Really interesting the whole (and more) fit within the RAMTo achieve zero loading times everywhere (level startup, restarts, menu openings, menu transitions, etc) we load all the game textures, models and materials to Xbox 360 memory at the game startup and keep them there. The 210 megabyte game image uncompresses to around 400 megabytes of run time usable content in memory. Our data structures (physics world, visibility culling tree, graphics g-buffers & post process buffers, game logic structures, replay recording buffers, etc) use the remaining Xbox 360 memory. We have reserved some memory for DLC packs also. Fortunately our levels take only 8 kilobytes in compressed format, and tournaments only around 100 bytes. We can fit 128 new levels in one megabyte of system memory.
I may have more question but I'll wait till granmaster article