Different opinions and views across different users i see. To my heart its Rift Apart that has that typical last gen vibe to it due to the lighting, for example. 2077 has inconsistent assets, however in the grand scheme of things 2077 maxed tops the list.
I think thats one of the 'problems', PS users in a RTX thread bashing pc gaming. Carries over to other topics the other way around.
You were for one saying that you'd switch your pc for a PS5, going from a 3060Ti. While also commenting RT was a priority, its a downgrade in every way.
Its not as polished as Rift Apart (closest in style, though ratched is more towards fantasy). but in the grandscheme of things, the total picture, 2077 maxed is technically outclassing every PS5 game. Some scenes dont add up, but to say, CP2077 has the potentional to look quite ahead of anything else. It doesnt always at any time, though rift apart has its weaknesses too, lighting is one. its a like a sore thump sticking out, reminding of last generation. its ray tracing is dead-simple aswell, its not as dense and as open as CP2077 is.
When Killzone 2 was released on PlayStation 3 with its 256 MB usable RAM and low resolution textures it was always said that the lighting makes the game.
Texture resolution is unimportant. Intersting how this has shifted. Now it seems that polygon count is above all.
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