Digital Foundry Retro Discussion [2016 - 2017]

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Ultimate Doom speed run. I am very surprised by the fact that the first episode of the original Doom is the most challenging to complete with a speedrun, time wise, because the other have some very nasty situations, and particularly difficult skips to perform compared to the 1st episode, but can be completed in a shorter time.

It's curious because the 1st episode is the one people played the most by far, when the game was distributed as shareware.
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Kinda love this youtube channel, Summoning Salt, created by a guy who talks about videogames world records, the different attempts at a world record in a game and how they were achieved.

DF Retro article of the SNES Mini. I concur with him the Japanese and European models are the best looking, imho. He talks about the quality of the emulation (better than NES Mini yet not perfect) and the technology used in some games included with the SNES Mini, among other things.

Sonic 2 HD ¡¡¡¡DEMO ALREADY AVAILABLE!!! Amazing work by the fans.

It can be downloaded here



Looks flat and lifeless to me. The art was obviously designed with the lower resolution in mind. At higher resolution without obvious pixels it just looks like it's lacking detail. Chemical plant is better than emerald hill at least. Background is a bit overdone with the colored lights though.
The frame rate in that video leaves a lot to be desired.
the game runs at a solid 60 fps for me, save some very rare hiccups, but it's just a demo.

DF Retro has created an article on Sonic games made by the community and Sonic 2 HD is featured in it. As you can see reading the article or downloading the game, it runs fine, the fidelity to the original is great for the most part and it has lots of potential.

Looks flat and lifeless to me. The art was obviously designed with the lower resolution in mind. At higher resolution without obvious pixels it just looks like it's lacking detail. Chemical plant is better than emerald hill at least. Background is a bit overdone with the colored lights though.
this is a comparison between the original and the user made remake. What's flat about it?

The frame rate in the DF video is much better running on my measly smart phone. Thank you for providing the video as it ameliorates my concerns on frame rates for this HD remake.
hey there little owls. are you still asleep? Kinda remember that owl logo... Destruction Derby ran pretty well on my PC back at the time!
VERY recent video showing how they achieved something that is actually impossible on Saturn, the only time "Terminator 2" style "environment mapping" effects were used on Saturn.

I didnt quite understabd how they achieved it on the saturn but it sounds like a very complext process
I understood that hey used a software renderer. But how did the software renderer handle it?

By using a software renderer they could specify texture coordinates for the vertices. This meant they could effectively "slide" a large environment texture around the polygons, dependent upon where the vertex or surface normal was pointing (I'd guess a lookup table for texture coordinate based on normal values was used for speed).
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