Diablo 4 [XO, XBSX|S, PC, PS4, PS5, XGP]

my character, Nelida. An archer

breaking some records already

lol what
In the four days since early access started on June 1, Diablo IV has been played for 93 million hours, or over 10,000 years --- the equivalent playing 24 hours a day since the beginning of human civilization.
Diablo 2 on Normal difficulty wasn't that hard. You could get to see everything in maybe 8 to 10 hours, and that was it.. story wise.
I never said it was hard, I said it provided a moderate challenge. Basically - it wasn't a cakewalk where you felt it was just some chore you had to breeze through to get to the 'real' game.

And maybe you could get through it in 8-10 hours if you were a freak just manically rushing through, but most people will absolutely spend like 30+ hours on it. Come on now.

It's also dismaying to see this game selling so well. Really goes to show that gamers never really had any principles about anything. It was always just outrage fads. Everybody seems perfectly fine with a $70 game that's also selling Battle Passes and 'cutaway' content to be sold as microtransactions since they really want to play it. If there was ever a time to be genuinely outraged about greedy practices, this is it, but nobody is saying anything because as always, people's principles fall apart the second they're asked to give up something they want. Which means they never really had any principles to begin with.

People forget that being principled is supposed to mean sacrifices to stand for what you believe. Turns out gamers dont really believe in anything.

Gamers deserve what they get from here on out.
I never said it was hard, I said it provided a moderate challenge. Basically - it wasn't a cakewalk where you felt it was just some chore you had to breeze through to get to the 'real' game.

And maybe you could get through it in 8-10 hours if you were a freak just manically rushing through, but most people will absolutely spend like 30+ hours on it. Come on now.

It's also dismaying to see this game selling so well. Really goes to show that gamers never really had any principles about anything. It was always just outrage fads. Everybody seems perfectly fine with a $70 game that's also selling Battle Passes and 'cutaway' content to be sold as microtransactions since they really want to play it. If there was ever a time to be genuinely outraged about greedy practices, this is it, but nobody is saying anything because as always, people's principles fall apart the second they're asked to give up something they want. Which means they never really had any principles to begin with.

People forget that being principled is supposed to mean sacrifices to stand for what you believe. Turns out gamers dont really believe in anything.

Gamers deserve what they get from here on out.
this is good for Blizzard, something of which I am glad to be part of. This translates into new people that never played Diablo before...now want to buy a Diablo game for the first time ever.

In regards to extra content, I got the standard version and I am having a full experience without the necessity of buying anything, because most is cosmetic and stuff secondary to the actual game. The story and so on is quite interesting, so in that sense I don't feel I am missing anything.
I don't give two shits about the MTX store because it's just cosmetic--as long as you can't pay for power it's fair game in my book. Plus, whales shelling out for cosmetics subsidizes content that I do care about, which is a win in my book.
this is good for Blizzard, something of which I am glad to be part of. This translates into new people that never played Diablo before...now want to buy a Diablo game for the first time ever.

In regards to extra content, I got the standard version and I am having a full experience without the necessity of buying anything, because most is cosmetic and stuff secondary to the actual game. The story and so on is quite interesting, so in that sense I don't feel I am missing anything.
The battle pass isn't in the game yet, that will probably start in a month or so. That's the only part of the higher versions that actually affects gameplay.
Great game. Probably the best story I’ve seen in an ARPG title, I’m not sure I would give an arm for it, but they did a great job blurring the lines of good and evil making for an entertaining story.
My impression so far:
Enjoying a lot more than Diablo 3. Like 1000x more.
Game is still way too easy for my liking.
I don't like the addition of the "mmo" style overworld where I see other players running around
The visuals are very nice
Music is very good
Feels very polished and haven't encountered any bugs or issues
Feels like an evolution and nothing really groundbreaking for the series
Overall solid.
The set pieces are stunning, so much work has been put into the different zones and dungeons. Especially during the campaign sections.
This is probably the best Diablo game IMHO (I've played all of them). There are many things to do so unless you play a whole lot of it you should always have something interesting to do.
I have played some MMO so I don't really mind the other players running around thing, though I do understand for some it can be better if this can be turned off. I guess this is a server thing because running a world server just for 1 ~ 4 players can be expensive, but on the other hand, dungeons are all instanced so maybe it's still possible. It can also be difficult to balance around this because some world events are deisgned for multiple players. and I can imagine that if you are alone it can be a bit more inefficient (e.g. helltide).

One thing that I think they could improve upon is that they should make something like an encyclopedia in game. Especially about game mechanisms.
Many concepts in the game are without explanation. For example, a skill says it has a chance to cause "vulnerable" to enemies. But what does that mean? If you look further, maybe you'll find, "oh, this skill causes more damage to vulnerable enemies." But I think there should be an easier way to understand this.
There is a keyword filter in the abilities panel which let you to see which skills are related to a specific keyword such as "vulnerable." But this is more like a tool where a player is already familiar with the idea and just want to easily find which skills to look for.
And I do believe it's better if this is in game. Of course, people will make websites or video explaining this (there are already some good video on this), but I think it's important that these information are accessible in game instead of a website outside of the game (even if it's an official website).
I am enjoying the discovery of the mechanics and figuring them out, how to take advantage of them. I'm not sure I necessarily want to be hand held through it all. There also multitudes of articles and videos of course.
The set pieces are stunning, so much work has been put into the different zones and dungeons. Especially during the campaign sections.
the story is unexpectedly good, at least for now. Diablo 3 had a so so story. Diablo 2 story was kinda awesome, specially the cinematics more than the story itself.

The story is more connected in this game, and from the little I know about it, it hints at two sides, like it's not a good vs devil thing, and I found that interesting....
so... I found an event in a cemetery -a yellow circled area- and went there. There was a lot of skeletons after speaking to a wanderer, and I had no healing potions left -0 out of 4- so I was running around, recharged my Barrage skill, and a miracle happened. I was dead, could do nothing, just a tiny fraction of life left, and then I used Barrage as my last option, managed to kill a couple of skeletons and got to level 11, thus replenishing Nelida's life. It would be my first dead in the game.
well, I can already confirm either that I am not playing well or the difficulty level has gotten really tough. I was dead here, with no orbs left and a silver line of health, but started running and found out some weird bug where these werewolves didn't attack me, which saved my life. It's a still picture, but behind the door the werewolves aren't attacking me. I feel like a newbie as of now, it was easier until level 7....


edit: two minues after I posted the image above, I died :/

Make sure you're using movement as well as skills. You can dodge a lot of attacks, especially the big slow ones that are obviously, simply by moving to the side or using the dodge action.
Make sure you're using movement as well as skills. You can dodge a lot of attacks, especially the big slow ones that are obviously, simply by moving to the side or using the dodge action.
dodging is my main flaw. I am constantly in the verge of dying. It might be me in combination with my mouse, which is probably not well suited for this type of game. I havent tried a controller yet. I am starting to fancy this mouse.

Do you people use a controller or a mouse?
Yeah, either get good at dodging and moving or build tankiness. Even with tankiness just pay attention to the boss telegraphs (the game makes it really easy to see what a boss is going to do).

I'm a bit lazy so I build more towards tankiness so I don't have to dodge as much. I've yet to come even close to dying in combat, even in the fights where my skeletons get basically one shot (well 2 shot with a passive that doesn't let a single hit do 100% of their health) by the boss removing most of my DPS.

Even just a few survivability passives will greatly decrease the damage you take.
