Dead Rising demo today?

DeanoC said:
Its a buyer for me, lovely crunch sound with the sledge hammer and the shot gun is nice...
Ah, but are you really into that kind of game, or is this more your fantasizing about what you'd like to do to a room filled with demanding managers, idiotic marketers, and uptight publishers? ;)
DeanoC said:
Its a buyer for me, lovely crunch sound with the sledge hammer and the shot gun is nice...
The shotgun does have a nice, satisfying feel.

The writing seems well done. I thought this particular line in the intro was very funny:

Girl: (Handing main character her gun) You know how to use this?
Guy: Kinda. I've covered wars, you know.

Also, anyone else running around just trying on shoes? No? Oh. Neither am I. :oops:
NRP said:
I don't really like it. The control scheme is terrible, in my opinion.

I tend to agree. The controls are "clunky". Different configurations could change my opinion. I also didn't like when I pressed move forward on left joystick, he would always jump and roll forward
glennkid said:
I tend to agree. The controls are "clunky". Different configurations could change my opinion. I also didn't like when I pressed move forward on left joystick, he would always jump and roll forward
That's because you're pressing forward twice in a row. It's a special move. To see a couple others, click start and go to Status/Skills. I like the Zombie Ride followed by a jump kick. :D
Sis said:
That's because you're pressing forward twice in a row. It's a special move. To see a couple others, click start and go to Status/Skills. I like the Zombie Ride followed by a jump kick. :D

OOooo...duh? :D Thanks for tip!
The bowling ball makes a pretty satisfying sound also. But my favorite weapon so far is still the knife you get from the zombies in the yellow shirts. Those do quite a bit of damage and you can kill a bunch very quickly.
I've only played it a bit (it came down late last night, need faster broadband :D), I'm liking the hoe, there heads pop off nicely :D Think I shall go find the katana tonight...

And as for imagining its managers and publishers, nah where the fun in even dumber creatures than zombies ;-)
One thing that video shows for sure... you may have a bazillion weapons to choose from, but you look pretty retarded when you have one--maybe two--swing animations with them. :???:
Downloaded and watched the demo gameplay video, there seems to be no BG music...will it remain so in the final product also?
I like the fact theres no music. You can be more aware of your surroundings. Also the PA in the mall has some music going through it :D.

I updated the video link, made it a zip since people were trying to stream it. You can use VLC Media Player to view it.
Well, you should certainly be able to go to, like, a Sam Goody's and start PLAYING some for your amusement! :p
glennkid said:
I tend to agree. The controls are "clunky". Different configurations could change my opinion. I also didn't like when I pressed move forward on left joystick, he would always jump and roll forward

Glad to see I'm not the only one who wasn't impressed.

Maybe it's just not the game type for me, but I found the game in general to be dull and repetative.
I wasn't overly impressed either. this and Saints Row demo left me with an "meh" feeling. Graw and Chromehounds must have spoiled me on next-gen lighting.
Im loving this game already, controls are suitable, gameplay is fun and you can muck about anyway you can. Theres lot of things in it to make the game more 'in-depth', espically things like taking pictures of certain things, trying to get to the next level before the game ends etc. Just making challanges for myself as the demo has no aim to it..
First reviews are in

IGN: 8.3

Closing Comments said:
Though Dead Rising may seem like a simple, mindless game when you first pick it up, it eventually reveals itself as a deeper experience. Tons of extras are packed into Willamette's shops, there are magazine power-ups and special drink mixes to be brewed, lots of clothing combinations, countless pictures to be taken and plenty of NPCs to be saved. The game provides an incentive for every aspect, making each worth pursuing. It's a game that somehow remains cohesive despite having so many seemingly unrelated elements. The save system means you're going to be playing through the 72 Hour and Overtime modes multiple times, but at least along the way you'll level up, get the best ending, nab more achievements, and get better scores on the Xbox Live leaderboards. With a better save system, more intelligent NPCs, a more forgiving story progression, and tighter controls, Dead Rising could have been even more fun than it already is. Even despite those issues, after several times through it's impossible to deny the appeal inherent in slaughtering Willamette's zombified shoppers. Now if only there was a cooperative mode. We suppose we'll have to wait for the sequel, if Capcom decides to make one. As it stands, Dead Rising is one of the more unique and entertaining titles on the Xbox 360.
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It's pretty fun. :smile:

The shopping cart is a nice touch, and the animations are better than I thought they would be. Tons of characters on-screen at once doing funny things. The detail on the characters faces is the best I've seen; in-game they look just the same as they do in the cutscenes. You can go practically anywhere you see, which is great. The environment is very interactive; sitting a frying pan on a burner then taking it off and burning zombies' faces with it is kinda cool.

However, I had very high expectations for this game and it fails me in a number of areas:

The hitch in the framerate when you sling the sledgehammer is mercilessly annoying. And the lighting in the game is pretty poor, which is a major disappointment. If this game had decent lighting it just might be the best looking game on the system. As it stands, games like Kameo and Ghost Recon still look better because of some nice HDR effects that Dead Rising very obviously lacks. The game has good reflections with the water (some very nice water effects) and off the tile flooring but it just lacks light. The entire mall is too dark.

Despite these issues, I'll be picking it up today. It impressed me enough to give it a run-through.
Wow.. that's just crazy.

I'd never buy a game that after playing the demo left me feeling in any way failed or disappointed.

You either have a great deal more disposable income than I do, or you expect greatness from things and settle for mediocrity on a constant basis.

Perhaps both?

It just surprises me to read a review of a demo that says the game fails to impress you, yet you're going to go buy it the day it comes out.

I only buy games that I've either 1) played and thought were awesome or 2) hadn't played before and cross my fingers or 3) are forced too because a new season has started