Diablo 4 [XO, XBSX|S, PC, PS4, PS5, XGP]

Turns out I played the story missions out of order. I did the story mission in the demo, as the 4th mission and it's super weird lol.

With my character get befuddled by the demon's appearance when inspecting the bloody petal floor pattern thingy
hit too hard is the expression. Suffered that now. Tbh, WT1 and WT2 is just Normal difficulty mode like in all Diablo games, you beat the story mode and you're done. But after you get to WT3 and so on, things change. Monsters have different skills and colours. Cool stuff but tough.
yes elites can have more bad things they can do (poison, lightning, frost, explosive oh my!) and even trash can pew pew you reel guud

im still farming renown too, two regions left
yes elites can have more bad things they can do (poison, lightning, frost, explosive oh my!) and even trash can pew pew you reel guud

The most dangerous one IMHO is frost, because it's easy to be frozen for a few seconds and then everyone hit you and you die (that's also why it's important to have some skills which makes you unstoppable, but sometimes they are all on cooldown). Also there are two kinds of frozen, one is putting some circles on the ground and all you need to do is to avoid those circles, but another one is that you'll get frozen after the mob hit you a few times, and this kind is even more dangerous. You can only revive 4 times in WT4 nightmare dungeons so it can be a problem. Personally I try to avoid dungeons with some affixes (e.g. mob will drain your primary resource by range attack, etc.).
Poison is probably the second most dangerous because for some reason poison is very effective against players right now, but at least you can still run away from the posionous puddle, and if you have barrier it stops poison from draining your health.
remember it gets more expensive in mats if you re-imprint
its very easy to run out of mats if you arent careful
By the time you're doing a bunch of imprinting, you're supposed to be 50+ in WT3 where you farm a lot of those materials. The only material I've come close to running out of is Fiend Rose which isn't used in imprinting.
The most dangerous one IMHO is frost, because it's easy to be frozen for a few seconds and then everyone hit you and you die (that's also why it's important to have some skills which makes you unstoppable, but sometimes they are all on cooldown). Also there are two kinds of frozen, one is putting some circles on the ground and all you need to do is to avoid those circles, but another one is that you'll get frozen after the mob hit you a few times, and this kind is even more dangerous. You can only revive 4 times in WT4 nightmare dungeons so it can be a problem. Personally I try to avoid dungeons with some affixes (e.g. mob will drain your primary resource by range attack, etc.).
Poison is probably the second most dangerous because for some reason poison is very effective against players right now, but at least you can still run away from the posionous puddle, and if you have barrier it stops poison from draining your health.
gotta get used to that. I haven't played on WT3 much for now, but I wonder if Multi-shot and Lightning Enchanted are still a thing like in Diablo 2 which was usually insta-death for characters with some magic find and decent -though not perfect- resistances.

The equipment I had, which was really nice in Normal (WT1 and WT2) difficulty level, isn't very useful now.

You need a new aspect, not necessarily new armor.
good point. In fact I expect to do something like that when I get an armour that I really like. The issue with my current armor isn't only that the aspect is useless since I didn't know and have been using it for a lot of time. In fact I wanted to switch to a new armor like 8 levels below my current level, 'cos even upgraded I found it a bit lacking. But that 20% damage reduction was too good to ignore....

So I was in the verge of switching to another armor several times where I got certain rare armors that I liked with much more defense, but ended up discarding them and getting materials from them.
yes elites can have more bad things they can do (poison, lightning, frost, explosive oh my!) and even trash can pew pew you reel guud

im still farming renown too, two regions left
difficulty scaling reminds me of Diablo 2. When you switched from Normal to Nightmare, and then from Nightmare to Hell, it was kinda shocking how easily you died, but then you got better gear and you got better.

Even if I liked the story, I am super glad that I don't have to repeat it again with any other of my characters from now on. That's a huge winning point of Diablo 4.
By the time you're doing a bunch of imprinting, you're supposed to be 50+ in WT3 where you farm a lot of those materials. The only material I've come close to running out of is Fiend Rose which isn't used in imprinting.
sure but its easy to forget, my buddy was impriting and re-impriting same armor and ran out of a certain mat and he didnt realize it came from salvaging legendary armor. he was hunting for rings and only salvaged legendary rings but that gives you a different mat
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difficulty scaling reminds me of Diablo 2. When you switched from Normal to Nightmare, and then from Nightmare to Hell, it was kinda shocking how easily you died, but then you got better gear and you got better.

Even if I liked the story, I am super glad that I don't have to repeat it again with any other of my characters from now on. That's a huge winning point of Diablo 4.
yes but also the big thing here is that im below the level 73 that mobs start at. and in nightmare dungeons, its 50 + nightmare dungeon sigil tier + world tier so the lowest nightmare dungeon you can do is level 75 (50 + 21 + 4) in world tier 4
and that is big hurty if you are below 70
sure but its easy to forget, my buddy was impriting and re-impriting same armor and ran out of a certain mat and he didnt realize it came from salvaging legendary armor. he was hunting for rings and only salvaged legendary rings but that gives you a different mat
There's zero reason to sell legendaries, your gold source comes from selling blues/yellows. Every legendary you get that you aren't storing/extracting for using the aspect later should be salvaged for the materials. Also probably half of the legendaries you'll end up wearing will originally be rares that you've upgraded with an aspect, simply because you're more likely to find the 2-3 minimum stats you want on the multitude of rares you find.
There's zero reason to sell legendaries, your gold source comes from selling blues/yellows. Every legendary you get that you aren't storing/extracting for using the aspect later should be salvaged for the materials. Also probably half of the legendaries you'll end up wearing will originally be rares that you've upgraded with an aspect, simply because you're more likely to find the 2-3 minimum stats you want on the multitude of rares you find.
oh he wasnt selling legendaries, he just didnt farm armor because he didnt know there were different mats for imprinting armor vs imprinting rings

he was running helltides and whispers like crazy and only going for jewelry boxes
sorc needs an overhaul badly.
I love the sorc, but it's actually a terribly designed class lol.

Core skills and mastery skills are the same shit. You're only going to pick one over the other.
If you don't have enough gear you have to pick up a basic because you run OOM.

Almost all of our offensive aspects have some sort of management of resources, or it downgrades the amount of damage we can do, or it's dependent on some other factor to proc or occur.
We depend so much on Crit damage, crit chance and vulnerability, crowd control to do damage. We rely on LHC to keep our resource generation up.

We have no way to apply vulnerability except though shards and frost nova.
Stun requires us to get into melee range, but we are one shotted and have no DR and no life.
Only meteor and incinerate can apply immobilize, which I don't want to get into how bad incinerate is even with every incinerate aspect, it's pitifully bad.
the meteor aspects are also bad

Not a lot of feasible builds outside of shards right now. And without vul and frozen applied, you're not hitting like a tank. Boss fights are brutal until they are staggered.
oh he wasnt selling legendaries, he just didnt farm armor because he didnt know there were different mats for imprinting armor vs imprinting rings

he was running helltides and whispers like crazy and only going for jewelry boxes
ahhh ok, that makes sense. Yeah that will imbalance your materials :) Good thing to learn about D4.
sorc needs an overhaul badly.
I love the sorc, but it's actually a terribly designed class lol.

Core skills and mastery skills are the same shit. You're only going to pick one over the other.
If you don't have enough gear you have to pick up a basic because you run OOM.

Almost all of our offensive aspects have some sort of management of resources, or it downgrades the amount of damage we can do, or it's dependent on some other factor to proc or occur.
We depend so much on Crit damage, crit chance and vulnerability, crowd control to do damage. We rely on LHC to keep our resource generation up.

We have no way to apply vulnerability except though shards and frost nova.
Stun requires us to get into melee range, but we are one shotted and have no DR and no life.
Only meteor and incinerate can apply immobilize, which I don't want to get into how bad incinerate is even with every incinerate aspect, it's pitifully bad.
the meteor aspects are also bad

Not a lot of feasible builds outside of shards right now. And without vul and frozen applied, you're not hitting like a tank. Boss fights are brutal until they are staggered.
it's ironic 'cos yesterday I was reading an article on the 1.0.3 patch saying that the sorc benefited the most from it. I didn't notice much of a difference. Have you tried increasing your lucky hit to inmobilise enemies? Or testing a spark or fire build?
it's ironic 'cos yesterday I was reading an article on the 1.0.3 patch saying that the sorc benefited the most from it. I didn't notice much of a difference. Have you tried increasing your lucky hit to inmobilise enemies? Or testing a spark or fire build?
1.0.3 did nothing for sorcs.

I think the following posts are being pushed to the top:
1.0.3 did nothing for sorcs.

I think the following posts are being pushed to the top:
some good points in there. Also of note that I am not using a single core skill, and I'm a total noob with the sorceress in any game of the Diablo franchise, I built it out of intuition. But Firewall is like a much better option than Incinerate -which I was using early on-, imho.

It breaks the supposed mechanics of the game, but that's what I did in Diablo 3 with the Rogue. My primary mouse button wasn't a basic skill but one that consumed essence, nor I had a core skill in my secondary mouse button. However, in Diablo 3 with the correct gear or skills you had fine mana/essence whatever regeneration, and I spent very little time without giving monsters some hell during drifts and stuff.
1.0.3 did nothing for sorcs.

I think the following posts are being pushed to the top:
Sorc has issues, but mostly it's down to mana on boss fights. I can evaporate large packs of elites with a frost nova, but without a bunch of creatures around I am left running until a cd clears.

<edit> Use of defensive cds to generate mana and offense means they are unavailable defensively.
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first event completed without dying in WT3. I was lucky and got what I needed, a new legendary chest armor with a bonus to Flame Shield that allows your character to move unhindered through enemies. Enemies you move through while Flame Shield is active are inmobilised for almost 3 seconds.

btw, second event completed while I was typing this. Some level 63 Rogue appeared, and darn they were good.

edit: another 2 event beaten without dying but my sorc needs better equpment
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love Helltides. I got 2 legendary items after collecting 75 Aberrant Cinders twice. I also died twice when playing helltides, when you die they remove half of the aberrant cinders you had. Still, I am surprised that I am still surviving. Things can get easily crazy during helltides.

on a different note, turning your character 360º is super fast if you use a mouse, crazy fast. I like to do that after saying hello to other people, just for the fun of it.