yeah sure but for now ps5 peformance in h3 is deviation from other titles not norm (not too big tough its just around 8% slower in this particular scene than 5700xt and not little faster, still curious how 5700xt perform in mendoza level with sniper rifle zoom from Tom video,
@Dictator any idea ?)
Well, it's much too early to say it's any sort of deviation for a variety of reasons:
a) all the titles you discussed were basically forced through covid
b) we've never had a chance to find equivalent settings (and console settings can be optimized further per stage/level than what PC can achieve)
So you've really got an issue with figuring out what is a correct measurement.
This is the first real and honest measurement. A game that wasn't rushed to meet post launch. A game that hit all of it's delivery targets as well as VR. A game that is clearly well optimized for all of it's platforms. And they've gone ahead and provided Alex the exact setup needed to reproduce PS5 on PC.
All the measurements before this didn't check any of those boxes. All of them rushed to make launch date, many features missing. Games that weren't optimized, and no settings provided for PC to find equivalency to.
We've never had apples to apples comparisons like this before. And now that we do, the result may not be in alignment with what we saw with the earlier titles.
I think looking at the launch titles as being an anchor point for it's performance is probably the wrong idea. It's 1.5 months worth of cross generational games during the height COVID, vs the remaining 70.5 months of matured games done the line that will be without last gen.
That doesn't mean to expect all PS5 games to behave where it is, but that doesn't make this particular title a deviation either. We don't even have 30 titles out yet to cross a basic sample size as statistical guideline.
tldr; I wouldn't label Hitman 3 a deviation. The population is much too small right now that anything in the first 2 years will likely be very spread out and all over the place, then we will see some very solid concertation of performance in years 3 and 4, and finally some minor spreading towards the very high end in the last years 5-6.