Diablo 3 - Gamepad Edition

It wasn't that weird - the trading was happening on a massive scale in Diablo 2 already - they just decided to make it so that they cut out the middle man there. That in itself wasn't bad, but they shouldn't have changed the way the game plays as a single player experience as much as they did (or at all).

I think it's more of a matter that Microsoft doesn't embrace them again and makes them exclusive, I think?

Nerfing the game so that ppl buy weapons instead of finding them in a paid game is criminal. Had it been F2P game, it would make sense.

Also, didn't know TL2 was published by MS! I don't see any MS logo when I play it.
I still don't get why Torchlight 2 got so much praise. I try really hard to like it, especially as I can no longer play Diablo 3 with my US account (super laggy connection to the servers :( ).

I've been trying a couple of mods for Torchlight 2 and I found nothing that really made it to me.

Anyway wrt to Diablo3 may be that console edition will get the praise Diablo 3 on PC should have (at least on the web), no matter the real money auction house, some hiccups at launch, it is the funniest ARPG I ever played.
It ain't perfect in anyway but the got the gameplay right, no matter the complains and the haters people, plenty of people are going to play that game for a long long time.

Consoles owners are lucky that they will get the games once it is ironed out. I think that having mostly lost 300/400 hours of gameplay I might wait for the expansion before getting started with that game again. I'm bitter but the PRO for me exceed the CONs, it is a fun game.
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Nerfing the game so that ppl buy weapons instead of finding them in a paid game is criminal. Had it been F2P game, it would make sense.

Exactly. Diablo III didn't just make it easy for players to buy weapons. It was deliberately designed to push players to do just that, and preferably with real world currency. Diablo II was designed to be an enjoyable game. You know, like you'd expect from a game with a 60€ price tag.
Exactly. Diablo III didn't just make it easy for players to buy weapons. It was deliberately designed to push players to do just that, and preferably with real world currency. Diablo II was designed to be an enjoyable game. You know, like you'd expect from a game with a 60€ price tag.

I think you are exaggerating quite a bit.
I still don't get why Torchlight 2 got so much praise. I try really hard to like it, especially as I can no longer play Diablo 3 with my US account (super laggy connection to the servers :( ).

I've been trying a couple of mods for Torchlight 2 and I found nothing that really made it to me.

Anyway wrt to Diablo3 may be that console edition will get the praise Diablo 3 on PC should have (at least on the web), no matter the real money auction house, some hiccups at launch, it is the funniest ARPG I ever played.
It ain't perfect in anyway but the got the gameplay right, no matter the complains and the haters people, plenty of people are going to play that game for a long long time.

Consoles owners are lucky that they will get the games once it is ironed out. I think that having mostly lost 300/400 hours of gameplay I might wait for the expansion before getting started with that game again. I'm bitter but the PRO for me exceed the CONs, it is a fun game.

I haven't yet played D3, so can't really compare yet. But what I love in TL2 is the freedom of how you want to develop ur character. At any point of time there are a minimum of 18 places where I could spend that one skill point I just earned by levelling up :D ! That makes it very special as my Wanderer will never be the same as your Wanderer. Also, the fact that your classes are not tied to anything, you can make ur mage a melee fighter if you want, your classes don't bind u to anything. ALso, the ease of sending the pet to town anytime to sell and purchase equipment while you keep plundering. Add to that you can repec your last 3 skill points making sure if you don't like ur new skill, you can spend that poiunt on something else instead.

Add to that the immense amount of loot that drops every second ! I keep trying out different weapons and my playstyles keep changing from Melee to Ranged to Magic to a combination of all those every 20 minutes !

I am looking forward to playing D3 as I think it will be more visually polished and more ironed out. Lets see how it compares.
First console review score is out from Gameinformer!!!!


GI Rating

Redesign the PC original for consoles while retaining all of the depth and replayability

Impressive physics and special effects make up for the lack of detail on the miniature character models

Diablo III’s soundtrack is largely forgettable, but the sound effects nicely complement the absurd action

Having direct control over your character’s movement is liberating. I can’t imagine going back to the PC’s point-and-click interface

Everything you love about Diablo III is here, minus the PC version’s more controversial components. What more could you ask for?


Glad I have it preordered, preload starts tomorrow !!! :p
The only question I care about:

Can you import your PS3 save into the PS4 version? They haven't said anything (beyond "no comment at this time"), which tells me that you probably can't. Otherwise, it would be a big boost to PS3 sales, where people like me would go ahead and start playing the lesser version now and get an easy upgrade later on.

Otherwise, looks like I'm going to end up waiting for the PS4 version.
The base game is still flat, I don't see how a console version makes the game that much better tbh.

It feels very uninspired compared to Diablo 2. Unfortunately, I didn't even like Torchlight 2 either. Haven't tried Grim Dawn.

I did like Titan Quest a lot though, I found it more fun than Diablo 3.

I wouldn't recommend this game, unless you're only going to play through it once and be done with it. The levels just get boring and the enemies don't seem that interesting half the time imo.

The game is also never going to get around the fact that the weapon strength and having the same primary attribute as the character basically determines every aspect of damage... there's not much to experiment with playstyles using a single character in this game unfortunately. It's just pared down too much from what Diablo 2 was, a game where finding a new cool item could let you play the game completely differently if you wanted to.

Super steady 60 fps.

Still undecided whether I want to play as th e Demon Hunter or the Wizard? Can I use ranged weapons like crossbows/pitols(?) if I play as the Wizard?
The base game is still flat, I don't see how a console version makes the game that much better tbh.

It feels very uninspired compared to Diablo 2. Unfortunately, I didn't even like Torchlight 2 either. Haven't tried Grim Dawn.

I did like Titan Quest a lot though, I found it more fun than Diablo 3.

I wouldn't recommend this game, unless you're only going to play through it once and be done with it. The levels just get boring and the enemies don't seem that interesting half the time imo.

The game is also never going to get around the fact that the weapon strength and having the same primary attribute as the character basically determines every aspect of damage... there's not much to experiment with playstyles using a single character in this game unfortunately. It's just pared down too much from what Diablo 2 was, a game where finding a new cool item could let you play the game completely differently if you wanted to.

I would really like to know why you didn't like Torchlight 2? cos what you mention about Diablo 2 in ur last sentence is what I love about Torchlight 2, that my playstyle can change anytime making it a completely different experience every 20-30 mins.
Edit: Preload done, game installed and ready :) ! The game's page on psn now says that the game unlocks on the 2nd ! Previously it said on the 3rd , good for us :)
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The PSN store has been saying "Unlock in less than a day on 2/9/2013' since yesterday morning !

It has been more than a day since that message appeared : DIABLO 3, Y U NO UNLOCK :mad: :mad: :mad:......................................... :cry: !
I thought it would release on the 3rd?

Not sure yet what I'll do with this game. There's a tiny chance I could play this couch co-op with my son and his friends in the near future, and that could be good. But for now, the weather seems too good. ;)

Shifty, are you going to get this?
I thought it would release on the 3rd?

Not sure yet what I'll do with this game. There's a tiny chance I could play this couch co-op with my son and his friends in the near future, and that could be good. But for now, the weather seems too good. ;)

Shifty, are you going to get this?

Summers here mean scorching heat and we stay indoors as much as possible ! My plan is also to play couch co op with my niece n nephew.

It is supposed to unlock on the 3rd, but ever since a week or so, the store has been saying it unlocks on the 2nd. Then yesterday it started saying unlocks in less than a day raising my hopes. Looks like its an incorrect message since more than 24 hours have passed since that message appeared. It still says less than a day on 2/9/2013.

Looks like it will unlock tomorrow.