This is a major flaw with trying to do pieces that compare PS4 Pro versions of games with equivalent PC hardware, the drivers on the equivalent PC at the end of the console life cycle will not have been optimised for years let alone being individually tweaked for card and game combos the way they are for current generation products. There's a 2-3 year window around console launch when PC isn't handicapped by drivers being unmaintained but on the flip side the console isn't getting the most value out of it's single task focused design either as most console specific tricks tend to show up at the tail end of the generation with the start of a gen tending towards "existing techniques but more".
It's why you'll never see solid numbers for how much benefit a console derives for being focused on a single task versus the multi-tasked PC, there's just too many other variables to filter out the noise. Still fun to read/watch so long as you're not expecting definitive answers either way.