Better performances, yet you have a worse framerate compared to Battlefront... i'm not here to win a discussion, but you can't base a discussion on unsupported claims.
Let me ask you this question : how much better is BF1 compared to Battlefront ?
You can't know...
I can't know when DICE started their implementation period of ExecuteIndirect and equivalent. True, nor do I know the impact. But I do know that
PS4 plays a majority of it's play in the 95% near 1080p resolution
XBO plays a majority of it's play in the near 900p resolution.
Numbers were provided earlier for it's min/max, but for the absolute sake of discussion we can round to both 1080 and 900 (for PS4) and 900 and 720 (for XBO).
You say I can't know how much better BF1 is compared to battlefront, visually no. Technically we may be able to deduce this.
SWBF was 900p on PS4, not always locked 60, but pretty close to locked 60.
Dynamic resolution aims to preserve frame rate, in this case, it will reduce resolution until the frame rate is met. We know that if performance in frame rate in worse on XBO and PS4 for BF1 (which isn't nearly as bad as you make it out to be, it looks to be pretty close to 1080p and 900p respectively for a majority of the time).. but if frame rate is tanking in BF1, then the resolution will be also at it's minimum, which is 900 and 720p respectively.
If framerate is tanking at these resolutions, we know that BF1 has a larger workload than SWBF. What causes the frame rate hitch can very well be a discussion point, perhaps it's CPU, perhaps GPU.