it nearly looks identical. I am too lazy to back it up by Starfox screenshots.
And yes, in my opinion the fur effect could look a lot better on Xbox.




Starfox fur shader looks better IMHO.

Sindre said:
*Sindre drools at the memory of the fabulous Vagrant Story back in the days* Oh, how I wish they make a sequal, maybe for PS3
Especially with the "End" of Vagrant Story. the whole Vagrant Story looked like a "prologue", sad that Square-Enix seems not try to keep the franchise up.
Maybe on Psp?

BTW i'm a fan of the Vagrant story art direction... which explain why i found FFXII art so "excellent" (except some "bland" textures... but that's a PS2 after all).
Vysez said:
BTW i'm a fan of the Vagrant story art direction... which explain why i found FFXII art so "excellent" (except some "bland" textures... but that's a PS2 after all).

They must have used the feature that is only exclusive to PS2: Texture Blanding.
Eronarn said:
WAIT! You forgot Infinium Labs! :LOL:
As I told Ero a few days ago, a friend of a friend actually works at Infinium. Friend is going to E3, and I will try to have some tasty Infinium info for you.
It's the exact same implementation of fur that was used on starfox. The only difference is that they went with bigger clumps of fur on conker. It's looks just as good as it did in starfox and breaks down at certain angles, just like it did in starfox.
Fullmetal Alchemist, FullMetal Alchemist and the Broken Angel in english, it's annouced for early 2005 (until the translation is finished and until the "anime" is advertised enough ;) )




The Baron said:
tasty Infinium info

Tasty... Infinium Labs... is this some kind of Nouvelle Cuisine? ;)


All infos about the Phantom, especially exclusives ones will always be apreciated Baron. :D
Qroach said:
It's the exact same implementation of fur that was used on starfox. The only difference is that they went with bigger clumps of fur on conker. It's looks just as good as it did in starfox and breaks down at certain angles, just like it did in starfox.

Yes, it's the same technique used in both game, but i have to admit that it looks bad on its Concker implementation. All the angles give it a "bad" (all is relative) look somewhere, the Starfox fur was more subtle and it "breaked" rarely. Like on this Pic (Look at the arm.).
Kingdom Hearts II





Donald scroring Big time with Belle!1!1 :oops:

Darth Mickey?
