Natoma said:Fine fine. You baited me into it.
First, homosexuality isn't uniquely human. It has been documented in numerous animal species as well. I doubt their environmental situations are similar to ours.
Point? Their psychological and behavioral make up is far different from ours as well. Scientists have yet to narrow down gene(s) in animals or humans that causes homosexuality. At best, they manipulated the brains of fruit flies and rats to affect their instinctual responses to various stimuli. Even with this said, their research is highly paradoxical. In many cases they'll label the male rat on the receiving end of the homosexual encounter as "gay" but not the administer. Why is that? Because they know the male administering is only responding in an instinct based manner to another male's stimuli response of lordosis. Much is the same with the fruit flies.
Second, homosexuality has existed in every culture humanity has ever created over thousands of years.
You do not know this nor can you even confirm this. This is a myth born of the presumption homosexuality is genetic. In otherwords its a circular argument.
It's not like it just popped up after the sexual revolution.
No, but it has certainly been thus incouraged.
You always start off with the supposition that homosexuality is an error. Maybe, just maybe, the reason why nothing makes sense to you is because you're going about it in the wrong way. But hey, don't let me stop you from believing what you want to believe.
It makes perfect sense that it is an error if it is genetic. It doesn't lead to child birth and couldn't be transmitted sexually. Also, genetic transmittion tests prove it is not herditary. Just look at the alledge 5-10% of the world populas alledged to be gay. Thats hardly inline with the idea that sexual orientation is a dimorphic genetic predisposition.