Diablo 4 [XO, XBSX|S, PC, PS4, PS5, XGP]

Playing on Xbox series s

1. Buggy account linking, solved by force closing Diablo game
2. Looks surprisingly sharp enough
3. Runs surprisingly smoothly
4. The visuals looks a bit downgraded to pc
5. The HDR setting is borked. Cannot set the slider to exactly 800 nits
6. It's just me or it is more zoomed in than pc?

Anyway, turns out that by using male character made me gets confused who is speaking. The same problem I got with cyberpunk2077.

I almost never speak anyway in Diablo, so meh. Not worth the hassle to create a new character


Hahahaha my luck... My lg CX oled auto dims all the bloody time at night and inside dungeons.

I wonder why it didn't auto dim aggressively like this when I played on pc... Maybe due to a new fw update a few days ago...
enjoy the game and have lots of fun. Did you manage to turn the auto dimming feature off and finding what setting is it? iirc my TV has a setting for that.

Which class are you using?

Creating a new character doesn't take much time. I created a Druid to test something and the prologue isn't that long. Maybe I shall create the base for my future necro and sorceress.

@Silent_Buddha kinda found the key for necros. At least in the early levels.

I can imagine Silent is constantly hissing at his skeletons, like a boss or manager. Surely, as in all teams, some of your skeletons will take lots of punches 'cos they work their arse off, spending hours even working on weekends. Of course for free, we already know what it's like to fight against the hordes of evil.

The fact is that surely some of the skeletons from Silent's team don't do the right thing. They don't have any stress, they never stay to take punches, and of course they don't work during the weekends. Of course. Some are not motivated at all. Zero. And well, that's where Silent comes in. They will learn the hard way, some will get tired of being silly, among that brilliant AI.
Can you use aspects on sacred and ancestral items? If so, do they break their native bonus like with legendaries?
Sacred and Ancestral are Legendaries, they're just enhanced versions of them but otherwise act identically. Using an aspect on a sacred or ancestral operate the same way, overwriting their native affix with the one from the aspect.
enjoy the game and have lots of fun. Did you manage to turn the auto dimming feature off and finding what setting is it? iirc my TV has a setting for that.

Which class are you using?

Creating a new character doesn't take much time. I created a Druid to test something and the prologue isn't that long. Maybe I shall create the base for my future necro and sorceress.

@Silent_Buddha kinda found the key for necros. At least in the early levels.

I can imagine Silent is constantly hissing at his skeletons, like a boss or manager. Surely, as in all teams, some of your skeletons will take lots of punches 'cos they work their arse off, spending hours even working on weekends. Of course for free, we already know what it's like to fight against the hordes of evil.

The fact is that surely some of the skeletons from Silent's team don't do the right thing. They don't have any stress, they never stay to take punches, and of course they don't work during the weekends. Of course. Some are not motivated at all. Zero. And well, that's where Silent comes in. They will learn the hard way, some will get tired of being silly, among that brilliant AI.
It can via service menu but I'm too 🐥 too try

I use necromancer. Too many dark skills. But nice for lazy ass like me
It can via service menu but I'm too 🐥 too try

I use necromancer. Too many dark skills. But nice for lazy ass like me
that feature on my TV is called intelligent settings and Adaptive Brightness or something like that. I disabled it. It's horrible when enabled, and they say it responds of lighting conditions in your room but I don't think so. On my TV in a clear day, the brightness is high, fine..., but I then tested how realtime it is, closed the blinders, the room was completely dark and the brightness didn't change, just radioactive brightness for your eyes. I disabled it.

Necro? Have fun. They were fun in Diablo 2, though I didn't play it in Diablo 3. I loved druids in D2, specially when they added sinergies after the mythical Diablo 2 LoD 1.10 patch.

I am starting to create new characters for future builds. I created a Necro, she looks cool. I also created a Sorceress after I took this screengrab.

In the beta I tried a bunch of characters, and necromancer fits my lazy play style the best.

There are so many options for being lazy. Including upgrades that makes enemies im attacking became slower.

Hopefully they will never nerf it. As it would took away the fun by a ton. Like what Respawn did in titanfall 1 when they heavily nerf the autopilot gun (forgot the name) that automatically locks on enemies.

LG oled have inherent feature that automatically dims the screen when the screen is showing dim scenes. Yes it's utterly baffling why they did that. As dim scenes are inherently very oled friendly.

It seems lg increased the dimming aggressiveness in the latest update. Probably a deliberate planned obsolescence strategy to push people to buy newer model, as the newer model got a firmware update a few months ago that totally revamped the dimming logic and practically fixed the issue.

Yes I'm salty. Yes, probably not a deliberate planned obsolescence move.
In the beta I tried a bunch of characters, and necromancer fits my lazy play style the best.

There are so many options for being lazy. Including upgrades that makes enemies im attacking became slower.

Hopefully they will never nerf it. As it would took away the fun by a ton. Like what Respawn did in titanfall 1 when they heavily nerf the autopilot gun (forgot the name) that automatically locks on enemies.

LG oled have inherent feature that automatically dims the screen when the screen is showing dim scenes. Yes it's utterly baffling why they did that. As dim scenes are inherently very oled friendly.

It seems lg increased the dimming aggressiveness in the latest update. Probably a deliberate planned obsolescence strategy to push people to buy newer model, as the newer model got a firmware update a few months ago that totally revamped the dimming logic and practically fixed the issue.

Yes I'm salty. Yes, probably not a deliberate planned obsolescence move.
dunno whether necro is op or not, but it's a nice chance of pace playing with a different character. I remember in Diablo 2, my fav build was werewolf druid, which was a primary mouse button click fest for hours and hours. Then when I switched to a necromancer overlord and an elemental druid, the gameplay style was so staggeringly different it made you feel at easy. In D3 I returned to the twitchy gameplay of the Rogue, and now in D4 too.
Can you use aspects on sacred and ancestral items? If so, do they break their native bonus like with legendaries?

I have tried to imprint a "normal" aspect on a sacred item, it works but its strength is not upgraded (i.e. a top end "normal" asepct does not become a top end "sacred" aspect when imprinted on a sacred legendary item).
I'm imagining things or the game right now is really easier than the beta?

For example, in the beta, I almost unable to solo the random public events in the open world. But now, I can solo it just fine.

Both with necromancer.
I've been abroad this week but looking forward to get back to Diablo. I've now played a necro, sorcerer and rogue to level 15 and I think I'm enjoying the rogue most. I started as a stabby-rogue then transitioned to a ranged build which feels more like the old demon hunter.

I wasn't keen on the online aspect, but it's fairly unobtrusive so far.

I do want to give the FF XVI demo a quick spin first though.
been playing very little yesterday, and also today. But I've been leveling up my druid, to level 11, playing some rogue where I've beaten an impossible -at least before- miniboss, and also have a necro and a sorceress -fire based, dunno if it's effective or not compared to other variations, but I want one- for future use.

They nailed the necro. The female necro has, imho, the most beautiful body, and also imposes respect.
been playing very little yesterday, and also today. But I've been leveling up my druid, to level 11, playing some rogue where I've beaten an impossible -at least before- miniboss, and also have a necro and a sorceress -fire based, dunno if it's effective or not compared to other variations, but I want one- for future use.
I wonder if I'm missing some content because I've not encountered ay significant boss encounters in levelling my necro, sorc and rogue. What am I missing? I've really only ventured south/east from Kovashak.
I wonder if I'm missing some content because I've not encountered ay significant boss encounters in levelling my necro, sorc and rogue. What am I missing? I've really only ventured south/east from Kovashak.
you haven't encountered many, given your characters' level, but I am also including dungeons bosses or strongholds into the bosses definition. There are some superunique monsters -not bosses-, but I haven't memorised them yet. I knew most of them, if not all, in Diablo 2.
I wonder if I'm missing some content because I've not encountered ay significant boss encounters in levelling my necro, sorc and rogue. What am I missing? I've really only ventured south/east from Kovashak.
You've barely encountered like 5% of the game?
I'm imagining things or the game right now is really easier than the beta?

For example, in the beta, I almost unable to solo the random public events in the open world. But now, I can solo it just fine.

Both with necromancer.

Not just you. It's definitely a little easier.

Quite possibly, I think I misread @Cyan's post about a level 11 druid, but revisiting it I think Cyan is talking about a higher level mini-boss.

I am definitely enjoying Diablo IV.
you read it correctly. I didn't mention that I have a level 42 Rogue.
Just finished the story.

My rating: 3 or 3.5/5

Game was mega easy. I figured it would be. It was a huge issue in Diablo 3. Here it's not quite as bad an issue, but still a problem. There should have been a higher tier available from the start. I may have broken the scaling by doing side quests for the first 1/3 or 1/2 of the game, but maybe not. I'd recommended skipping the side quests because they all suck and the campaign will feel long if you do them. Also, there's a possibility the scaling is bad and the game will be harder if you skip them, which will make it more enjoyable. Basically the end boss was one of the easiest fights in the game by the time I got there.

The story might be good for a game. I don't know. I find it hard to tell. There are very few games where I'm genuinely interested in what's happening. The ending cut-scene of the game is mindbogglingly dumb. Video-game story-telling has really failed to progress in a very long time. For one, the pre-rendered scenes are a lot more enjoyable to watch, just because of the visuals, but there's only a few of them. A lot of the story is told by clicking on a person, clicking through their dialogue, walking five feet to open a door, clicking on a person again, clicking through their dialogue, clicking on an object, clicking on a person to get their dialogue ... fast travel, talk to them again ... fast travel to another spot ... talk to them ... fast travel, pick up a note, bring it back, talk to them, lose your mind, consider uninstalling ... Make it stop. There was so much exposition that was filler with menial tasks in-between that could have been delivered in a single conversation or cut-scene with all of the BS cut out. These games need to learn expediency. They're trying to write C-grade novels, or B-grade tv shows and sandwiching them into games without any idea how to make it fit. Not much has changed in a very long time.

Gameplay is okay. It's diablo. You know exactly what you're getting. I don't think the open world really helped at all. I would have preferred a smaller world with 90% less fetch objectives and pre-rendered cinematics to tell the story. The skill tree and inventory are not perfect, but good enough to get through the game. The skills are not bad, but with the game being so easy it's hard to judge.

Musical score seemed good. The visuals were good. Interior environments/dungeons look a lot better than the open world.

I'm going to try out the endgame now, see if it's worth investing time into.
The music is indeed good but it doesn't have iconic ones. There's no iconic music in D4 like halo and destiny have
The music is indeed good but it doesn't have iconic ones. There's no iconic music in D4 like halo and destiny have
Perhaps it’s not iconic but I always find Diablo music to be very “Diablo”. In every Diablo game with calm acoustic guitars. 4th is excellent when it comes to sound, I am truly blown away how good music and sounds effects are.