Started to play season 22 couple of days ago - this time the Necromancer class. Wow, super strong I have to say. Maybe the strongest class I have played so far in recent seasons.
I could clear a GR 109 yesterday in 5-6min with a bone spear build. I think I can reach 115GR with this build. Nice. Also, I am playing the speed variant of this build as it is just to much fun sprinting around in hyper speed and killing things

Paragon level 800 I do not bother to farm materials in bounties and hence don't care to augment the gear - so I find this level of GR pretty impressive. Also, PS4 pro getting to its limits sometimes when the enemy density is max
What I like about this class is, that there are 2 very good alternative builds that offer very different playstyles.
I also have a classic LOD singularity mage build and cleared GR 100 (currently leveling up the legendary gems). It is a squishy glass canon pet build that needs some care while playing as you need to role through the rift without stop to keep the momentum.
And there is a crazy melee variant, LOD poision scythe that is super fun and completely different again. With the speed variant, I could clear GR105 and currently leveling up the LOD gem as well.
Cool! The only thing I could wish for improvement is the transition to a second class. I just don't feel leveling up another character to level 70 again - I hope this gets streamlined in D4
As it is, D3 is still one of my alltime favorite games.