Dead Rising demo today?

expletive said:
If i'm reading you right, the answer is yes. I put the giant teddy bear head on my character and when i entered a cutscene he was still wearing it, which prompted a roar from the crowd (i.e. me and 2 of my kids). :)


(sorry for the confusing question, I even thought it was weird when I wrote it but... ack... I just have trouble sometimes)
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scooby_dooby said:
I guess Saint's Row and Dead Rising have ended that stupid debate.
At launch Condemned had all the AA and AF and much smoother framerate than Saint's Row.

Eagerly downloading Dead Rising now. :D
Alstrong said:
I'm thinking there's a connection issue here, like not having fifty-feet of ethernet, and not wanting to spend money on a wireless adapter.

Oh right...I guess there are 'those' types of issues :p
Here's a question... can you go ALL the stores in the mall? Or are there any 'fake' stores that are just 'painted' on the wall?

That's always my #1 complaint with any game.. when windows, doors, etc.. are painted on walls. If I can't go that way, then just make it a brick wall, damn it. Don't paint a door on wall that I can't open/break/blow up, etc..

RancidLunchmeat said:
Here's a question... can you go ALL the stores in the mall? Or are there any 'fake' stores that are just 'painted' on the wall?

That's always my #1 complaint with any game.. when windows, doors, etc.. are painted on walls. If I can't go that way, then just make it a brick wall, damn it. Don't paint a door on wall that I can't open/break/blow up, etc..
not finished downloading yet so I'm not sure but there is this map which appears to show that all of these places are playable (full version)... also according to some previously released media the game goes outside as well with some gratuitous draw distance.
I saw no locked doors, and from a few runthroughs of the demo this game just went from a 'will read some reviews' to a must buy for me. :D
I Always liked the concept but thought the game might be boring to play. I was totally wrong. After playng the demo this is now a must buy for me. I was suprised by how much fun it was.

I think you can go into all stores, except some parts of the demo are deadends. This game is alot funnier than I thought too. I look forward to this one coming out.
very fun game! anyone got the Katana yet? cuts em right in half, pretty sweet. I really want to fight some of those bosses too, looks like the drought officially ends in 4 days.
I dont want to start a war here but this is one of those games thats a good example of rumble really adding to the experience. If there was no rumble with some of the weapons (the first one, the sledgehammer comes to mind) imo it would really be missed. Not trying to say that the tilt options wont have their own advantages, but the 360 controller is much better suited for a game like this.
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Oh good lord, I have a ten minute video of hilarity. Ill post it soon, probably youtube as its gonna be quite popular. Katana = OWN!!
Its encoding now :p Ill have it up within the hour (my upload isnt so good).

Final encoding now, will be 16 minutes. Then an estimated 30 min to upload, and an unknown time for youtube to convert it. So your looking at 6:45ish EST itll be up.
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kyleb said:
Where does one find the katana?

There is a restaurant upstairs called the "Roast somethin" can't quite remember it. But if you go inside and look over the balcony onto the ledge is the Katana. ;)
Kyle go into the large coffee shop on the second floor, then jump out the window overlooking the mall. Youll land on a canopy and its on there :D
