
Got done doing the actual "cardio" setting on our elliptical-hell-trainer for the first time, w00t! Also started working out a bit with the bowflex, but I still gotta baby my sternum a bit.

I guess I'm just checking in to say I'm doing really well, and getting stronger every day. I can sleep comfortably on my stomach now with the dogs on top of me and everything, life is slowly starting to return to normal. :)
And then, an UPDATE! :oops:

I'm doing great! No pain in my sternum anymore unless I catch a cold or work out too hard; but it's not a bad pain, more like just a pleasant reminder of how bad it used to be. I joined a gym last month with my kids and we haven't been going enough, but I'm trying to improve that. I'm currently working on opening our pool and keeping our house somewhat sane/clean, and in my spare time fixing everything my wife breaks on her Jeep and I'm working on putting in a top lift for it in our garage. (I can take the top off by myself, but it's a bit of a bitch. It makes me feel all strong though, so I likes it.)

The family is doing well. My wife changed stores she works at, and the new place is in a much nicer neighborhood and has a much slower pace. She's a lot less stressed out there, I likes. My son is still just taking some time off after high school, but he's staying out of trouble so it's all good. And my daughter is my daughter Maddy again and doing REALLY good! She enrolled back in public school last week and is going to summer school now.

Oh, and the VW Cabrio passed its emission test! Both my kids have learners permits for driving now, the first one to get a license gets the car! :D

Hope everyone here is doing well, sorry I haven't kept up. Life's kept me busy, but that's ok too. I'll get time for gaming soon, I've heard a rumor that some good boys and girls out there will be getting some Zen loving to play with soon...

Spent yesterday replacing all the pvc on my hot tubs filter/pump set up, heading out this morning to pick up a new start capacitor for the pump. (It's always something. <sigh> )

Just going through some stuff and found a fun pict from a few weeks ago when we took the wife's new Jeep to the Badlands, thought you might enjoy:
Wow, I couldn't remember if I had it on the 29th or 30th so I came here to check. (Facebook search SUCKS BALLS btw. ;) )

No anniversary posts until tomorrow, but DAMN what a difference a year makes! Back up to beyond full strength and feeling f-ing better than I have in decades, that quadrapass made me feel like I'm in my 30s again. (I'm 50).

Big love, expect some celebratory "I'M FUCKING ALIVE AND EXCELLENT!!" postage stuff tomorrow..and thank you all again for your love and support, it means more than you can ever know and I very much appreciate it. :)
Don't fret, I'm not allowed to die. My children and wife made me promise them that I will never die, and I am a man of my word if nothing else. :)
I was looking for threads about my kids VW and this one came up and I thought I'd give a brief update since I realize it's been a while and some of you may not be aware of my current physical condition.

I'm doing fucking fantabulous! Haven't had this much energy or been this strong in over a decade! Went to Red Rocks a few months ago with my wife to see Tom Petty and I was running up and down the stairs at the amphitheater! When I was there two years ago I couldn't take ten steps without having to take a break to catch my breath. I've been taking back my backyard and pool and spent about a week and a half at it steady. Even pulled an entire tree out of the backyard and down the hill for pickup/chopping. :)

I guess I just wanted to say that I'm physically doing better than i have in ages. No bad news to report at all, my vitals are all disgustingly good and I'm almost under 200lbs again. I've been active almost every day with house cleaning/yardwork/kids/animals, but I've been actually making PROGRESS on all those fronts! I've been finishing projects instead of starting new ones, and it sort of feels great. :)

Got the kids car all licensed and insured again today after getting it all fixed up and running well again, and this time we're going driving EVERY DAY until they're comfortable with it and licensed. My wife was a little worried about how mechanically sound it was since I fixed it and we had to take my 2010 Infiniti M35X and the VW Cabrio to get gas at Costco because she's very picky about getting the very best price possible. I pulled out of her way so i could follow her there and she unrolled her window and said, "No, I better follow you. I have a feeling you'll need a ride.", which gave me a grin I have not had in a long while and I smiled at her and said, "Ok, just try and keep up.", and I took off down are driveway fast and got to the corner stop sign before she could engage my car in gear and by the time she was at the stop sign I was out of sight around the corner. ROFL! I wasn't reckless or even speeding, I just knew that since I'd inflated the tires the other day the Cabrio's turning not only got a ton easier but way sharper. Anywho, she finally caught up to me on the expressway and it was beautiful on so many levels. Her shaking her head laughing, the VW having absolutely no issues (oh, did I mention I stress tested her on some empty side streets the day before? I'm not insane. :p ) and I finally got to see what so many have seen before I; Emmy charging up the left lane at me jumping from about 75 to 100 just to catch up. (I was doing around 85-90, going with traffic).

It was as scary as I thought, no wonder people move for me. :)

Anywho, I'm all excited because the car is legal and I got my pool/yard under control and my next project is with my son cleaning up the inside/outside of the VW and then some slight interior modifications....I'm VERY excited since this is basically the easy/fun part.

Just tossing out some happy when I got it. Oh, and I cut the bloody hell out of my finger at the beginning of last month and got 9 stitches. Had a horking comically oversized bandage over my right index finger for the first 2-3 weeks of my insane yard attack. :) (Bandages off now, almost healed. Just can't quite close it right and it feels funky, but it's improving every day.)

I feel really, really damned lucky about my quadrapass. I didn't suffer any heart damage yet again so it's just like a new heart. I keep thinking that's how it works for everyone, but reality keeps reminding me of just how fortunate I've been and I am grateful for it.