Current Generation Games Analysis Technical Discussion [2024] [XBSX|S, PS5, PC]

Recent games like Starfield, Horizon Forbidden West, and Ghost of Tsushima or graphically high-end UE5 games in general have very powerful GPU driven pipelines/techniques ...

Starfield is a notable example with it's awkward usage of the ExecuteIndirect API which can potentially see it hit the slow paths on some vendors ...

It seems like they really need Work Graphs for better scheduling (spinlocked persistent global work queue in UE5) or it's mesh node extension for an alternative GPU driven state change API (Starfield & Ghost of Tsushima do this) AKA Xbox extension of ExecuteIndirect ...

DX12/Vulkan aren't the best API's, but this is another reason many/most want to switch to UE5. Outside Nintendo, platform exclusives don't exist anymore, but porting to PC is a pain if you're not doing it from the outset. Even then if you're, not the most technically accomplished studio, you're going to be missing things.

Why take the pain of keeping up with the eternal race for "more", making sure all the relevant platforms are supported (Halo Reboot on Switch 2 let's goooo!) and etc. etc. when you can farm it out to another company that will take care of that for you, and you just make the actual "game" part? UE5 offers "good enough" to best in class across enough categories to be tempting for any studio with the ambition and budget to match.
I've been playing Hellblade 2 on PC, and I'm going to be honest.. there hasn't been any shader compilation stuttering that I've seen. I had maybe 1 traversal stutter, which I believe was just the game saving. I'm very surprised as the game has no pre-compilation step that I noticed either.


I've been playing Hellblade 2 on PC, and I'm going to be honest.. there hasn't been any shader compilation stuttering that I've seen. I had maybe 1 traversal stutter, which I believe was just the game saving. I'm very surprised as the game has no pre-compilation step that I noticed either.


Can you see in the .exe what version of UE is it using?
Can you see in the .exe what version of UE is it using?
I'm on the GamePass version, but I checked (and yes I checked the right exe file) and it doesn't display which version it's using unfortunately.

Edit: DSOGaming just posted a performance preview and I'm presuming they checked the Steam version.. and said according to the properties file it's using UE

According to its executable file, Hellblade 2 uses Unreal Engine
I'm on the GamePass version, but I checked (and yes I checked the right exe file) and it doesn't display which version it's using unfortunately.

Edit: DSOGaming just posted a performance preview and I'm presuming they checked the Steam version.. and said according to the properties file it's using UE

Good find. It was to be expected that it wasn't using 5.4.
Oh yea, Low still looks like 90% as good as High here, and with a ~50% performance boost.

Now PC gamers just need to get over the mental hurdle of being happy to play with Low settings. lol

This is the benefit of having the Series S for PC gamers. Lower settings will be greatly optimized for lower end hardware while still looking excellent. These Sony ports really can't compare.
Some improvements, and many downgrades, overall a downgrade. Shame! It should have been better overall.

Senua's character model is fantastic and overall it looks good. Disappointing downgrades on the fire effect and rock physics though. The self-shadows on the giant were super low resolution and jaggy too. The rocks look like something you would expect on a PS3. Guessing that's a CPU limitation on the consoles. Why oh why can't we have nice things for faster PC hardware :(

Disappointing downgrades on the fire effect and rock physics though. The self-shadows on the giant were super low resolution and jaggy too. The rocks look like something you would expect on a PS3
Draw distance and LOD are downgraded as well, I don't know why devs do this. They previewed the game with higher settings already, they should have stuck to that.
Draw distance and LOD are downgraded as well, I don't know why devs do this. They previewed the game with higher settings already, they should have stuck to that.

Maybe they were targeting those visuals and thought they could actually deliver. If they knew it wasn't doable on current hardware then it was just a cynical bait and switch. I hope it's the former.
Maybe they were targeting those visuals and thought they could actually deliver. If they knew it wasn't doable on current hardware then it was just a cynical bait and switch. I hope it's the former.
Their PS3 preview for a next-gen game was overly ambitious too versus what they delivered in Heavenly Sword. Seems pretty usual for previews to overreach.
Porting a title is very different than updating an existing multiplatform release. If you’ve never porting work, I don’t think you’d understand. It’s painful to find out that certain APIs cannot do this or that and suddenly you are on the hook to make everything work together.
How is "porting" more different than totally reinvent the lighting systems using the most demanding workload and making it the most efficient implementation? And Metro Exodus was "ported" from the PS4 to the PS5 and PC with Raytracing and it is able to run at ~100 FPS on a 4090 in nativ 4K.

Miles Morales runs between 70 and 100 FPS in native 4K with Raytracing. Ratchet runs at over 70 FPS with Raytracing. These unoptimized rasterizing games are wasting ressources like nothing else. 100 TFLOPs but rendering a proper shadow, AO, GI and reflection? No chance.

Fun fact: Shadow of the Tomb Raider was able to run with over 80 FPS in 1080p (or 32 FPS in native 4K) and RT shadows on a 2080TI five years ago:
In Ghost of Tsushima the same card without Raytracing runs worse in 1080p (73 FPS) in 1080p and a little bit better in 4K:
How is "porting" more different than totally reinvent the lighting systems using the most demanding workload and making it the most efficient implementation? And Metro Exodus was "ported" from the PS4 to the PS5 and PC with Raytracing and it is able to run at ~100 FPS on a 4090 in nativ 4K.

Miles Morales runs between 70 and 100 FPS in native 4K with Raytracing. Ratchet runs at over 70 FPS with Raytracing. These unoptimized rasterizing games are wasting ressources like nothing else. 100 TFLOPs but rendering a proper shadow, AO, GI and reflection? No chance.

Fun fact: Shadow of the Tomb Raider was able to run with over 80 FPS in 1080p (or 32 FPS in native 4K) and RT shadows on a 2080TI five years ago:
In Ghost of Tsushima the same card without Raytracing runs worse in 1080p (73 FPS) in 1080p and a little bit better in 4K:
Porting is different than creating all new systems.

At the heart of it imagine on GNM there is a function y=f(x). That they abuse everywhere that is specific to the super low level nature of GNM to allow them to get very good saturation and performance out of the console.

Now you have to port the game to PC but y=f(x) doesn’t work. So you can emulate it to try to get the game to go, but via emulation it’s 100x slower than what is achieved on PS.

Then you find out entire subsystems all depend on this function working properly, and then you have even more functions just like that that cannot be straight ported. Now you have cascading dependency functions that have a strict expectation of what values of Y can be produced. And all of this runs lightning fast on console but super slow on emulation on PC, instead of just one function running 100x slower, now you have several functions depending on each other running 100x slower, and you’ve got exponentially slower!

Then miraculously if you manage to get the game to run, you now have to optimize these functions to run faster.

what I’m getting at is, to ensure that things don’t crash, developers will unit test every single API every time there is a new version or a new kit. They need to know how a function between two APIs (even between versions) may calculate it differently. Now imagine relying on this and then suddenly having to build your own functions to emulate exactly the same outputs because they do not exist on your API. Welcome to slowsville.

that’s the difference between porting and creating net new.
"Porting" is a normal process since 30 years. Even games from the PS2 and PS3 time got ported to the PC. And this was much harder 20 years ago than today.
What you describe is basically "nothing". They just ported this game without any kind of optimization for the PC plattform. That is so much easier than to invent something for the first time.
4A Games has implement a state of the art RTGI system in Metro Exodus EE which is still the best one. Nobody else has done it prior them. Sony had enough time and the result is just shocking.
"Porting" is a normal process since 30 years. Even games from the PS2 and PS3 time got ported to the PC. And this was much harder 20 years ago than today.
What you describe is basically "nothing". They just ported this game without any kind of optimization for the PC plattform. That is so much easier than to invent something for the first time.
4A Games has implement a state of the art RTGI system in Metro Exodus EE which is still the best one. Nobody else has done it prior them. Sony had enough time and the result is just shocking.
Perhaps I don't know anything. But I don't recall games being 'ported' 30 years ago when I was 12. Multiplatform and 'porting' are 2 very different things.
But if you could provide me a list of native only (not the multiplatform ones) PS3 and PS2 titles that launched on console and years later were later ported to PC, I would gladly like to see that list and see whether those games were running super well.

From what I can recall, I'm fairly confident that 95% maybe even 99% of all the 'exclusive Sony titles' that launched on console and later ported to PC, all started at PS4 times.
"Porting" is a normal process since 30 years. Even games from the PS2 and PS3 time got ported to the PC. And this was much harder 20 years ago than today.
What you describe is basically "nothing". They just ported this game without any kind of optimization for the PC plattform. That is so much easier than to invent something for the first time.
4A Games has implement a state of the art RTGI system in Metro Exodus EE which is still the best one. Nobody else has done it prior them. Sony had enough time and the result is just shocking.
There's more to graphics technology than just ray tracing. Modern Sony games have very creative ideas about graphics programming, GPU driven rendering, shading pipelines, unique BRDF models, ad hoc approaches to indirect lighting and some of those problem spaces that can't easily be brute forced with more powerful hardware or 'solved' with ray tracing ...