Do you think there will be a mid gen refresh console from Sony and Microsoft?

Spiderman 2 is 1080p more often than it's higher and is at the top of what PS5 achieves performance wise in a modern game at 60 fps. Most other games fall well below 1080p. Which is why I listed it as a 720p-1080p machine for 60 fps. Its technical enhancements are primarily world size and scene density. The quality of what is rendered is only minorly improved in a very few select areas.
Where did you see that the game is 1080p 90% of the time? Where do you put the Fidelity mode at 40fps? What are these most other games?
I disagree on TLOU Remake looking any better than TLOU 2.
You can't be serious about that. I watched this video before, and there is a lot of moments when TLOU Remake looks better than TLOU 2. THat' isn't PS4 game. Maybe that is possible to make this game for PS4 Pro but only for 1080p, but no way for PS4. We also can wait when TKOU 2 for PS5 will be released and compare. BUt imo TLOU Remake graphics and physics is high above TLOU 2 on PS4.
Ubisoft describing Skull and Bones as AAAA is pure comedy.
This is why I do not think budgets and total headcount (based on credits) are good metrics, any title that ends up in 'development hell' or just a troubled development, is going to have an inflated budget and possibly also a high headcount that the quality of the resulting title may not reflect.
Where did you see that the game is 1080p 90% of the time? Where do you put the Fidelity mode at 40fps? What are these most other games?
I never said 90%, just more time spent at the lower bounds than higher. The IQ is often rather poor and clearly due to a low resolution. The 40 fps mode seems similar to the 30 fps mode so the resolution probably doesn't drop much lower.

You can pick nearly any of the recent games that are ditching cross gen for more modern visuals.

Jedi Survivor
Fortnite UE 5 version
Dead Space
Immortals of Aveum
Remnant 2
Lords of the Fallen
Plague Tale
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Cyberpunk is a lot more complex than any other "pathtracing" game. More geometry, more animation, more moving objects, more rays etc.

Which is why I mentioned Portal as well.

Which is another reason to believe these are outliers results, as the 2080Ti is also slower than even the 6900XT, which never happens in any other Path Tracing or heavy RT test.

The 30 series line up corectly and I tested it on 3090 and it matches the performance difference in that review or how it usually performs. Anyway, I had this sense of deja vu just to realize that I have had this discusion few months before. For now, I'm forgoing the speculation, it's almost 2024 now and either Sony do it or they don't, and lay all this to rest.
Not at all. Assets quality, textures resolution and physics are higher than in any PS4 game including TLOU 2.
TLOU remake looks a tad better than TLOU2, but not by much. I'm very confident it could have been made to work on PS4 at 30fps without any drastic cutbacks. We'll see at some point what a proper Naughty Dog effort on PS5 will look like and I'm similarly very confident it will be a significant step up from TLOU remake.
Just that ps5 Pro will run minimum 100 FPS ps5 settings
Why does performance in one of the launch window, cross gen games matter? It is not at all representative of the demands games will have anymore. Also, a 6800xt barely manages a minimum of 60 there and hoping for more performance than that is not realistic.
Random thought: Xbox Series X+. Similar to the trial leak with new controller/design/whatever. But CPU/GPU but on TSMC 4P, memory bus is moved to 256bit chiplets GDDR7 28gbps. GPU offers "boost" mode that's 25% overclock, has new media engine for encoding/streaming in 4k for remote play. Controller now supports Wifi direct for remote play.
Which is why I mentioned Portal as well.

The 30 series line up corectly and I tested it on 3090 and it matches the performance difference in that review or how it usually performs. Anyway, I had this sense of deja vu just to realize that I have had this discusion few months before. For now, I'm forgoing the speculation, it's almost 2024 now and either Sony do it or they don't, and lay all this to rest.

Checked the TPU RT and PT benchmarks, in normal RT 2080Ti is usually close to 3070 but in the PT games the difference is much higher.

Hopefully AMD figure out a way to hit 100% usage in the AAA PT games.

Random thought: Xbox Series X+. Similar to the trial leak with new controller/design/whatever. But CPU/GPU but on TSMC 4P, memory bus is moved to 256bit chiplets GDDR7 28gbps. GPU offers "boost" mode that's 25% overclock, has new media engine for encoding/streaming in 4k for remote play. Controller now supports Wifi direct for remote play.

I am pretty sure based on public facing comments plus rumors MS is not interested in a Pro console this gen (perhaps foolishly, but time will tell). However most laughably Phil used a "wont somebody think of the developers" argument against pro consoles, when he already foisted the hated Series S on them. But that's besides the point, just that with 52 CU's it seems like a hefty enough overclock combined with more cooling, a bigger case to fit more cooling, etc could deliver a Series X pro on the same SOC, with very minimal reengineeering. Essentially a drop in pro solution. In fact it would be interesting to think about what if they didn't rebrand, and the beefier overclocked SKU just became the new base Series X at the same price point.

Again though moot point, I am 99% sure Phil does not want a Pro this gen.
In fact it would be interesting to think about what if they didn't rebrand, and the beefier overclocked SKU just became the new base Series X at the same price point.
Gotta be careful with stuff like this. Minor bumps like we saw with XB1 to XB1S are ok, but any larger increases in specs/clocks risk raising the baseline to a level that makes OG owners suffer.
As it is November. It’s a good time to make a poll: do you think there will be a Pro model 12 months from today ? Yes or no!
I am pretty sure based on public facing comments plus rumors MS is not interested in a Pro console this gen (perhaps foolishly, but time will tell). However most laughably Phil used a "wont somebody think of the developers" argument against pro consoles, when he already foisted the hated Series S on them. But that's besides the point, just that with 52 CU's it seems like a hefty enough overclock combined with more cooling, a bigger case to fit more cooling, etc could deliver a Series X pro on the same SOC, with very minimal reengineeering. Essentially a drop in pro solution. In fact it would be interesting to think about what if they didn't rebrand, and the beefier overclocked SKU just became the new base Series X at the same price point.

Again though moot point, I am 99% sure Phil does not want a Pro this gen.

I mean, I'm not suggesting a pro console. Closer to the Xbox One S if anything. We already know, despite the claims, that a mid gen refresh console was indeed in planning for MS as early as 2020 thanks to a bunch of unredacted internal documents MS accidentally posted during their anti-trust trial over Actiblision, it included things like a new case design, new controller, etc. So it was 100% coming, was a bigger change than the PS5 slim, and could/should still be scheduled for next year.

The thing is, they want to save money. Right now AMD can offer to move them to TSMC 4p, move them onto chiplet based PHYs, and maybe even disaggregate CPU/GPU onto chiplets. If you're doing all that anyway, you can move to GDDR7 and save a PHY or two in exchange for faster ram and probably get more cost savings over that time. If you're doing that, you can move from a 320 bit bus to a 256 bit bus, 28gbps ram, and then suddenly the option to overclock the GPU about 25% is right there, almost free.

MS would have to do almost nothing they're not nigh certainly planning to do already. It's not a pro console, it's just, a refresh, one that happens to save them money at the same time.
As it is November. It’s a good time to make a poll: do you think there will be a Pro model 12 months from today ? Yes or no!
I think it's probably close to a certainty that there will be a PS5 Pro next holiday season. If they include a hardware unit to allow for high quality upscaling it may end up being worthwhile. If not, games will still look like crap due to FSR 2 seemingly becoming the go to solution.