Doom [PC]

There's a known issue on Nvidia cards for the opening videos but it should only break once. It hasn't done that again for me since the first load.

Hmm, it's getting too often on my end (like every second portal challenge). I'll try to verify the cache through steam to see if that changes anything.
Alright, long post ahead, more on technical side of things, just some interesting things i noticed. Let's start with the negatives, which is mostly texture quality up close and poly count, some examples:




From a moderate distance everything looks pretty nice though!



Now, something else, I've noticed that Dooms AA works very much like the one used in Uncharted 4, in that it makes the image look supersampled and it does something with specular or shading i haven't seen in any other game other than U4:

Webm to take a look at what i'm talking about (i'm sure most people in b3d have noticed that already):

At first, i thought it was just typical smearing you get with TAA but i've checked more surfaces and it doesn't happen everywhere so i don't think that's that, it's very selective in very bright areas. Noticed the exact same thing in Uncharted 4 (especially in multiplayer). Now the good thing with Doom is that it allows you to change AA! So i went ahead and tested in the same scene SMAA vs TSSAA and SMAA doesn't exhibit the same visual effect, plus SMAA actually costs more on my system:

94 fps in the same scene with SMAA:
98 with TSSAA:

We were talking about this early in the year about U4 and it looked like some sort of ss temporal shading technique that is maybe enabled by the TAA (that's definitely the case with doom) but i'm not an expert in the field, so i'm just posting what looks to be a console optimization brought over to the PC (?). And i don't think it looks distracting at all, especially at higher framerates. And because i mentioned the negatives, everything else is pretty much on-point, particles, materials, moblur, animation, sound design, this is a technical marvel. And really fun to play too.

Edit: I also added "+set m_smooth 0" to the launch options on steam to remove mouse smoothing/acceleration entirely

Edit #2: To add what i said on top, it seems like scenes with lots of specular highlights heavily favor TSSAA, with only "no AA" coming out on top in terms of performance.

No AA:

tl:dr TSSAA is the most optimized AA available in Doom, offers the best performance with the best visual result
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Will have check tonight if it fixes my save game properly...

Meanwhile, I've been looking at the symbols the artists used. Wonder if they actually have any meaning. Not 100% on most of them except for Ceres & Saturn.
Doom stargate.jpg
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The noise pattern is intentional but the grid like pattern not. On PS4 the holograms and fog are fine (as well as on other lets play videos I closely inspected... I am strange like that ;)).

The shadow has very jaggy edges while others in game are filtered very well (on Nightmare quality!).

The guns before the patch in 21:9 were a bit stretched which is fixed now and in motion you very well can see the offset of the projectiles to the weapons (with the plasma very visible in motion).
Ah, ok. Curious. :)

................eee yeah. I guess I deleted my original save weeks ago when I was trying to fix it and before they mentioned the devmode shit would be fixed.
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I've had this since launch and been playing it whenever I get the chance (which isn't often). It's the most fun FPS I've played in years, the control just feels so tight and instant.

I thought I'd got to the end last night and was quite sad, however after finally beating the beastly duo I found the game continued. I was so happy I forgot to go to bed and now I really knackered at work. :(
After some testing between the two i can tell something definitely feels off with Vulkan. Like there's added latency between user input and what's on screen. Controls feel heavy, like if you forced vsync and i have mine turned off. GPU usage is definitely better (and night and day difference with AMD GPUs) but they have to work out the latency before i switch to Vulkan.
What's your GPU?

Seems like they still have a bunch of issues to work through. What happens if you do use v-sync? Are you running non-standard monitor?

Details! :confused:


Maybe there's something funny about the frame flipping.
Frame Flip Optimizations which basically pass the frame directly to the display once it’s ready, i.e. skips the copy and save.


Did the patch accidentally mouse smoothing or anything?
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970 paired with an 3570k and 16 gigs of ram, all overclocked. Running W10 64bit. I'll try switching on vsync and report back :yep2:
Textures look identical on my end. Some serious performance improvements in select areas with Vulkan!


So, with Vulkan:
  • Adaptive vsync = uneven frame pacing with my system
  • Vsync on = even worse frame pacing
  • Vsync off = seems like triple buffered vsync to me, couldn't notice any tearing anywhere on the screen
That could definitely explain the slight latency increase. I could definitely notice tearing with vsync off with OpenGL and the game is also more responsive. The difference is small but it makes the game feel better to play.