Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

Compared to the original Deus Ex, what elements are these recent games lacking? I remember giving up on HR almost immediately due to the feel of the mouse input, so I never really got a chance to get into the meat of the game.
Compared to the original Deus Ex, what elements are these recent games lacking? I remember giving up on HR almost immediately due to the feel of the mouse input, so I never really got a chance to get into the meat of the game.

The biggest change is that they are more action shooter than RPG. Almost all RPG elements were removed from the games to make them a more strategic style shooter.

HR also pushed a certain playstyle by rewarding the player far more for following that playstyle (non-lethal stealth) versus other playstyles where the original allowed the player to approach things however they wished and rewarded them for whatever playstyle they wanted to use. I haven't gotten MD so I don't know if it pushes a certain playstyle as well.

There are other aspects that were simplified for the new games, but can't think of them offhand.

I liked HR quite a bit, but it definitely wasn't as good as the original in terms of gameplay, which I still play from time to time. Then again I'm a bit more of an RPG type of person than I am a shooter type of person.

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The new game is very similar to HR in most respects. Some differences that come to mind are fewer boss battles, hacking is more optional now thanks to multitools being available (and there are plenty of them out there), and running is not time limited. I guess they heard complaints about those things (and the piss filter hehe).

I'm actually playing through the original Deus Ex lately too. Yeah it has the more strict RPG influence over the first person play. It certainly has an artificial feel to it because of that. I suppose HR and MD are in between the original DX and what stripped-down DXIW did. I enjoy all of the games though, even DXIW to some degree. :)
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Graphics look very detailed, but lightning seems rather flat. A conscious choice to make it more cartoon-like?
I don't know about flat. Overall I just found the game have a quite unique look, just like DE:HR. I like the use of triangles in clothing and armour. The overall renessaince Europe influenced fashion. I too liked the piss filter. But the level of detail is just amazing, I wonder how long it took to create all this stuff. The Prague hub uses just shy of 8GB of VRAM with ultra textures enabled.

Mankind Divided has the cooles light fixtures you see in a game!

Yeah it is amazingly detailed much of the time.

The lighting varies though. AO is of course used to make shading look better-ish but AO is so fakey. It does vary. Some areas are just more impressively illuminated than others. I'm sure there's intent behind a lot of this. Such as not making dark areas truly dark. Mysterious ambient light.