Do you think there will be a mid gen refresh console from Sony and Microsoft?

Wouldn't that be a violation of the agreements made for the merger? Spencer promised 100% parity across platforms and no intention to use COD to sell XBoxes. Though I don't know what was enshrined in the various legal agreements versus non-binding Tweets!
If there isn't a next gen console from competitors what is the violation ? If MS releases on the ps5 / ps5 pro / switch 2/ xbox series / xbox next is it MS's fault if there is no ps6 out ? Would it be MS's fault if as Sony stated in the merger hearings that they wouldn't provide ps6 dev kits prior to launch because MS might use that information in their own unit.

If anything if Ms launches a Xbox next before a ps6 and sony withholds ps6 dev kits MS could have the defacto best version for Cod for consoles for multiple years in a row and PS6 owners could end up only having ps5 pro versions of the game to play until Sony provides dev kits

How would parity of performance and graphics work when you add in the switch the occasion ? My guess is MS is speaking of feature parity and not performance / resolution parity since that would be impossible to do over the course of 10 years of the agreement.
If there isn't a next gen console from competitors what is the violation ? If MS releases on the ps5 / ps5 pro / switch 2/ xbox series / xbox next is it MS's fault if there is no ps6 out ?
Of course there wouldn't be a problem if PS6 isn't out, but that part was missing from your proposal. Had you said "before Sony gets the PS6 out" I'd have better understood your position.
I think a real question is will Call of Duty even be relevant in 2034. It really feels running low on ideas which is not dissimilar when first person military shooters all seemed anchored to World War II until Modern Warfare reminded everybody that humans had progressed their technology to kill each other in new and exciting locations!

Call of Duty has done WWII, the cold war, contemporary warfare, the near future (Advanced Warfare) and future (Infinite Warfare). How many times can you reskin weapons, locations and vehicles and call it a "new" game. MW III was utterly shameless but what can do with a shooter creatively?
Call of Duty has done WWII, the cold war, contemporary warfare, the near future (Advanced Warfare) and future (Infinite Warfare). How many times can you reskin weapons, locations and vehicles and call it a "new" game. MW III was utterly shameless but what can do with a shooter creatively?
They should do a horror themed one and call it Call of Duty: Ghosts. Oh, wait.
Meh. MS can just make new game called Duty Calls. They can tie Sony up in litigation for years. Lol.

They won't though. Not Phil's style.
I think the only thing we know about Phil is what we can garner from his actions and statements. What we garner is that he’s a certified liar and he’s mostly incompetent. As to whether he would make a new game to breach their legal agreement? We can’t say with any certainty. However, seeing as he speaks out of both sides of his mouth and tells more lies than your average politician, I wouldn’t entirely rule it out.
I think the only thing we know about Phil is what we can garner from his actions and statements. What we garner is that he’s a certified liar and he’s mostly incompetent. As to whether he would make a new game to breach their legal agreement? We can’t say with any certainty. However, seeing as he speaks out of both sides of his mouth and tells more lies than your average politician, I wouldn’t entirely rule it out.
So far – as far as I am aware – Microsoft have honoured all of their contractual commitments with Xbox. And Phil may be the literal son of Satan, but he still needs to get sign off from the rest of Microsoft.
What a bizarre take on Spencer. Who actually thinks that?
I don't understand the thinking there and without actual links to reasonable evidence, I consider it slander! However, a Google shows the sentiment is common. I'd rather see references to lies rather than just the sentiment being thrown out there like it's common general knowledge. Although that's also not a technical discussion for a technical forum.
Are things typed on the internet libel as written or slander as said, just digitally?
As a general rule libel coves defamation that is written and slander covers defamation that is spoken, but the actual legal definition leans into whether the expression is permanent or temporary. So it's actually the tangibility that matters, i.e. libel deals with statements that are recorded, and slander deals with statements that are transitory and non-permanent.
As a general rule libel coves defamation that is written and slander covers defamation that is spoken, but the actual legal definition leans into whether the expression is permanent or temporary. So it's actually the tangibility that matters, i.e. libel deals with statements that are recorded, and slander deals with statements that are transitory and non-permanent.
What if you are one of these people who have to speak every word while they are typing?
As a consumer, I don't see the appeal of mid gen refresh. A new gen = back to the drawing board and putting good future looking hardware together.

Mid gen = boosted specs of what you have and a further delay to a new gen with all it's benefits.
As a consumer, I don't see the appeal of mid gen refresh. A new gen = back to the drawing board and putting good future looking hardware together.

Mid gen = boosted specs of what you have and a further delay to a new gen with all it's benefits.
You need substantially better tech for a proper new gen and most importantly much smaller node (which won't be the case even for a 2024 launch).
As a consumer, I don't see the appeal of mid gen refresh. A new gen = back to the drawing board and putting good future looking hardware together.

Mid gen = boosted specs of what you have and a further delay to a new gen with all it's benefits.

It depends on what "Mid Gen" is going for or how it's being used.

In a traditional 6-10 year console cycle it'd be as you said, just upgraded tech that can do existing things the existing hardware can do faster. So basically a console style paradigm.

However, if you're leaning into "rolling" generations where you have updated hardware every 3-5 years then you can always introduce new hardware features at those times. So basically a PC like paradigm.

IMO, the goal of the console space if it wants to survive is a rolling generation style of console releases. By now, even if you wait 10 years, you're unlikely to ever again get that big transition like consoles used to have. Hardware generations back in the early 2000's happened every 6-12 months (PC) and now it's more like every 24-36 months. That's compounded by many hardware costs not decreasing significantly or at all over time (GDDR cost, for example isn't going down much anymore, Fab costs are either going up or only decreasing slightly for older nodes, etc.).
