SMAA T2X is temporal AA with the SMAA 1X algorithm.Probably meant to say Times 2X.
Would the inclusion of these AA means HD res is butchered again? Surely there's only so much bandwidth to play with for the consoles.
They're not using MSAA on either console (SMAA S2X, 4x etc), so I'm not sure what you mean. The AA solutions they've chosen are pretty inexpensive. If anything, the available memory is going to limit the resolution considering they seem to be using a lot of buffers. Hard to say if they have a lot of shaders with branching either, which would slow things down on RSX too.
SMAA T2X is temporal AA with the SMAA 1X algorithm.!/CRYTEK_TIAGO/status/193620760902905856quality modes (1x,t2x,2x,4x) for PC/consoles. t2x uses reprojection+ weighting, no "ghosting" at 30hz. PC 2x,4x combos use hardware MSAA
They certainly are looking into it, you can turn tiled deferred rendering on in Crysis2 PC version.Maybe Crytek should try tiled based deferred rendering like Dice? I have a strong feeling the resolution will not end well for PS3 if they try to push things even harder.
Looked just like Crysis 2, which is not a bad thing, but certainly not impressive.
"We want to make sure as much as is humanly possible can translate from a DX11 variant into a DX9 variant, that will work almost as good on an Xbox console to whatever extent we can, because we don't want the experience to be different between the platforms,
Looks good IMO
Regarding graphics, it seems that Crytek has begun building up their hype
Considering this is a major sequel, impressive would something much better than Crysis 2. This looks on par with C2.Care to name some examples of what is impressive to you? That ought to be funny.
Considering this is a major sequel, impressive would something much better than Crysis 2. This looks on par with C2.
It still looks awesome, but not impressive. TBH, I'm still waiting for a leap like CryEngine 1 to CryEngine 2, but I guess I will have to wait for next-gen for that