We seem to be using the word cosmetics differentlyThe default skins etc in a game are also cosmetic. Most people don’t care about spending money on “extra” cosmetics because the default is good enough. My point is cosmetics matter to people whether out of the box or as an extra download. Saying you “don’t care” about cosmetics is misleading because you certainly would care if the default skins were unimaginative and bland.
That's true, I suppose. I do have to say that I've yet run into any game I've played, other than FFXIV, where the default cosmetics were bland enough that I'd even bother to use their ingame transmogs (for example, I never used it in Diablo 3).
And even in FFXIV it wasn't so much that the default cosmetics were bland, but that I liked how a certain default cosmetic looked. IE - I was never tempted to buy any of their cash cosmetics.
It's even less interesting for a top down ARPG with an even worse implemented zoom in compared to D3 (which had an actually fairly decent zoom in for looking at your character). It's not like anyone other than you can even see it really, so unlike an MMORPG where you can get up close and really look at someone's outfit, it honestly doesn't even matter in the slightest, IMO.
Keep in mind, I know some people are really into that sort of thing, but I'd wager they'd still play the game regardless and enjoy it just as much with or without a cosmetic cash shop. But with the cosmetic cash shop, they can cosplay to their heart's content I suppose.