Diablo 4 [XO, XBSX|S, PC, PS4, PS5, XGP]

Overwatch 2 is already on Steam.

I would hope they would have all ABK games available on Xbox store and all existing ownerships would be moved over automatically. They won't give an option to have them moved to steam instead.

What I think will happen however is that all games will be available on Xbox and Steam stores, most on GamePass, and there will be no existing transfers. They will continue to support battle.net for years to come until they decide not to, and you won't be able to play those games anymore on battle.net eventually.

When Bethesda was acquired Microsoft had them move transfer ownership from the Bethesda store over to Steam. I doubt they will treat ABK any differently, but who knows.

ABK likely knows this was going to happen as a result of the acquisition so likely started moving games over to Steam in preparation.

No real reason to continue to financially support yet another ownership verification system if you don't have to. Well, unless they just like wasting money. :p

When Bethesda was acquired Microsoft had them move transfer ownership from the Bethesda store over to Steam. I doubt they will treat ABK any differently, but who knows.
I didn't know that, interesting. Perhaps they had no way of adding ownership by keys for Xbox store? You'd think they would want to keep them in their own ecosystem as much as possible, but Steam was much easier for them.
I didn't know that, interesting. Perhaps they had no way of adding ownership by keys for Xbox store? You'd think they would want to keep them in their own ecosystem as much as possible, but Steam was much easier for them.

Moving it to Steam was the correct consumer facing choice, they could have forced the move to the Windows store (what Game Pass runs off of), but then there would have been massive negative publicity and consumer outcry and MS don't want that. Ever since the disaster that was MS attempting to "force" adoption of Windows Store by making MS releases exclusive to the Windows Store as well as paying for 3rd party exclusive releases on the Windows store during Vista and Windows 8, they've basically fully embraced releasing everything on Steam simultaneously with Windows Store (GP).

Basically, MS knows that most PC gamers prefer to use Steam and a happy gamer is a happy customer. You can see the effect by how rapidly Microsoft's reputation started to go up after they abandoned attempting to push the Windows Store really hard combined with releasing Game Pass (which makes Windows Store tolerable to use).

It would have been interesting if they'd given people a choice of whether their ownership would transfer to Steam or Windows Store. I suspect 95+% of users would have chosen Steam, so instead of the additional costs associated with offering that choice, they just went with Steam as default.

What would be nice is if they could/would support cross ownership.

Basically, MS knows that most PC gamers prefer to use Steam and a happy gamer is a happy customer. You can see the effect by how rapidly Microsoft's reputation started to go up after they abandoned attempting to push the Windows Store really hard combined with releasing Game Pass (which makes Windows Store tolerable to use).
Which is just really weird, especially for such a large company. It's almost unheard of to do things that are better for the consumer at potentially a loss for the company. Maybe if they'd had a decent store product with the Xbox application it might have been different but it's an atrocious PoS.
ABK likely knows this was going to happen as a result of the acquisition so likely started moving games over to Steam in preparation.
This is not likely. If Activision do this, which obviously has a cost, and the whole deal falls apart then you've not only done something you personally don't believe is a sound business practice, you've spent your own money doing it. More likely is Activision have realised that isolating their games from Steam reduces sales. I get this, I buy very little that isn't on Steam.

When you are to sell something, do you begin changing it at your expense because you anticipate that new owner will make this changes? :nope:
Would be great if they'd offer a means of moving the game to Steam accounts, since battle.net will be going away eventually.
When you get the intern to do your hype video for your massive franchise.
Really like the game so far - is still my most played game atm. Season 2 has been super great and fixes a lot of the issues I had with Season 1, like the relative slow and monotonous leveling.

I like the blodd harvest events, I like that all people do the Legion Events and the World bosses now (because of mats) and I like that there are this bosses that they introduced that give intertesting uniqu items. I beat all of them, except Lilith kicks my ass by insta one shotting me all the time...ha ha ha, need to grind more or find a better class it seems.

So far I have a barb at about lvl 90: I got the unique that makes deat blow strong and can almost one shot all the bosses (except Lilith). I use it in combination with Upheaval and it is great fun gameplay. Barb has been a blast this season!

I also have a level 80 Druid, where I got this special unique staff that lets you build into a basic attack monster - wow, this has been a blast, running around and just blasting through all enemies. I wonder, if this build is strong enough to conquer Lilith...we will see.

I also have some low level Rogue and Sorcerer that I started. Sorcerer have this broken ligthing ball builds that shred everything - I will maybe push this character next to WT4.
There are a couple of things I wish they would improve on in future: the organisation of aspects is really a bit clunky in my opinion. There are ideas floating around, that you can just upgrade your basic codex aspects with the ones you find - this would be awesome.

I am a bit sad, that in comparison to D3, it is very cumbersome to have multiple different builds for one character. In D3 I could store them and with a press of the butting just play different builds. Here, it costs a lot of money, and a lot of time to change every gear, skill point, paragon point by hand...takes me about 40min or so to spec into a new build, which kinda kills the build swaping for me unfortunately. I hope, they have any ideas how to fix this in future to easily let us run multiple builds and versions of builds...
I am a bit sad, that in comparison to D3, it is very cumbersome to have multiple different builds for one character. In D3 I could store them and with a press of the butting just play different builds. Here, it costs a lot of money, and a lot of time to change every gear, skill point, paragon point by hand...takes me about 40min or so to spec into a new build, which kinda kills the build swaping for me unfortunately. I hope, they have any ideas how to fix this in future to easily let us run multiple builds and versions of builds...
With leveling being faster now, just make another character for a different build.
There are a couple of things I wish they would improve on in future: the organisation of aspects is really a bit clunky in my opinion. There are ideas floating around, that you can just upgrade your basic codex aspects with the ones you find - this would be awesome.

I am a bit sad, that in comparison to D3, it is very cumbersome to have multiple different builds for one character. In D3 I could store them and with a press of the butting just play different builds. Here, it costs a lot of money, and a lot of time to change every gear, skill point, paragon point by hand...takes me about 40min or so to spec into a new build, which kinda kills the build swaping for me unfortunately. I hope, they have any ideas how to fix this in future to easily let us run multiple builds and versions of builds...
I am surprised that you can’t save gear.
Season 2 is better than season 1 IMHO but right now there are some problems making it not very enjoyable for me.
One problem is itemization. I play a pulverize druid and shockwave is very important to this build, but while I got a few from before level 80, I only got one (and not a very good one) at level 100. Nothing with shockwave dropped during my leveling from 80 to 100. I also didn't see any of the two uniques critical to my build, so I have to use a sacred head piece and a not so good ancient chest piece.
Another is a more recent problem. I don't know how but it's now much more likely to be stuck at some point, for example after dodging. Sometimes I can't move for a few seconds after dodging. A similar problem is with trample, when I trample and hit a wall (you want to deliberately hit a mob into a wall for extra damage), sometimes it'll stuck in "running into the wall" animation for a few seconds. This not a network problem because the mobs are still attacking, and you can die in this situation.
I am not sure I get your Shockwave issue. You can strip the aspect from one of those old items and stick it on any ancestral piece.

As for the uniques, focus on farming the season 2 bosses (Zir, Grigoire, Beast, Duriel) and Varshan. They almost always drop a unique. It shouldn't take too long to get the ones you want (unless it's one of the uber rares).
I am not sure I get your Shockwave issue. You can strip the aspect from one of those old items and stick it on any ancestral piece.

As for the uniques, focus on farming the season 2 bosses (Zir, Grigoire, Beast, Duriel) and Varshan. They almost always drop a unique. It shouldn't take too long to get the ones you want (unless it's one of the uber rares).

I already did that using my old items. As you can see, when I got only one from level 80 to 100, it's simply just too rare. Basically I don't have much time doing the farming. I'm already doing tier 8x nightmare dungeons and because it's too rare I lost my interests in pushing for more.
IMO the worst season so far, by a lot. Some considerable negative response by a vast majority of players and content creators etc.

I enjoyed the season 2 vampire powers as they were very tangible powers that you could greatly enhance your builds, and create builds around. With this construct, you don't even realize it's there in combat, the abilities it has you can't feel as though it's making any difference.

The vault dungeons and traps are the most generic uninspired they could possibly devise, and are just annoying, slowing you don't completely with the idea that it should be some kind of challenge to navigate through them. Completely contrary to what has always made Diablo fun, which is constant mass slaughter of monsters.
IMO the worst season so far, by a lot. Some considerable negative response by a vast majority of players and content creators etc.

I enjoyed the season 2 vampire powers as they were very tangible powers that you could greatly enhance your builds, and create builds around. With this construct, you don't even realize it's there in combat, the abilities it has you can't feel as though it's making any difference.

The vault dungeons and traps are the most generic uninspired they could possibly devise, and are just annoying, slowing you don't completely with the idea that it should be some kind of challenge to navigate through them. Completely contrary to what has always made Diablo fun, which is constant mass slaughter of monsters.
haven't played it yet, but while not going into much detail, afaik players aren't happy with this season 3. I will be awaiting season 4, since it seems the good stuff is going to be showcased when it is released, hopefully. It's been a while since I last played Diablo 4.