Diablo 4 [XO, XBSX|S, PC, PS4, PS5, XGP]

Finished the campaign last night. Very epic, the last act was quite long and kept me enraptured until 2am. Amazing prerendered cutscenes, I think they also did a nice job with the realtime cutscenes given the focus of the engine.

Looking forward to the expansions. Time to tryout the capstone dungeon today I guess.
doesn't look very pink to me, but the image seems to be taken with HDR enabled and tonemapped by taking it with the Pirnt Screen key. If you take it with Windows + G -the gamebar- the OS stores the image in HDR mode (.jxr extension) and also a .png image correctly tonemapped so the colours look right.

Talking of which..., where are you obtaining your legendary items? :giggle: I had been most lucky in the curiosities vendor -it's similar to Gheed in Diablo 2, but better- and got 2 out of my 4 legendaries there.
I got one off lilith when I beat her the first time. igot another one in a nightmare dungeon and one on a world boss.

Also it is an hdr enabled monitor but that grab looks like it does in game. So I dunno. I'm not the best when it comes to colors
I got one off lilith when I beat her the first time. igot another one in a nightmare dungeon and one on a world boss.
You're referring to Uniques, Cyan is referring to standard Legendary items.
having a hard time finding the best build for my rogue, but I think I am starting to get it. I can't beat the 3 sisters though.

I like to play nasty tricks on the enemies, I really love that. I tried melee, and it doesn't work that bad, but for this character I prefer bows. So I am mixing Concealment, marksman stuff and some traps. There is huge potential but finding the most adequate combo is being tough. (I refunded the skills quite a few times already)
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From everything I've read or watched so far, seems the Rogue is the most difficult class to pick up, irrespective of familiarity with Diablo series. At least during the leveling stage.

My friend chose Rogue and he has a very difficult time staying alive. Haven't had much issues with my Druid, even without Werebear, don't die very often.
From everything I've read or watched so far, seems the Rogue is the most difficult class to pick up, irrespective of familiarity with Diablo series. At least during the leveling stage.

My friend chose Rogue and he has a very difficult time staying alive. Haven't had much issues with my Druid, even without Werebear, don't die very often.
rogue melee is pretty tough during the levelling process. You really need to know what you're doing, it's a lot more effort involved by the player to make the build work.
Sorc is pretty easy in comparison, Sorc is a spreadsheet game with some basic kiting mechanics, they are largely gear and cooldown limited - which comes back to gear. AOE is nearly implicit in all their skills, leaving very few skills that do heavy direct damage. Melee rogue has some tougher AOE mechanics to get working but single target dps can be very heavy.
From everything I've read or watched so far, seems the Rogue is the most difficult class to pick up, irrespective of familiarity with Diablo series. At least during the leveling stage.

My friend chose Rogue and he has a very difficult time staying alive. Haven't had much issues with my Druid, even without Werebear, don't die very often.
yup, I can't beat Negala and her sisters no matter what. I tried like 40+ times, rebuilding stuff, to no avail. It's a dead end for me once I get there. Even playing smart -leaving 2 of them with a sliver of health to kill them simultaneously-, while helpful, doesn't do much. In other areas dying isn't common, but it's not rare either.

@iroboto got the Rogue to use a bow, which I like, for melee I prefer different classes but yeah the little I tried melee can be useful but risky of course.
finally beat Negala and her sisters. :) I used traps, which is my favourite strategy, with venom in this case -there are some bonuses to explore there-.

The rogue in Diablo 3 was more badass -but more boring-. I basically played that class in D3, and you were constantly moving fast, it was crazy stuff, plus you had turrets which also shielded you. I am glad they removed pistols in D4, imho, it was boring and dull in D3, but other than that a D3 rogue had an easier time, though D4 rogue is a bit more strategic and fun.

In D3 you basically needed to perform somersaults galore, ALWAYS move, recharge energy with basic skill, use core skill, ultimate skill when available, turrets, rinse and repeat, too repetitive and hectic, still I wanted to use a bow and that class was okay.
Already starting to feel bored. I'm going to try to speedrun the main campaign. I think Rogue was a bad choice for me. I've switched up my build a few times, but I don't find the skills that interesting.

What I really liked about Diablo 2 was playing multiple characters, because it was easy to jump into a new one and start playing through the Acts and increasing the difficulty each time through. With Diablo 4 I feel like I'll never do that. It'll take so long to play through the campaign multiple times. It's just too long. There's a ton of filler. Diablo 2 was nice because each act had its own look and enemy set. Diablo 4 has a ton of repetition. I guess I'd feel like I'd enjoy playing through a shorter game with multiple player types than play through a long game with one player type and be burned out by the time it's over.
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Already starting to feel bored. I'm going to try to speedrun the main campaign. I think Rogue was a bad choice for me. I've switched up my build a few times, but I don't find the skills that interesting.

What I really liked about Diablo 2 was playing multiple characters, because it was easy to jump into a new one and start playing through the Acts and increasing the difficulty each time through. With Diablo 4 I feel like I'll never do that. It'll take so long to play through the campaign multiple times. It's just too long. There's a ton of filler. Diablo 2 was nice because each act had its own look and enemy set. Diablo 4 has a ton of repetition. I guess I'd feel like I'd enjoy playing through a shorter game with multiple player types than play through a long game with one player type and be burned out by the time it's over.
agreed on the rogue not being the best choice. I don't find it boring, it's certainly more fun than D3 rogue, imho, but I refunded the skills a lot of times, which isn't a good thing. My first build was more like Diablo 3 and it kinda worked ok -it was focused on Forceful Arrow, Rapid Fire, Cold Imbuement, and rain of arrows as the ultimate skill-.

It wasn't that bad, frozen and slowed enemies along with a point in Forceful Arrow and a couple of upgrades -imho a must, 'cos of the Knockback-, couple with Dash and Smoke Bomb...., it kinda worked.

But yeah, difficult choices for a Rogue, I am finding certain success with defensive passive skills -damage reduction-, venom trap, poison imbuement, and death trap. If you have difficulty in focusing vs single targets, that might work.

Also, very IMPORTANT, it's using this new feature in Diablo 4 where you can create legendary items, :) 'cos you need the best equipment you can get.

As for D2 vs D4, afaik, in D4 once you complete the campaign all the classes are leveled up with your main character, so you don't really start from scratch once the campaign is completed, afaik.....
As for D2 vs D4, afaik, in D4 once you complete the campaign all the classes are leveled up with your main character, so you don't really start from scratch once the campaign is completed, afaik.....
No, you start from level 1 in the open world, you just don't have to do the whole campaign again.
agreed on the rogue not being the best choice. I don't find it boring, it's certainly more fun than D3 rogue, imho, but I refunded the skills a lot of times, which isn't a good thing. My first build was more like Diablo 3 and it kinda worked ok -it was focused on Forceful Arrow, Rapid Fire, Cold Imbuement, and rain of arrows as the ultimate skill-.

It wasn't that bad, frozen and slowed enemies along with a point in Forceful Arrow and a couple of upgrades -imho a must, 'cos of the Knockback-, couple with Dash and Smoke Bomb...., it kinda worked.

But yeah, difficult choices for a Rogue, I am finding certain success with defensive passive skills -damage reduction-, venom trap, poison imbuement, and death trap. If you have difficulty in focusing vs single targets, that might work.

Also, very IMPORTANT, it's using this new feature in Diablo 4 where you can create legendary items, :) 'cos you need the best equipment you can get.

As for D2 vs D4, afaik, in D4 once you complete the campaign all the classes are leveled up with your main character, so you don't really start from scratch once the campaign is completed, afaik.....

I stopped using an ultimate. I find it's better just to carry another skill. Right now I'm using:

Puncture with fundamental puncture to get vulnerable (not sure I'm totally sold on this)
Penetrating shot with advanced penetrating shot - I like this as my core skill but I'm not sure about advanced penetrating shot vs the other option. Nice balance of trash mob clearance and damage against bosses.
Shadow step with disciplined shadow step - good boss or elite damage and allows you to break out of stuns, freezes etc
Dash with Disciplined dash- added instead of an ultimate just to be able to dodge and do some extra damage or spread imbument damage
Dark Shroud with subverting dark shroud - damage reduction and movement
Poison Imbuement - good damage against bosses and elites, and good enough with penetrating shot for clearing trash mobs. Still not sure about this one. Shadow seems like wave clear and cold is cc, but I'm not sure how good it is against bosses.
Close Quarters Combat
I stopped using an ultimate. I find it's better just to carry another skill. Right now I'm using:

Puncture with fundamental puncture to get vulnerable (not sure I'm totally sold on this)
Penetrating shot with advanced penetrating shot - I like this as my core skill but I'm not sure about advanced penetrating shot vs the other option. Nice balance of trash mob clearance and damage against bosses.
Shadow step with disciplined shadow step - good boss or elite damage and allows you to break out of stuns, freezes etc
Dash with Disciplined dash- added instead of an ultimate just to be able to dodge and do some extra damage or spread imbument damage
Dark Shroud with subverting dark shroud - damage reduction and movement
Poison Imbuement - good damage against bosses and elites, and good enough with penetrating shot for clearing trash mobs. Still not sure about this one. Shadow seems like wave clear and cold is cc, but I'm not sure how good it is against bosses.
Close Quarters Combat
that's totally different from what I've ever tried. I used Puncture though -but didn't like it-, so I decided to use Forceful Arrow -just one point, and then 2 upgrades to get knockback, great survival skill-.

As for Penetrating Shot, yes, I tried it and I can get why you are bored. It might me very useful but it looks very dull and I am not good at singling out enemies with teh gamepad.

Shadow Step? Hmmm, sounds REALLY good, I think I missed it, 'cos I never used that skill.

Dark Shroud, that's a nice one to have, really like it. But I have Venom Trap in that slot, which helps a LOT with some poison upgrades -increased attack speed, and poisoned enemies deal a lot less damage, both super bonuses-.

Poison Imbuement, yes, that one, I maxed it out.

Close Quarters Combat, never tried.

As for Ultimate, I use the Death Trap one which has a reduced cooldown, and can cooldown instantly depending on bonus. I also got the passive skill related to traps.

But yeah, I'd like to use more skills like Smoke Grenade and stuff like that.

And well, as a tip, create your own legendaries in the occultist after completing your character's dungeon. :giggle: It's a game by itself, and you can get decent legendaries, which are going to make a huge difference for a weak class. Ah, and don't sell any legendary nor transform them into junk, like I did.
As for other classes, from what I read, the sorceress seems to be very capable. The necromancer..., maybe @Silent_Buddha 's build, but I have colleagues that switched from necromancer to other classes, like the sorceress, 'cos they were having some trouble, and found the sorc more powerful.
So yeah, Ok I get it. My first Diablo game and I'm very much hooked. I really don't get the progression, I'd expect to level up and then go somewhere and steam through earlier levels, but this is just consistently like hitting your head against a brick wall - not a very hard one but still.
wish we had at least one or two extra slots for skills. I had to give up on Death Trap, the only ultimate skill I really like. So, I changed my build a little, and now I am surviving much better. A key here is using Concealment and while you are concealed, usin Mending Obscurity -a skill, which is kinda "hdden", close to Concealment, and I totally missed before- grants you a 9% life regeneration per second. You end up using a lot less health potions.

I asked this colleague with a Rogue, how is that the game was feasible for him, and he told me that there is a legendary that can be used by all classes, which can be crafted from quite early that creates a fairly large shield when you hit an elite, with it many bosses become more palatable because the potions

For his specific rogue it helped him a lot to use Flurry -I don't use melee skills but I can understand how he survived better than me- which has an upgrade which heals you 12% of your life when it hits a vulnerable enemy.
So yeah, Ok I get it. My first Diablo game and I'm very much hooked. I really don't get the progression, I'd expect to level up and then go somewhere and steam through earlier levels, but this is just consistently like hitting your head against a brick wall - not a very hard one but still.
progression in Diablo happens "naturally". I mean, Diablo -or Lilith in this case- scatters the devil all over Sanctuary and you are constantly battling those hordes that are the seed of the devil. Thus getting experience.

Typical Diablo things:

- There are sinergies between skills
- Loads of items (broken, normal, magic, rare, legendaries, now also ancestral and sacred? -havent had any of those-)
- Crafting, repairs, recycling
- Note the monsters modifiers (i.e. in Diablo 2, Unique and Superunique monsters that were Multi-shot Lightning Enchanted = basically 1 shot dead)
- Equipment is key
- Dark environment (esp. Diablo, Diablo 2 and now Diablo 4)
- Followers (Diablo 2 -mercenaries- and Diablo 3 had followers, dunno about Diablo 4 for now, I haven't seen any followers, maybe in a expansion?). They were excellent to complement your character. Say you have a marksman Rogue.., a tank follower could be a great companion, or maybe another marksman, for whatever reason, but yes.
So yeah, Ok I get it. My first Diablo game and I'm very much hooked. I really don't get the progression, I'd expect to level up and then go somewhere and steam through earlier levels, but this is just consistently like hitting your head against a brick wall - not a very hard one but still.

Yah, there's something weird about having a level up system when the entire game world instantly scales to your new level. It does kind of make things better because you can do missions, dungeons in any order and they'll always give you an appropriate reward instead of doing a level 5 dungeon at a high level and getting trash.
Yah, there's something weird about having a level up system when the entire game world instantly scales to your new level. It does kind of make things better because you can do missions, dungeons in any order and they'll always give you an appropriate reward instead of doing a level 5 dungeon at a high level and getting trash.
Yup, it also removes power leveling as well. Everyone fights mobs at their own level, allowing players high level and low level to party up and have an fun experience.