Crysis coming to the PS3?

Or from the dx9 Pc version..:oops:

The console versions should be on par with the DX9 counterparts ;) .

Cevat Yerli stated in various interviews that the DX9 and DX10 versions of Crysis will be almost identical, and with that said, a console version certainly doesnt sound farfetched :smile: .

Ever since those rumors began last year, I always thought how interesting would it be for a console version of Crysis. It'll be interesting which console will be able to snag it for exclusivity, or if its going to go multiplatform.

Multiplatform for me is very interesting, because I want to see how Crysis benefits from the Cell Processor (PS3 side) or the Xenos (X360 side).
How is it going to benefit from the Xenos?

Cryengine 2 doesnt support stuff like tiling

Unified Shaders as opposed to Fixed Shaders for example. Well, thats all I can think of right now :LOL:

Eh, what do I know? sue me :p
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Unified Shaders as opposed to Fixed Shaders for example. Well, thats all I can think of right now :LOL:

Eh, what do I know? sue me :p

Well, the xenos does have some Dx10 features, altho i have no idea which ones. So maybe?

Looking at the early gameplay footage that was running on a X1900XTX it looks amazing, if they can achieve that graphical level with a decent framerate im happy. (altho i do feel memory will be a limitation)
Remember this...

Talking 'Tek

Old Thread

Q: So there are no plans to bring Crysis to consoles in future?

A: The only way I can see Crysis on consoles right now is as a variation of it. And I don't have any plans right now for a variation of Crysis.

Q: You have a PlayStation 3 R&D room here, but there doesn't seem to be an Xbox 360 room. Why is that?

A: Actually we have one, but it's separate. PC and 360 are in one room. The PS3 room is separate because we have some secret technologies being developed there which are not related to CryEngine 2. Our PS3 development is going deeper than many people assume right now.

There are competitors right now who have PS3 technologies up and running. We had our initial version up and running, but we said there are too many compromises.

Yes, we could have commercialised the engine business et cetera, but we felt that if you want to make console games one day - if you want to get groundbreaking results and do things people think are impossible, you need technologies and solutions for that.

The platform itself has a lot of power, but the technology has to provide a framework for the developer so we can unleash that kind of gameplay.
A: Actually we have one, but it's separate. PC and 360 are in one room. The PS3 room is separate because we have some secret technologies being developed there which are not related to CryEngine 2. Our PS3 development is going deeper than many people assume right now.
Development of a Next-Generation GameFramework based on CryEngine 2.0
Work on various aspects of porting to engine code to PS3 and creating solutions to get the utmost out of the PS3
[ ] ...:rolleyes:

Btw , Yerli bros told that Crytek's developing a game for consoles, but it is not a FPS ...
unless most of you have been locked in a closet, any variation of the game crysis is going to be significantly gutted from the game you know. The game is memory hungry among other things, something no console has to spare. And no offense but that gamesradar site looks about as reliable as a random and hopeful as a fanboy forum post.
unless most of you have been locked in a closet, any variation of the game crysis is going to be significantly gutted from the game you know. The game is memory hungry among other things, something no console has to spare. And no offense but that gamesradar site looks about as reliable as a random and hopeful as a fanboy forum post.

I belive one of the reasons that Crysis hogs so much memory is because it uses Voxels (sp) for terrain, I don't see why they have to use voxels on the consoles. If they don't it should save a lot of ram right?.
I belive one of the reasons that Crysis hogs so much memory is because it uses Voxels (sp) for terrain, I don't see why they have to use voxels on the consoles. If they don't it should save a lot of ram right?.

Maybe so but the bottom line is that neither console has the raw graphical muscle to power anything like "High" settings in Crysis. Sure consoles may get a version with Sub-High level graphics and it will still look great but the exact same game is just a fantasy.

@ _Phil_: Everyones entitled to an opinion but thats all it is. Crysis is a very enjoyable game for many regardless of its graphics, thats why it scored very highly across the board. Sure it won't please everyone but thats nothing to do with the game, its simply human nature.
if the game isn't gorgeous anymore ,there not much left for it.Did'nt play a more boring game in years.

Yeh but it would still look betterthan most if not any console game out there even butchered severly. Although the amount of Ai, physics and such maybe create the need to compromise even more on the graphics (CPU workload wise).

Still gameplay wise it is a mather of taste, you find this game boring, I find Resistance incredibly boring aswell as HL2 or Lost Planet etc... ;)

But in general people love the gameplay, many reviewers do to. I wonder though if more people would have loved the gameplay (which does and offers what other "golden" games do all-in-one) if it was only PS3 or only xbox360, eh (you know automatically -40points for game on rival platform, +60 if it is on favorite platform)? ;)
@ _Phil_: Everyones entitled to an opinion but thats all it is. Crysis is a very enjoyable game for many regardless of its graphics, thats why it scored very highly across the board. Sure it won't please everyone but thats nothing to do with the game, its simply human nature.

Not sure how "many" that maybe given the current sales to date..

Or maybe that's just because of a widespread misconception that the game requires a system the equivalent of "cerebro" to run on..
Yeh but it would still look betterthan most if not any console game out there even butchered severly

Every fps i played from resistance to COD4 was a better experience to me.

The AI was the dumbest i ever seen ,the physics killed me more often than the AI...
I played at work on the biggest thing you can get from dell+16/10 wide.Pretty confortable conditions.
Every fps i played from resistance to COD4 was a better experience to me.

Well that is you, the majority of gamers find the gameplay to be very good. As with reviews there are always some reviewers giving far less score than others for whatever reason.

The AI was the dumbest i ever seen...

The AI has some bugs but calling it 'dumbest ever'? That would imply you never played any console game (or barely any) and a limited amount of PC games.

the physics killed me more often than the AI...

I've yet to experience it, you shure you didn't active speed mode and ran into an object?

Or did you mean larger objects comming onto you from explosions or similar? If so then you want surrealistic physics, yes? ;)