Diablo 4 [XO, XBSX|S, PC, PS4, PS5, XGP]

It plays fine with the new Game Porting Toolkit (80-120FPS) on an M2 Max SoC in macOS. It's translating from x86 to ARM and D3D12 to Metal.

A native port would be most welcome though.
Blizzard used to a 'good citizen' in supporting non-Windows platforms. I had not considered running Diablo 4 on a Mac, but it's sad that it's not an option outside of Apple's new porting toolkit or virtualisation. I played Starcraft II, World of Warcraft and Diablo 3 exclusive on Macs on computers.

Then I bought D3 on Switch and never looked back.
There are very few games that I have extensively acclimatised to controls being keyboard and mouse and revisited on a controller and found it better, but Diablo is one of the rare ones. Diablo 3 at least. I'm not wholly sold on D4 yet.
D4 is a very well made game, whenever you give it a try you will almost instantly notice. Even the character's art and clothes "make sense" -which is not an easy feat- despite being a lot of different combinations. My rogue looks more like this character from Hellblade 2, but different, she looks like a "suspicious" character -can't find the words-.


imho, Blizzard has a winner in their hands. Not perfect, but a really really good game.
my very first unique item in the game. And it has the same name as one of the most sought after and favourite weapons in Diablo 2, the famous and insane -back in the day- Buriza-Do-Kanyon.

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my very first unique item in the game. And it has the same name as one of the most sought after and favourite weapons in Diablo 2, the famous and insane -back in the day- Buriza-Do-Kanyon.

That’s a legendary.

Uniques are pink in colour and have a different border
my very first unique item in the game. And it has the same name as one of the most sought after and favourite weapons in Diablo 2, the famous and insane -back in the day- Buriza-Do-Kanyon.


That’s a legendary.

Uniques are pink in colour and have a different border
Yup , You can remove the star portion of the equipment. That is called an aspect. So find the aspect shop in the main town. You can remove it and place it on another item one time. That way if you find say a cross bow with twice the damage you can move the aspect to it.

I beat the game yesterday and have done a few world bosses. It's a lot of fun. I just never feel like I'm that powerful and I think the way they handle minions and the limited bindings due to controllers kinda ruin the necro class. If you want to go full minon as a necro you are basicly giving up almost every other attack power
Yup , You can remove the star portion of the equipment. That is called an aspect. So find the aspect shop in the main town. You can remove it and place it on another item one time. That way if you find say a cross bow with twice the damage you can move the aspect to it.

I beat the game yesterday and have done a few world bosses. It's a lot of fun. I just never feel like I'm that powerful and I think the way they handle minions and the limited bindings due to controllers kinda ruin the necro class. If you want to go full minon as a necro you are basicly giving up almost every other attack power
I got invited to complete teh WT3 capstone dungeon at 10 levels below 70.
haha, first attempt we almost downed the final boss, then it went downhill from there and everyone gave up.

It's pure 1 shot city when you're 60 and the level is 70+
I got invited to complete teh WT3 capstone dungeon at 10 levels below 70.
haha, first attempt we almost downed the final boss, then it went downhill from there and everyone gave up.

It's pure 1 shot city when you're 60 and the level is 70+
lol that is the next thing I have to do but only 56
I got invited to complete teh WT3 capstone dungeon at 10 levels below 70.
haha, first attempt we almost downed the final boss, then it went downhill from there and everyone gave up.

It's pure 1 shot city when you're 60 and the level is 70+
in which system do you play?

Thx for the clarification, btw, yes, it's a legendary item, I defined it as unique but that's for certain creatures of hell. Talking of which, in Diablo 2 unique monsters where easily identifiable, 'cos some were either part of the plot or they had a very cool, easy to identify name -Frozenstein for instance-. Later Diablo games didn't capture that feeling yet, we shall see in Diablo 4.

As for difficulty, I improved a lot, but I die every once in a while -say every 20 to 30 minutes-. I wonder how @Silent_Buddha is faring?
in which system do you play?

Thx for the clarification, btw, yes, it's a legendary item, I defined it as unique but that's for certain creatures of hell. Talking of which, in Diablo 2 unique monsters where easily identifiable, 'cos some were either part of the plot or they had a very cool, easy to identify name -Frozenstein for instance-. Later Diablo games didn't capture that feeling yet, we shall see in Diablo 4.

As for difficulty, I improved a lot, but I die every once in a while -say every 20 to 30 minutes-. I wonder how @Silent_Buddha is faring?
I’m on PC.

Yea the unique items can’t be changed. You’ll get them in world tier 3.

Very satisfying to see a pink drop :)
kinda dying a lot. I died 20 or 30 times against
Negala and her sisters, I can't defeat them when trying to conquer the Stronghold, level 30 now.

Other than that my character can really hold its ground, but I still die under certain conditions
D4 is a very well made game, whenever you give it a try you will almost instantly notice.
Having endless login/connection issue whilst trying to play the single-player campaign today, I would strongly disagree with you. As would would a lot of other people also trying to play the campaign with no co-op/multiplayer.

Frequent server disconnections result in a lot of lost progress. If I'm brutally honest, it's shit.
in which system do you play?

Thx for the clarification, btw, yes, it's a legendary item, I defined it as unique but that's for certain creatures of hell. Talking of which, in Diablo 2 unique monsters where easily identifiable, 'cos some were either part of the plot or they had a very cool, easy to identify name -Frozenstein for instance-. Later Diablo games didn't capture that feeling yet, we shall see in Diablo 4.

As for difficulty, I improved a lot, but I die every once in a while -say every 20 to 30 minutes-. I wonder how @Silent_Buddha is faring?

I have now died once to an enemy and not a trap. That was purely due to me misinterpreting the boss mechanic. I thought the NPC that joined the fight was there to help the boss so I didn't go into their bubble and then died to the boss mechanic. Next attempt I noticed that it was actually an ally that was there to help fight the boss.

I'm around level 45 now playing it off and on. The story so far is far too cliche, but it is executed well within the worn modern cliches that are starting to get a bit old. PoE has a similar storyline arc (subversion of expectations of who is "good" and who is "evil" and the nature of "good" and "evil") but executes it much better, IMO. At least so far. I still have a lot of the story left to go to see where it ultimately ends up and whether there's any unexpected story elements along the way.

It's just sort of hard to slog through easy mode to get through it all.

The netcode for D4 also at times feels worse than D3 with more lag between activating a skill on my end and it going through on the game server. It's certainly gotten worse since the early access ended, so I'm guessing it's due to player load at certain times of the day.

I don’t like that it’s a fully online game. I was doing a dungeon by myself and had 170 ms of latency, and things were moving around and disappearing. Fighting a spider that would leave web traps on the ground but they weren’t showing.

On pc control+r+r shows latency.
Having endless login/connection issue whilst trying to play the single-player campaign today, I would strongly disagree with you. As would would a lot of other people also trying to play the campaign with no co-op/multiplayer.

Frequent server disconnections result in a lot of lost progress. If I'm brutally honest, it's shit.
today? Last time I played was around 8pm yesterday -it's 3:12 am now-, and during the afternoon I could play just fine, dunno what happened later. No connection issues today -I have 300MB fiber-.
I don’t like that it’s a fully online game. I was doing a dungeon by myself and had 170 ms of latency, and things were moving around and disappearing. Fighting a spider that would leave web traps on the ground but they weren’t showing.

On pc control+r+r shows latency.
neither do I. Wish there was a truly offline mode where you couldn't play with other people nor use your character in online mode -this was a huge issue in Diablo 2 'cos of cheaters-.

However, Diablo 4 MUST be full online if you want to avoid any kind of cheating. Diablo 3 on consoles was cheating galore. :oops: On consoles!! Just because the PS and XB versions had offline mode. Now that full crossplay is possible and the game works fine with kb+m or gamepad, they decided to make a full online game for all the versions.
today? Last time I played was around 8pm yesterday -it's 3:12 am now-, and during the afternoon I could play just fine, dunno what happened later. No connection issues today -I have 300MB fiber-.
The weekend is obviously going to be busier. Your 300mb fibre will mean you get disconnected faster, it's not going to help with there server queues and being dropped by the server. Naturally, locality will be important.

About to try again, because whilst I was barely in the game for 30 mins when my fifth disconnect happened, what little I saw of the game I liked.
Wait you are saying this is pink ?

View attachment 9023

I know I can't see blue right but come on no way is that pink.....
doesn't look very pink to me, but the image seems to be taken with HDR enabled and tonemapped by taking it with the Pirnt Screen key. If you take it with Windows + G -the gamebar- the OS stores the image in HDR mode (.jxr extension) and also a .png image correctly tonemapped so the colours look right.

Talking of which..., where are you obtaining your legendary items? :giggle: I had been most lucky in the curiosities vendor -it's similar to Gheed in Diablo 2, but better- and got 2 out of my 4 legendaries there.
I have now died once to an enemy and not a trap. That was purely due to me misinterpreting the boss mechanic. I thought the NPC that joined the fight was there to help the boss so I didn't go into their bubble and then died to the boss mechanic. Next attempt I noticed that it was actually an ally that was there to help fight the boss.

I'm around level 45 now playing it off and on. The story so far is far too cliche, but it is executed well within the worn modern cliches that are starting to get a bit old. PoE has a similar storyline arc (subversion of expectations of who is "good" and who is "evil" and the nature of "good" and "evil") but executes it much better, IMO. At least so far. I still have a lot of the story left to go to see where it ultimately ends up and whether there's any unexpected story elements along the way.

It's just sort of hard to slog through easy mode to get through it all.

The netcode for D4 also at times feels worse than D3 with more lag between activating a skill on my end and it going through on the game server. It's certainly gotten worse since the early access ended, so I'm guessing it's due to player load at certain times of the day.

Where are you in the campaign atm? a2?
Wait you are saying this is pink ?

View attachment 9023

I know I can't see blue right but come on no way is that pink.....
ah shit. I think my colour grade must be off for HDR. Hmm