Crysis coming to the PS3?

AI on the boats and on some gunmounts are strange and buggy. The rest is good with ocasional strange behavior. And i wouldn't rule out modifications to the AI to make it look worse than it is by some.... ummm "haters"! ;)

No need to go that far, the answer is simpler than you think:

Check the top right corner: "Pre Release Demo"
No need to go that far, the answer is simpler than you think:

Check the top right corner: "Pre Release Demo"

I've seen some videos showing "AI bugs", that looked to strange to be normal unless modfied (waypoint path, reaction radius etc). :smile:
Yup. From their website:

The CryENGINE™ 2 comes complete with all of its internal tools and also includes the CryENGINE™ 2 Sandbox world editing system.

Licensees receive full source code and documentation for the engine and tools. Support is provided directly from the R & D Team that continuously develops the engine and can arrange teaching workshops for your team to increase the learning process.
Nah neither one is overhyped, a bit hyped yes. If you whant to see what the meaning of over hyped is then just take a look at GAF Resistance 2 thread, now that is an excellent example! ;)
How can you say that. One cannot overhype Resistance 2, it will always be an underhyped.
Plus I'm sure your Crysis posts in every other game thread would make a bigger thread than that. ;)

I nominate CoD4 (being politically correct and keeping it multiplatform, otherwise ...)
[edit: goes to play CoD4]
Are they in the engine business too (for Crysis) ?

Not officially (I believe). But they have this secret Cell lab :)

This Crysis on PS3 rumors suck though. Nothing definitive and alyays leading to same discussions.

MGS4 on 360 FTW.
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The AI in crysis is just just as over hyped as it graphics, yea sure its good but i would'nt go as far as saying its possibly the best!

The graphics are the best. Thats not even in question. I said the AI is possibly the best beasuse its arguable.

You want to give an example of a game with better AI? Go right ahead. Don't forget your reasoning.

Yea, 7fps on consoles instead of 15 on PC :LOL:

If you want people to know you have never played the game, there are easier ways of going about it you know? You could have just said, hey guys, I have never played the game!

You know, rather than saying somehing blatantly false like the game runs at 15fps on the PC. Which incidently, is by definition, a false statement.

My PC runs Crysis at High settings and 800p at about 30fps. The PS3 doesn't even manage 720p most of the time in the decent looking games, never mind something like Crysis which blows them all away.
Anyways I am not hearing the best things in general about the gameplay.

I'm curious as to where your hearing this from? The game is rating 90.8% on gamerankings and the majority of people at B3D who have properly played the game have high praise for it.

Personally I have played the demo alone at least a dozen times andI think it kicks ass! I wouldn't even consider playing other game demos as much, aside from maybe UT3.

I understand people want to make a target out of the game because of its profile but I would advise you give it a go before drawing any conclusions. It may not be your kind of game but what it does, it does very, very well.
If this is true, then the PS3 development tool scene is heating up nicely. We have seen what existing tools can do in recent PS3 games (Uncharted, GT5P, Heavenly Sword and R&C). Something like the CryENGINE 2 would be interesting for a sandbox, open AI-style game. In fact, the more talent working on PS3, the merrier.
The PS3 doesn't even manage 720p most of the time in the decent looking games, never mind something like Crysis which blows them all away.
er, i disagree. lair is 1080p for its crazy amount of details and not even using 50% of CELL. it only shows if programmed right, ps3 can do alot more things than u can imagine.
Folks, this history-repeating discussion on whether or not Crysis can be done on consoles has been done at least three times, and those threads were actually created to discuss it. It's a tired argument.

er, i disagree. lair is 1080p for its crazy amount of details and not even using 50% of CELL. it only shows if programmed right, ps3 can do alot more things than u can imagine.

I don't mean any offense towards the PS3, I know its capablities are good. I'm just pointing out that anyone expecting PC level Crysis on a console is living in a fantasy dreamworld.

The PC game can literally tax triple 8800 Ultras. Of course no console can come close to that, its like suggesting the PS2 could handle Oblivion.

I know the consoles can have some kind of version of the game and I even think its fairly likely that they will. But the bottom line is you have to set realistic expectations. Very.High is laughably unrealistic. High is living in fantasy land. Meidum is achieveable. Perhaps something beyond medum even.
Just deliver a good game and/or a good engine (plus workflow and tool chain) for a sandbox, open AI game. We need better/new ones than Oblivion and Assassin's Creed.

There are exclusive games like Heavy Rain, KZ2 that will continue to push the visual envelope on PS3.

EDIT: If it's licensed by a MMO game, then it should have more value than just a graphical showpiece.
They've already licensed the engine out to another developer working on an MMO. Google is your friend. ;)

Not mine, Google Groups was at some point but not any more either, And honestly I hate people saying that.
Anyhow, B3d is your friend.
From the second page of this thread:
one of the Yerli brothers said:
Yes, we could have commercialised the engine business et cetera, but we felt that if you want to make console games one day - if you want to get groundbreaking results and do things people think are impossible, you need technologies and solutions for that.
Bold is mine.
This Crysis on PS3 rumors suck though. Nothing definitive and alyays leading to same discussions.

True, but it's limited sales on the pc mean that I'd be utterly shocked if it didn't find its way to console at some point. It wouldn't be exactly the same game. Graphically it exceeds what both next gen boxes are capable of so it will have to be scaled back. But that's no big deal, it wouldn't be the first time a pc game has been visually scaled back to fit on a console. Gameplay wise, it should be able to make it mostly intact. It can play nicely on gamepads as well. Memory is a problem, but at least there's a standard hdd that can be used as a texture cache of sorts. A Crysis Lite seems doable to me, and financially they probably have no choice anyways. COD4 has sold very well on PS3, I imagine Crytek want a piece of that pie.
Bold is mine.

You're taking that quotation out of context. It's about 4 months old too. At that point, the engine wasn't as ready for licensing - I'd be surprised if it was anywhere near that for consoles, which that quotation is discussing.

Recent interview:

At the recent Gstar international game expo in Korea, Gamasutra had the opportunity to talk to Crytek's engine business manager Harald Seeley, who was there to spread the word about his company's CryEngine 2 to potential publishers and developers.
Bold is mine.

True, but it's limited sales on the pc mean that I'd be utterly shocked if it didn't find its way to console at some point. It wouldn't be exactly the same game. Graphically it exceeds what both next gen boxes are capable of so it will have to be scaled back. But that's no big deal, it wouldn't be the first time a pc game has been visually scaled back to fit on a console. Gameplay wise, it should be able to make it mostly intact. It can play nicely on gamepads as well. Memory is a problem, but at least there's a standard hdd that can be used as a texture cache of sorts. A Crysis Lite seems doable to me, and financially they probably have no choice anyways. COD4 has sold very well on PS3, I imagine Crytek want a piece of that pie.

Why only PS3 then? Isn't 360 the more capable with a bigger user base? :devilish:

I agree console port would be wise for them (though that has been discussed to death as well.)
But I'm pretty sure a simply gimped Crysis on PS3 will not sell well, certainly not as good as CoD4.
R6Vegas is a great game (much better than CoD4), and great port didn't sell at all, same as Oblivion. Orange Box, an acceptable port sold less than 360 version (normalized) even though the delay was just a couple of months .

I'm sure Lost Planet won't sell anything worth mentioning either. Late ports just don't seem to sell.

Of course unlike others Crysis hasn't been on 360, so things maybe different for it.

You're taking that quotation out of context. It's about 4 months old too. At that point, the engine wasn't as ready for licensing - I'd be surprised if it was anywhere near that for consoles, which that quotation is discussing.
You are taking Patsu's question out of context. He was asking for consoles (PS3 in particular). ;)
(Bold is mine, OK I will stop derailing now, but please don't refer me to Google again.)
How can you say that. One cannot overhype Resistance 2, it will always be an underhyped.

I take that as a joke response to my post?

If not then you are out of touch with reality (no pun). I mean when you start raving and calling a game, GOTY, best ever, incredible gameplay, etc etc bassed on 60 player online and 8 co-op number alone...then that sure is overhype. ;)

Plus I'm sure your Crysis posts in every other game thread would make a bigger thread than that. ;)

Maybe but atleast I post as much facts as possible, I often backup what I say either with screenshots, links or explain. That separets me clearly from those who dont have anything to backup or support what they say. :smile:

er, i disagree. lair is 1080p for its crazy amount of details and not even using 50% of CELL. it only shows if programmed right, ps3 can do alot more things than u can imagine.

Looks decent but it stops there IMO, there are many things done to save perfomance like very aggressive LOD's etc. And not to mention the borderline unplayable framerate in various places and situations, 10-15fps. Also the 1080p res was done through a pixel saving method if I understood it correctly in the tech thread.

They said using 50% Cell about half a year before the game release (or even earlier). The thing is going from 50% to 100% doesn't magically double system perfomance, there is the RSX there to limiting. And certainly some things are better suited for RSX and other things for Cell.
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