Playing a bit and so far, while it has better systems than Diablo III, it's still just as face rolling easy as D3 was. So far the only time I've died was while trying to figure out how a puzzle worked (you don't have to just walk over a plate in the floor you have to step on it and then dodge away and do the same for the next 2 plates in the floor).
Combat is just ridiculously easy with no real challenge thus far other than running into a spawned boss that someone 12 levels higher than me left behind (so it was 12 levels higher than me and almost killed me with one hit) that I had to run away from. Otherwise, basically just steamrolling all the dungeons and bosses. And I'm deliberately playing a build that avoids the OP powers of the class in order to try to artificially increase the difficulty without just not using any abilities at all.
They nailed the aesthetics of a Diablo game better than D3, IMO. Thumbs up for that. The voice acting is good. They main story is a bit, meh, so far, but I'm still only in Act 1 despite being relatively high level for just a few hours played. Which brings me to the part that I don't quite like about D4.
D4 is basically structured like an MMORPG or UBIsoft formula open world game (except without the tower climbing

) with constant side quests and side quest markers as you gain levels or progression through quests. Fetch quests (oh hey can you go and get X thing for me?), kill quests (oh hey hero can you go and kill Y number of things and bring back X number of things from their corpses for me?).
While some are relatively well done, after a while it sort of starts to kill the feel of a Diablo game. Combine that with the UBIsoft open world formula collectathon (for example, "collecting" statues that give minor stat boosts to all of your realm characters) and it starts to feel more like you are playing in a world designed to be a game rather than playing in a world designed to be a world.
I got immersed in the story, lore and world of D1, D2 and to an extent even D3 as the world felt well crafted such that I could imagine such a world existing in some faraway fantasy land or some distant ancient civilization on Earth where angels and demons really did exist. It's hard to feel that way about D3 with the constant quest starter markers, quest progression markers, collectibles, etc.
The game is still relatively engaging and for a first time ARPG player it's a very approachable and casual experience with an appropriate "dark" mood setting. I'm hoping the story gets better as I get into the later Acts. I suspect that I can already see the overall shape of the story but maybe there will a twist somewhere that I didn't see coming.
I don't yet know if I regret buying it. I certainly do regret having to use the Blizzard launcher as I had to wrestle with that for a few hours just to get the damn game to install even though the BETA installed with no problems.

I'd likely enjoy this at least a little more if they'd allowed me to pick an actual difficulty level rather than forcing me to choose between [1] Ridiculously easy mode and [2] Easy mode with [3] Normal (IMO, at least hopefully IMO) difficulty mode being locked away until you finish the game.